《Tbh X Laff》13. Socks smp


Story: Laff is known as the bad guy in the socks SMP, but Tbh can't help it and he falls in love with Laff, Laff returns the feelings.

Idea by:

Even tho Laff is known as a couples counsellor, scientist and many more things, he is mostly known as the bad guy, someone who killed and trapped others.

When Laff came back to his senses he was supposed to be killed and exiled, but that would bring even more problems to the table. As Laff could go crazy again.

So socks decided to let Laff stay, under the rules he wouldn't hurt, trap or talk to anyone ever again.

Laff agreed not wanting to leave his house. After the deal Socks and Laff made, Laff was practically retired, he could do anything and didn't have any jobs anymore. So he put his whole time into fixing the courthouse, upgrading his house and farm.

Life was good for Laff, way better and calmer than before and he loved it. The only thing Laff missed was Tbh. The cute, happy boy who Laff loved and missed very much who he would probably never see again, even if he gets to see him the boy would hate him and for rightful reasons.

It was a normal day for Laff, who was getting ready to get some wood and stuff to continue repairing everything. As he walked through the house organising everything before he leaves he heard a knock on the door.

He didn't think much of it and decided to ignore it. Another knock came and another someone was banging on the door by now and Laff decided to finally open the door.

On the other side of the door stood Tbh banging on it waiting for an answer. 'Maybe Laff isn't home.' Tbh thought to himself and decided to just leave. The second he stepped away from the porch the door opened.

Tbh turned around eyes meeting Laffs.

Laff was there not believing himself at what he was seeing. Tbh was standing there, he was the one knocking, Laff didn't know why he was here or what to do.

Out of nowhere, Laff is pulled into a tight hug Tbh's arms wrapping around him, Laff returned the hug and rubbed Tbh's back.

Laff might be going crazy again because the is no way Tbh is here and hugging Laff.

"Laff." Tbh says sadly hugging Laff tighter. Laff is confused and shocked but he hugs back not knowing what else to do.

Tbh lets go and looks at Laff, tears are welling up in his eyes. "Can I come in?" Laff just nods and moves to the side to let Tbh pass.

Tbh soon finds himself sitting on Laff's couch as Laff makes them some tea. Laff walks back and hands Tbh the tea before sitting down and putting his cup on the little coffee table.

"Tbh what brings you here? Didn't Socks say it's forbidden to come here?" Tbh sniffles and nods turning his gaze towards the floor.


"Yes. But I just wanted to see how you are doing." Tbh lies and it's obvious but Laff still nods. They sit in silence for a minute sipping on their tea.

The silence is broken by Tbh. "Laff?" "Yes?" "Can I hug you?" Laff's startled for a second but nods and Tbh's arms are around him in no time. Laff didn't feel this kind of affection in a long time and it was an understatement to say he enjoyed it.

Tbh is tearing up and he pushes his face into Laff's chest hiding from the world. Laff sighs and wraps his arms tighter around Tbh comforting the boy as he cries.

"I missed you so much." Tbh says barely above a whisper. Laff nods and doesn't let go. "I missed you to Tbh." They stay like that for a bit just hugging each other.

Suddenly Laff pulls away. "Tbh can I tell you something?" "Yeah?" Tbh sniffles out sadly.

"I-I like you Tbh. No, I love you. I love you so much and I know you see me as a monster and a cold-blooded killer but I love you I can't imagine life without you."

Laff looks away scared and uneasy worrying about Tbh's response to his confession. Tbh stares at Laff for a second not ready to respond when Laff gets up and starts walking away getting the wrong conclusion.

"Please Tbh leave now I don't know what I may do if you stay here for a bit longer," Laff says looking away trying to distract himself.

"Laff. I-I like you too, I love you." Tbh stutters his voice broken from crying. Laff looks back and walks to the couch both hands on either side of Tbh trapping him between Laff and the couch.

"You have two choices first: leave now because I don't know what I might do. Second: stay and find out what I might do." Tbh smiles and wraps his arms around Laff's neck pulling him closer.

"I think the answer is easy." Tbh purs and kisses Laff.

Laff's brain is melting. His senses are completely turned off everything focused on Tbh.

Laff wraps his arms around Tbh's waist and he pulls him closer pressing their chests together. They part and both are breathing heavily, Laff's grip on Tbh's hips is tighter. "Laff." Laff pulls away eyes widened. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"No Laff relax you are too tense." Tbh grabs onto Laff's shoulders, he kisses Laff's cheek and down his collar bone stopping at the neck only to start leaving gentle butterfly kisses over it.

Laff groans, it's almost too much affection but at the same time it's not and he wants more.

"Laff~ Relax~ " Tbh whines and pulls away from Laff's neck and kisses the tip of his nose.

This time Laff kisses Tbh, at first it's gentle, soft but soon turns rougher and Laff's pushing his tongue into Tbh's mouth.


Tbh lets out a gasp and grips Laff's shoulders tighter. Tbh pulls away catching his breath before he is pulled into another kiss by Laff.

Laff moves his hands down Tbh's body mesmerising every curve and dip there is.

Laff picks him up and starts walking. He is so gentle, caring, trying to shelter Tbh from anything that could hurt him.

Laff lowers him gently on the soft bed. Tbh's legs are wrapped around Laff not letting him leave.

Laff lowers down capturing Tbh's lips kissing him gently. It's a soft, caring kiss that Laff places on Tbh's lips.

Laff's so gentle, treating Tbh like he is gonna collapse if Laff is too rough. Laff's hands move down Tbh's body caressing and pressing in all the right places.

Tbh gasps at the little innocent touches Laffs placing all over. And Laff pulls away from the kiss leaving Tbh to whine out in protest.

Laff kisses Tbh's jaw and down to Tbh's neck. The kisses are gentle and soft at first until Laff bites down on his neck leaving blue and purple marks which stood out on Tbh's pale skin.

Laff pulls away looking and admiring the marks he left on Tbh's neck showing that Tbh is his and only his.

He moves back down placing light kisses over the hickeys and Tbh squirms at the tickling sensation.

His hand finds its way under Tbh's shirt caressing his stomach and running over his chest. Laff's hand makes its way to Tbh's side and Tbh jerks away giggling.

"No Laff~ That tickles." Tbh says through his little giggles and Laff smiles.

Laff moves his head forward kissing from Tbh's chin to his cheek. He places a gentle kiss on Tbh's forehead and ends it with a gentle kiss to the lips.

They smile at each other, Tbh is about to kiss Laff again when the man flops next to him and hugs him close to his chest.

Tbh nuzzles his face into Laff's neck, Laff holding Tbh with a strong grip, a protective grip meant to shelter Tbh from anything that indicates to hurt him.

Tbh falls asleep like this Laff holding him, and Tbh holding Laff back. It's a quiet, peaceful night unlike any of the previous ones...

When Tbh wakes up and he is in bed all alone and he thinks it was all a dream that's until he feels light kisses being pressed on his back.

He shivers slightly at the soft, warm feeling on his exposed and cold back.

"Good morning," Laff says his morning voice mixing with the British accent making him sound so hot Tbh is almost melting.

"Morning." Tbh mumbles blushing hard as he pushes his face into a pillow. Laff looks at him and giggles.

Suddenly there is movement behind Tbh. "What's wrong darling?" Laff whispers into Tbh's ear Tbh goes even redder not even knowing how this is possible.

Laff lies down again and pulls Tbh close to him, Tbh's back pressed against Laff's chest. Laff hugs his waist and kisses Tbh's neck carefully not to hurt him...

They fall asleep together again when Tbh wakes up the second time he decides to get up.

Tbh walks through the house and enters the kitchen where he finds Laff making some eggs.

He moves closer wrapping his arms around Laff's waist. "Can I have some?" He asks resting his head on Laff's shoulder.

"I'm making them for you," Laff says laughing a little. Soon everything is done and Laff puts the plate on the table, he turns around and is met with Tbh who has his hands on both of Laffs sides.

Tbh places a kiss on Laffs cheek and then pulls him into a kiss. The kiss is long and Tbh's pressing against Laff.

When they part Tbh's hands are in Laff's hair and on his neck, Laff's hands are on Tbh's waist.

Laff hoists Tbh up and sits him on the table. They kiss again and their tongues meet, it's rough but so addicting and Tbh can't stop.

A knock on the door pulls Laff into reality and he pulls away from Tbh who whines. Tbh's eyes are half lined and his lips are red and swollen from all the kissing. The sight makes Laff want to continue to make out with him, but he can't.

Laff walks to the door and opens it only to be met with an angry Socks.

"Where is Tbh?! What did you do to him?!" Socks yells at Laff and pushes him.

"Why would I know where Tbh is?" Socks shoots him a 'are you kidding me' look. "Well Nadwe saw Tbh coming here last night and Tbh isn't home so he must be here." Laff nods.

Suddenly Tbh makes an appearance, his hair is all messed up just like his shirt, his lips are red and there are obvious red and purple hickey's decorating his neck.

Socks takes one look at Tbh then at Laff and blushes. "What the hell did you do!?" Socks yells raising his hand at Laff only to be stopped by Tbh.

"Socks just leave." Tbh said calmly but Socks protested. "You aren't staying with a monster and a traitor Tbh! You are delusional!" Tbh shrugged. "Ok."

"Good. Let's go Tb." Socks says and as soon as he moves away from the door Tbh shuts the door in his face and locks the door.

Laff looks surprised but quickly smiles at Tbh and picks him up hugging him close.

Five minutes later and Tbh and Laff are making out in the kitchen while Socks is banging on the door demanding to see Tbh.

They quickly move to the living room to watch a movie together, that's when Socks had enough and left.

The rest of the evening was perfect for the two.

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