《Tbh X Laff》29. Yandere Tbh (Remastered(4k))


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When Tbh had started high school he had no-one, he was the loser, the loner, just a kid ignored by everyone.

Bullying wasn't a problem, he worked out regularly and was a good threat in a fight. People just didn't seem to like him, more often than not he'd be told he's too annoying or too clingy.

In the middle of the first semester a new student joined them, he just moved from Britain and was completely lost. Immediately the new student got along with others.

Less than a week later and the new guy was hanging out with the "popular" kids. He was a good dude just enjoying his new home and trying to fit in.

Tbh had never expected to get close to the other, but when they started going to the same gym it was impossible not to talk to him at least once.

The other approached Tbh one day introducing himself and asking Tbh to spot him.

Tbh got of the ground picking up his towel and wiping away the sweat on his forehead, he threw the towel back onto his bag sitting down on the floor and taking out his water bottle.

As he took a sip he noticed someone approaching him, slowly he lowered the water bottle eyes landing upon the now not so new guy in his high school.

The other slowly walked to him he lifted his hand into a small wave smiling at Tbh. The other, confused got up, he picked up his stuff ready to leave.

"Hey I'm sorry, you're one of my classmates, right?"

Tbh sniffled softly at the thick accent, nodding his head to himself.

"Can you spot me? I find it easier if it's someone I know."

He thought about the question for a second, nodding again slowly before placing his stuff back on the ground and turning to the other.

"Yeah sure let's go."

After that day the two became gym buddies. The guy's name was Laff and he was a great person, Tbh liked spending time with him, he was a chill dude.

Although their gym relationship changed Tbh had never expected their school relationship to change, Laff started approaching Tbh more in school, hanging out with him during lunch, partnering up with him for projects.

Slowly, over time the two became close friends, they loved spending time together and had a lot in common. Soon came end of high school.

Worried, Tbh was worried, he made an incredible bond with Laff and he didn't want to lose it no matter what.

Laff suggested they go to college together and Tbh was over the moon, they applied together and anxiously opened the letters together.

They both got into the same college, when they finally found out Laff had pulled Tbh into a tight hug almost crushing the slightly shorter male.

He didn't mind tho, having Laff's arms around himself had always calmed Tbh down and he liked the feeling.

Summer break came and Laff left for Britain.Tbh was devastated, they still messaged each other every day, but he missed the other.

He soon came to the realisation that over the 4 years they spend together and all those summers they'd spent alone, just the two of them were the best days of his life.

Tbh had fallen in love and with none other than his best friend, his gym buddy. After the realisation hit him came the dread.

The dread of losing Laff, of losing his friendship, of never talking or messaging with the other. He decided that would never happen, Laff would never leave him.


First, his first friend, first person he could trust, first person who told him he was handsome, first person to give him attention, his first love.

Losing, he couldn't afford to lose such an important person. Laff was like a drug to him, something he was addicted to and something he wasn't willing to share.

He was terrified that without their friendship everything would fall apart; he had already felt betrayed once. He hated being alone so much, he needed Laff next to him, they were perfect for each other.

When Laff finally came back Tbh wasted no time, he immediately glued himself to the other. And Laff, well he didn't seem to mind. He was thrilled by the other's presence.

Home, is what both of them felt when they were together, they'd hug and occasional nights when Tbh would pretend to be drunk or unable to sleep Laff would cuddle him to help him.

Warm, Laff was all warmth and comfortable, like a pillow and whenever he could Tbh would take advantage of that fact.

Start, when they started college Tbh took it difficultly, he didn't like change and was still very introverted. Laff on the other hand tried his best to fit in and find himself more friends.

More friends, Tbh didn't like that, didn't like them, but as long as he stayed Laff's number one he didn't want to cause any trouble

Most of Laff's friends picked up on his hostility and jealousy pretty fast, they knew the history of the two well, so most of them stayed out of Tbh's way.

Girls, girls became a huge problem over time, they'd flirt with Laff, bring him lunches, kiss his cheek, some going as far as to stalk him home.

Soon Tbh took care of the matter, he didn't lay a finger on any of the girls, he wasn't an asshole after all, he did throw some threats sometimes and had a nice chat with them.

Guys, guys were different, as soon as any one of them showed more interest than usual in Laff Tbh would beat them up, he was cruel, he knew it, but he'd do anything for Laff.

Student council, in their 2nd year of college Laff had became the student council president, he was the best student after all.

Tbh was proud, he had told that many times to Laff, but the other would usually laugh it off or say it's nothing important.

Rumours, ugly rumours had spread around the school about Laff and Tbh wasn't having any of it. After finally finding out who was the one to start them Tbh made them regret the day they were born.

He gave them all hell till they were convinced to never even look at Laff again. The rumors ended though.


He was currently standing in front of the school bag slumped over one shoulder as he waited for Laff. He turned his head happily looking towards Laff.

"Sorry I woke up late." Laff mutters as he finally stands in front of Tbh, the other nods in understatement.

Tbh starts walking towards the school entrance slowly, looking back as he feels Laff pull at his wrist.

"I called in sick today at the council, how about we just spend the day together?" Laff asks him, Tbh stops walking turning to face the other who was now blushing slightly.

"Really, okay?" Tbh replies without hesitation.

He was beyond excited, spending a whole day with Laff, like they used to do all summer felt like a dream.

Perfect, that's exactly how the day went, they spent it relaxing and talking.


Currently they were sitting on Laff's couch and Tbh was drifting off, he was tired, he loved spending time with Laff, but socialising was just tiring for him.

Slowly his head fell onto the other's shoulder and he fell asleep leaning onto Laff for support. When he woke up the next morning he was laying in bed, left only in his shirt and underwear.

His body ached in pain from sleeping on the couch at some point, but he also felt rested, happy and content. Laff must've carried him to his room in the middle of the night he thought.

They walked to their college together, Tbh sneakily slipping his hand into Laff's as they walked. The slightly taller gently squeezed Tbh's hand before letting go as they entered the college.

Laff was immediately surrounded by people asking him how he was, where he was yesterday and if everything was okay. Tbh walked past by all the mess deciding he'll just be early to class.

He quickly sat down in his seat and placed his bag on the desk resting his elbow on top. He closed his eyes listening to his teachers voice until class was over and he could finally catch a break.

Slowly he found himself walking towards the council room, he stood in front of the door listening to Sock's muffled rambling.

He opened to door all eyes landing upon him, some of them scoffed and some shot him a dirty look.

"Tb, come in you're welcome here." Laff said happily watching as the other hesitantly entered the room.

"Unbelievable." Socks said as he left. Blaza just looked at the two for a second before picking up his bag and following after Socks.

Soon the two were left alone in the room and Laff tapped his fingers on the wooden table, Tbh stood there awkwardly.

"Tb come here I need you for something." Laff broke the awkward silence and Tbh nodded approaching Laff closer.

Laff cupped Tbh's cheeks gently smiling at him while stroking his cheek softly. They had always been this intimate, but this time it felt even better, it felt right, the way Laff touched his skin, he could almost feel his heart beating faster.

Laff pulled away smiling at him

"I need you to stay away from the council members, they really don't like you and I don't want them causing trouble ."

Tbh raised an eyebrow questioningly at the older boy who looked serious

"Tb please." Laff pleaded

"Okay." he replied softly

"But I won't stop caring about you, I promise." Laff tells him pulling him into a hug and burying his face into Tb's neck.

"I know." is all that Tbh says before he pulls away before leaving the room.

He walks through the hallway, thinking of everything that happened today.

It had been a week and Tbh kept his promise up, he didn't approach or interact with the council members. Sure he saw them occasionally at lunch but not in public.

He got his grades back, all high, which means he doesn't have to worry about them anymore. He kept meeting up with Laff, having the greatest time with his best friend.

He didn't want things to change between them, he wanted them to remain as close as possible, that way the friendship wouldn't fall apart.

Currently Tbh was sitting in the library reading a random book as he ate his lunch, soon someone approached his table quietly sitting down. Tbh brought his gaze up to meet Blaza, the student council secretary.

Tbh shifted his attention back to the book when he felt the chair next to him move, immediately he looked up, Laff was standing next to him smiling softly.

"May I?" He asked as he pulled at the chair and Tbh smiled nodding his head.

Soon Blaza had left and the two of them were alone in the back of the library. Slowly Laff's

fingers intertwined with Tbh's his thumb grazing over the back of Tbh's hand in a soothing matter.

Laff broke the comfortable silence they were in, talking about life then talking about the stress that comes with being the studen council president.

Tbh listened quietly nodding his head, he was mesmerised by the other's voice, he could just listen to him talk all day everyday.

When Laff finished talking he sighed thanking Tbh as he pulled him into a tight hug.

He held onto him tightly as they both swayed back and forth gently. Laff pressed his face into Tbh's chest breathing in his scent.

Tbh was a good cuddle buddy and Laff loved it, but every time they hugged Laff had to fight down urges, he couldn't risk anyone seeing him with Tbh.

It wasn't fair, Tbh was perfect, sweet, funny, beautiful, talented, kind...he should be the person that Laff spends the rest of his life with.

Tbh pulled away and Laff moved his head back to the crook of Tbh's neck. "You should probably go, I'm sure the others are waiting for you." Tbh whispered, Laff nodded against his neck.

"Yeah, see you soon." Laff whispers before letting go of Tbh reluctantly.

Tbh watches as Laff walks towards the door and opens it. He watches him walk towards the exit as he closes the door behind him, once he's gone Tbh leans back into his chair sighing.

Laff was going to get hurt because Tbh couldn't keep his mouth shut, if he did something Laff would get mad at him and he couldn't let that happen.

It was hard, keeping his true feeling away from Laff and hiding behind all the mess he's done in the school. He had beaten up/threatened so many students by now and his heart broke whenever Laff stressed out about not finding the person who's been causing all this chaos.

Tbh had tried, he really did, to let Laff go, to stop loving him, to stop being obsessed with the other. But it wasn't easy to let go of the only person that treated you well.

Hell broke lose when Laff's secretary Max (don't judge me I'm not creative) had spread a rumour about Laff, it wasn't a particularly nice one at that, it was one of the most disgusting and horrible rumours ever.

5pm on a Saturday and Tbh was sitting cross-legged on his couch watching a random show he randomly found. His phone rang, loud and annoying and he stretched his arm out picking up his phone from where it was on the coffee table.

As soon as he saw "Laff ❤ " on the screen he picked up.

"Hey Laff! What's up?"

"Tb, can I come over, I, I just need you right."

Tbh immediately agreed, listening to Laff's sad and broken voice. He waited and 10 minutes later the door of his apartment opened slowly, as soon as Laff entered the apartment Tbh tackled him into a hug.

The other sighed, smiling gently as he wrapped his arms around Tbh's neck, he nuzzled his nose into the side of Tbh's head breathing in the other's shampoo.

Tbh hummed in response before placing soft kisses on the side of Laff's face.

Once Tbh let go Laff went straight to sit on his couch. "Laff are you okay?" He asked carefully moving closer to the boy who was sitting at the couch looking at his feet.

"I'm sorry I come to you whenever I have a problem...It's just, it's just you're the only person I can turn to who won't turn me down." He told Tbh honestly looking straight into Tbh's eyes.

The other smiled softly, sitting next to him and pulling him into a gentle hug, as soon as Tbh sat down next to him Laff's arms were back around him clinging tightly onto Tbh like he'd dissappear if he let go. Tbh returned the embrace with the same intensity.

He could feel tears building in Laffs eyes as his head lay down on Tbh's shoulder sobbing silently. Tbh began rubbing circles on the boys back whispering comforting words into the boys ear hoping that it could calm him down. It worked surprisingly well.

"Tb I'm sor-" Laff choked out trying to speak but Tbh shushed him gently pushing his head off of his shoulder and bringing their foreheads together staring deep into the other's eyes.

"Shh you don't have anything to be sorry for, let your mind off of those idiots."

He said softly brushing away some of the other's hair from his face. Laff let out another shaky breath, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch.

Laff's hands found themselves on Tbh's shirt taking the flimsy fabric between his fingers and squeezing tightly. Tbh closed his eyes letting the warmth that came with Laff fill his body and he leant forwards pressing his lips to Laffs forehead.

After awhile of just holding eachother Tbh eventually pulled away looking down into the other's brown eyes and brushed his finger under them, wiping away any tears that dared to gather.

"Any better now?" Tbh asked slowly and Laff nodded. They stayed like that for a while, Tbh playing with Laffs hair as they just enjoyed each other's presence. Eventually Tbh spoke again:

"Stay the night?"

Laffs eyes widened "but we were supposed to hang out tomorrow morning..."

Tbh just shrugged "It doesn't matter, I don't think your roommate will mind."

"I, uh," Laff stuttered looking away slightly embarrassed "if you're sure Tbh?"

Tbh nodded "Great, now we can get your mind off of those idiots " he explained and Laff nodded.

They spent the rest of the night just laying there with eachother, they fell asleep in eachothers arms, happy smiles never leaving their faces.


It's Monday morning and Tbh is walking to the school, bag hanging off one shoulder and hoodie strings tangled in a mess.

He's surprised when he sees Laff standing by the school entrance seemingly waiting for someone. Finally when the other notices him he waves and smiles brightly.

Tbh walks up to the other a gentle smile on his face.

"Laff I thought we'd stop that after you became the student council president." Tbh says voice growing quieter and sadder as he talked.

"I don't care, you're my best friend." Laff re

plies and Tbh smiles lightly shaking his head.

Laff grabs hold of Tbh's wrist gently leading him inside the school, the pair walking through the corridors to their classes.

When the reached their first class Tbh pulls his hand away and places it inside his pockets, he parts ways with Laff and continues on with his day.


Tbh walks through the corridors avoiding people as he makes his way to Laff's office; he's nervous about what's going to happen and wants to avoid getting yelled at. Before he knows it he's stood outside the door, knocking softly.

The door swung open instantly showing Tbh the stern expression Laff was wearing.

"Hi, Tb." He smiles slightly, opening the door wider "Come on in." He turns away and leads Tbh further into his office where there is an extra chair next to the large mahogany desk that dominates the room.

Laff sits on his chair and gestures for Tbh to do the same. Tbh sighs and takes the seat across from Laffs desk. The silence in the air makes Tbh uncomfortable and he looks around awkwardly shifting his eyes from side to side.

"Tb, I've heard lots of rumours about you, I choose not to believe any of them. But after having seen a video of you beating someone up I have to take some action." Laff speaks, voice low and disappointed.

"Laff he was the one who started it! He was spreading rumours about you!" Tbh cuts him off standing up from the chair angrily slapping his hand on the table.

"Tb, violence is never the answer, you could have just reported it to me." Laff said with a frown.

"And you wouldn't do anything! Because you don't want your council buddies to think you're weak! You ignored so many rumours and laughed when in reality they really hurt you, all because of your stupid reputation with the council! All I wanted to do is help you, because I love you, you idiot!" Tbh says exasperated, throwing up his hands in the air.

"Love?" Laff asks quietly and Tbh's eyes widen realising what he said, he closes his eyes trying to calm himself down as he realises he just confessed his feelings to Laff.

"Doesn't matter, text me the punishment." Tbh mutters throwing his bag over his shoulder and hurriedly leaving the office.


Sunday and Tbh is at home laying on his bed his head buried in his pillows when he hears his phone go off, he picks it up and finally decides to make things with Laff right.

10 minutes later and he's sitting in the livingroom waiting for the other, Laff arrives and

sits down next to him, both of them not uttering a word.

A few awkward minutes later and Tbh finally speaks out.

"Well, now you know how I feel about you. And, and it's completely alright if you don't feel the same, just, just please continue being friends with me, I don't know what I'll do without you." Tbh finished. Tbh didn't even look at Laff while he spoke because he knew the other would be angry at him.

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