《Tbh X Laff》12. Singers Au


Story: Laff and Tbh are both singers. Laff really enjoys Tbh's music and wants to collab with him but is too scared to ask Tbh to do a collab with him. Tbh finds Laff's music and asks him to collab together. They fall in love after.

Idea by

Laff Pov.

Tbh was a pretty big deal in the music industry and Laff knew that, everyone knew that. Laff also knew that he will never get the chance to collab or meet with Tbh no matter how much he hoped for that to happen. Laff wasn't totally an unpopular singer, but he was wayyy out of Tbh's league.

Laff signed to himself. There was he again practically stalking Tbh's Instagram account scared to send one stupid message to his favourite singer.

Laff scrolled through Tbh's Instagram for most probably the 10th time in the past 5 minutes. He stretched his arm out and placed his phone on the bedside table deciding to just go to sleep. 'Maybe that would end his misery' he thought to himself as he let the darkness take him.


Tbh Pov.

Tbh was there sitting on his bed at 3 am looking at the pictures his favourite singer posted from a new tour he had. It was dumb for Tbh who had 15 million people following him on Instagram, many more on Twitter and basically had girls and guys from all over the world swarming over him to be so obsessed with a not so popular singer with around 3 million followers, 5 times less than Tbh.

Tbh never cared how many followers people had or how they looked, Tbh only liked nice people. That's what he thought until he found Laffengas or Laff, that's when followers and looks started to matter to Tbh.

In Tbh's eyes, Laff was super underrated and also super hot. Everything you need in a man, he also likes animals which is another gigantic plus in Tbh's opinion.

Tbh found about Laff recently but he has been obsessed, so Tbh decided to give it a shot. The only problem was Tbh had to calm down and wait for a few hours it was currently 3 am and Tbh knew no one is awake at this time, well except for him.

Tbh waits for a few hours. And currently, it's 6 am so Tbh decides to take the shot.


TbhHonest: Hello


Tbh leaves his phone on the bedside table and gets up deciding he will try not to be too annoying.

Laff on the other hand wakes up by the sound of a notification on his phone. He grabs the phone lazily and checks the messages thinking nothing too much of it.


Laff's eyes widen as he finally realizes who texted him. 'It must be one of my friends trolling me.' Laff thinks to himself but checks the profile that little spark of hope in him praying to God it isn't one of his friends playing a prank on him.

It's a verified profile. Tbh just texted him. Laff freaks out not knowing what to say, he sits on his bed and thinks for a few seconds before typing and sending.


TbhHonest: Hello

Laffengas: Hello


Tbh smiles to himself, he was happy Laff answered him. He knew Laff would answer, and it felt good to be right.


TbhHonest: For the past few days I've been listening to your music, and you have an amazing voice and a lot of talent. I see a lot of potential in you and I want you to show that to everyone else, I want us to collab so are you in?


Tbh giggled at himself. The truth is that Tbh is impressed with Laff, his voice and his talent Tbh wanted to collab with Laff and show everyone how amazing Laff is.

Tbh giggled at how he took his time writing the text making sure everything is grammatically correct.

Laff on the other side was jumping up and down so happy he danced and jumped at the same time.

Laff squeezed one of his pillows so tight if it was alive it would be dead by now.

Laff decided to act professionally and play it off cool while he was actually freaking out.


TbhHonest: For the past few days I've been listening to your music, and you have an amazing voice and a lot of talent. I see a lot of potential in you and I want you to show that to everyone else, I want us to collab so are you in?

Laffengas: I'm not sure I'm that good, but I will for sure try my best and match your talents and amazing voice. I will for sure accept your offer of collabing together.


Tbh lightly blushed at how professional Laff is being, the man is just how Tbh imagined him professional and cool. And Tbh was again happy he was right.

Tbh and Laff chatted together for a bit after that. They were both so open with each other and they loved it, both of them felt like they knew each other for so long.

When the day came Laff decided to wear his button-up shirt, black dress pants. Nothing special but jet stylish.


Tbh wore a plain red shirt and some ripped jeans.

They decided to meet in one of many studios Tbh had. Laff took a taxi to Tbh's studio, as Laff exited the taxi he saw the big, fancy studio where he needed to show his "talent and amazing voice". Oh, how he was gonna embarrass himself.

Laff's hands were shaking and he was sweating like a pig. " Don't worry Laff it's normal to be nervous when you are about to meet your idol," Laff muttered to himself playing with his fingers as he entered the building.

Laff was surprised to see Tbhwaiting there for him. Laff walked to Tbh and stretched his arm out. Tbh took his hand and shook it.

"Laffengas it's nice to finally meet you."

"Same goes for you TbhHonest," Laff says trying to play it cool while his head is screaming in excitement.

Tbh was very surprised at how tall Laff is, and oh God how small Tbh felt around him.

Laff and Tbh made a song together and it was an absolute hit, so they did it again and again until they formed their little band of two people.

They started touring together and they both loved it, they loved their fans, all the fun that can with go touring and of course they loved being around each other.

They became very open with each other. So open with each other that Tbh would sometimes sit in Laff's lap or kiss his cheek in public or interviews they had together.

All came crashing down on their 3rd tour. Laff and Tbh just finished their performance and they were ready to take a little break. "You were amazing." Tbh says to Laff getting on his tippy toes and kissing his cheek, Laff blushed as the butterflies in his stomach exploded.

"Hey baby~" A voice slurred from behind them and they turned around.

Tbh's eyes went wide and he grabbed at Laff's large arm hugging it. "That's my ex." Tbh mutters. "You shouldn't be here," Laff said pointing at the door. "We have a VIP pass " "That still doesn't work here. Leave." Laff says not moving his eyes from them.

"Cmon I just came to see my baby," He says and Laff's internally growling.

While Laff trying to restrain himself from killing someone Tbh gets an idea.

Tbh pulls at Laffs sleeves getting his attention. "Daddy I will be in my trailer come to have fun when you are done~" Tbh moans out and everyone stops what they are doing.

Laff's face explodes in red and he watches Tbh as he walks away. Laff turns to the people standing there. "Out! Now!" Laff yells and they all leave.

Laff walks to Tbh's trailer and pulls the door open only to find Tbh sitting there laughing. "Did you see their faces?" Tbh says through his laughter.

Laff closes the door and makes his way to Tbh and puts both his hands on Tbh's sides. Tbh's laugh stops and he blushes.

Laff goes to pull away but is stopped by Tbh. "Daddy where are you going?" Tbh says and pulls Laff closer to himself.

Laff groans and puts his hand on Tbh's hip squeezing it, his other hand cups Tbh's cheeks, and before Laff knows it they are kissing.

Laff breaks the kiss and his kisses trail down Tbh's neck, light kisses turn into bites and marks.

Tbh's neck gets two new colours on it blue, purple and the colour of his milky skin meeting each other. He looks ravishing.

Laff bites more going over the hickies with new ones. Laff's large hand finds its way under Tbh's shirt and Tbh flinches at the cold hand against his hot skin.

Laff goes to pull the shirt off of Tbh when he is stopped by Tbh's hand.

"Are you alright? Did I go too far?" Laff questions and Tbh shakes his head. "Can you rip it off me?" Laff is a bit taken aback but he nods.

Laff takes the collar of the shirt between his fingers and rips the flimsy fabric off of his newfound lover.

Laff gets back to kissing Tbh, he squeezes Tbh's hip and he gasps allowing Laff to slip his tongue into Tbh's mouth. Tbh is gasping and moaning.

Soon they hear banging on the door. "Cmon guys the fans are waiting!" Laff breaks the kiss but kisses the tip of Tbh's nose. Tbh's gasping hard and saliva is connecting their mouths.

Laff takes off his shirt and pulls it over Tbh's head the shirt hanging down his sides. "Everyone will know you are mine now," Laff says and places another soft kiss on Tbh's neck before he grabs another shirt and pulls it over his head.

Everything ends up perfectly and they stay together all throughout their careers.

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