《Tbh X Laff》7. Hospital


Story: A chance meeting due to a car crash introduces two characters that develop a romantic relationship.

(I used plot generator only for the idea)

Tbh Pov.

I tried opening my eyes but to no avail, they kept shut, I relaxed my eyes focusing on the shearing pain in my stomach and both arms. I subconsciously let out a groan, I tried sitting up but I didn't accomplish my goal.

"Hey! Hey, don't move too much you could hurt yourself." Someone said. I kept quiet for a minute trying to remember what happened to me but I couldn't remember anything. "Where am I?" My voice coming out quiet and weak as I whispered the words.

"You are in a hospital after you were badly injured in the car crash that happened yesterday. I'm Laff by the way."

Laff spoke up, he was whispering, but still, his deep voice pierced my ears. Laff had a strong British accent and I kind of like it. I realised how awkwardly silent the room was after Laff spoke up.

I didn't try to speak instead, I tried opening my eyes again, this time I was successful in doing so. The light hit my eyes immediately so I closed them fast. "Sorry," Laff spoke up he walked through the room and pulled the blinds down. "You can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes only to be met with one of the hottest guys I ever saw. Fluffy dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Sorry for the light I didn't think you were gonna wake up any time soon." I sat up looking at Laff as he walked back to the other hospital bed and lied down. " Are you hurt too?" Laff turned his head towards me and gulped. "Yeah. I shouldn't be moving."

"Why?" Laff looked back at his hands and suddenly he got up on his feet pulling his shirt up a little only to reveal a super big gash that stretched over his whole stomach. His whole stomach area was stitched up

I was stunned. "How did someone survive that?" Laff giggled. "It's not that deep it's only big, but I still don't know how I survived this." "I am so sorry!"


"Don't worry I bet you didn't wanna say that out loud." I nodded and looked down for a minute before trying to sit up. "Don't do that!" Laff told me pressing his hand on my chest and pressed me down. "You are gonna hurt yourself."

"Okay," I said lying down, Laff walked back to his bed and lied down. I stretched my arm out hanging it off the bed. Suddenly something grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I looked at Laff who was holding my hand I returned the action. Laff looked at our now interviewed hands his eyes widened, Laff looked at me and smiled. "Thank you."

I fell asleep not too long after enjoying the hand holding.


When I woke up it was the next morning and a nurse was standing next to Laffs bed giving him some medicine. "Thank you," Laff whispered most probably thinking I was still asleep.

"I will bring your breakfast soon." The nurse said walking out. Laff put the pills in his mouth before washing them down with water. Laff looked at the side and saw me looking back at him.

"Morning sleepyhead you slept for almost 10 hours," Laff said giggling.

"Did you get enough sleep darling?" Laff jokes still giggling. "Yeah, I did," I said stretching my arms out.

Soon the nurse brings us food and puts it on my lap and gives Laff his on a tray as he couldn't sit up to eat and I couldn't get up so we both ate in bed. The nurse exits the room and I try picking up the spoon trying to put some food in my mouth, but I couldn't pick it up, my hands were too shaky.

Laff sees me struggling and gets up and puts his plate down on the bed. He picks up my plate and puts it on his tray. I look at him questionably but soon I understand what he meant when a spoon full made it to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and ate the food, soon Laff was feeding me. After I finished the food Laff puts both our plates on his tray and puts them down.



It's been 5 days since I've met Laff we both needed to stay here for a month.

It was our free time meaning the nurse wasn't here and we could do anything.

"What's your favourite colour?" Laff surprised me by speaking up but I answered quickly. "Red. And yours?" "I don't know maybe yellow maybe grey." "Grey is not a colour." "Thank you, Mr Smart." I laughed out loud.

We questioned each other a bit. "So what's your sexuality?" Laff asked out of nowhere. I thought a bit and decided to be honest. "I'm gay," I mumbled. "Cool, I'm bi." I looked at him and smiled.

We talked for a while and I got tired. "I'm gonna take a nap wake me up when the nurse comes." Laff nodded and looked at the ceiling. " Umm Laff?" "Yeah?" "Could you hold my hand? It feels nice." Laff looked at me and smiled I stretched out my arm and he took my hand. I laid not moving and closed my eyes.

When I felt Laff kiss every knuckle and every finger on my hand. I blushed, falling into the deep slumber while he kissed my hand.


It's been a week since I've stayed at the hospital. And it's been the best week of my life, well the best week until my nightmares started. I had nightmares about the car crash and I would wake up in the middle of the night crying.

Laff noticed not too long after. "What's wrong?" He asked sympathy seeping from his voice. "It's stupid." "Tbh tell me." "Well I've been having these nightmares and I can't sleep because of them."

"Tbh you are the strongest person I know, I know you can beat those nightmares and I've seen how strong and powerful you truly are. So show those nightmares the true Tbh the Tbh I know." ('And Love')

I just stared at Laff. "And if you think you aren't strong enough to face them alone I'm always here for you." "Laff I truly am nothing special nor someone strong."

Laff looked at me and suddenly stood up he walked to my bed and sat on the floor. "Well if you don't see how perfect you are let me tell you." He took my hand in his and it's the first time I noticed how big his hands are. "You are so cute."

Laff kissed my palm and rubbed my palm. "Tb you look adorable like this." I relaxed and Laff kissed up my arm to my elbow I relaxed even further Laff continued kissing up to my shoulder where he pressed five kisses. "You are so perfect." I blush at his words, he moved up kissing my cheek and next to my eyebrow I relaxed so much I felt like goo. "Look at you all cute and flustered."

I didn't have any nightmares that night. Only thoughts off Laff were in my head


It's 2 weeks since Laff and I had been sharing the hospital room and I like Laff I just wanna stay here with him forever. I enjoy Laff's company. I enjoy his jokes, how he holds my hand and is always so gentle and helps me when my hands are shaking too much.

"Tbh~ you look so cute right now~," Laff told me as he pulled my head towards his chest and kissed my forehead. We were lying on Laff's bed cuddling because it was really cold outside and the blankets in the hospital were thin.

"Laff I'm cold," I say stuttering. Laff pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me warming me up. I moved closer careful not to hurt Laff.

Laff pulled an extra blanket over me and kissed my cheek as I fell asleep again.

In the middle of the night, I woke up due to the thunderstorm I was still shaking due to the coldness of the room. Laff pulled me even closer, he wrapped his body around mine completely covering me and warming me up good.


When I exited the hospital I exited it as a new man and with a new boyfriend.

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