《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》Broken Bound Part 3(B):


Sipping cold water, Joocie shuddered softly and sniffled; setting the take-out cup back in the cupholder. "T-thank you..." He hiccupped as Oompa nodded with a bright smile "Oh of course Juciey!" He looked back at the road, turning down the A.C. Joocie sniffled and rubbed his nose, hiccupping as he sobbed softly.

Oompa kept looking ahead at the road as Joocie sniffled and sobbed. He was unsure of what or if he needed to say anything or just let Joocie be. -God, Laff would know what to do, he's been basically their couples counselor since day one. So what the fuck am I supposed to say, Syhane would have killed me if I had shown up late to any of our dates...-

Didn't matter what Oompa would have chosen because Joocie started to ramble; hiccupping softly and biting back his sobs.

"I-I just d-do-n't understand..! T-Tbh used to be r-really sweet and kind!" He took in a breath to try and get rid of his stutter. "He would message me every day, he always made an effort to tell me I looked beautiful; even after I had just woken up and my hair would have been an absolute wreck-! Tbh did understand my dysphoria with my face a-and tried to coax me out of using makeup a-and I know he doesn't have a lot of money but he did try to surprise me with take-out from the places I liked..! But now-!" He hiccupped "H-He's become a self-centered, inconsiderate BASTARD!"

-Agree with him- A voice in Oompa's head told him. -Agree!-

Oompa let out a soft chuckle and nodded "Yeah, I've noticed that too." He glanced over at Joocie as he continued on. "N-now he barely responds to my texts, he never calls me at work, he pressures me every day to wear the damn makeup as if I'm some sort of hideous troll! And he barely pays any attention to me!; we would be in the same room with me holding his hand and he wouldn't even acknowledge I was ever there! A-And when a pretty lady comes into his sightline he has to be such a horny bastard right in front of my fucking face!" He growled softly "I bet Tbh not coming to dinner is that slut Wictoria's fault! I saw how he acted with her and she was leading him on!!"


-Agree Agree Agree. Call her a bitch-!-

Oompa laughed softly and grinned "Man she sounds like a bitch if she's done that." Joocie hiccupped and rubbed his eyes "S-She is-! With her perfectly smooth skin and her ability to make any man notice her." He hiccupped and growled softly, glancing out the window "B-But it's mostly Honest I'm mad at, h-he has no consideration for my feelings or secrets-! He tells everyone as he damn well pleases and ONLY says sorry when we are on the edge to a fucking break-up!"

Oompa was quick to bite down on his tongue to prevent himself from answering Joocie with a response that surely would have sent him back into hysterics in embarrassment. -Shutitshutitshutit Don't mention how Tbh told you his secret shame, don't don't don't don't.-

Joocie hiccupped and whined softly, looking out the window "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't bother you with any of this..."

Oompa turned to look at him once they stopped at a red light "Hey no it's fine! I'm here to fulfill the requirements of Mr.Bri'ish man! I just...have no absolute clue about how he handles this..." He looked out the window and saw a sign for an establishment he frequents just a half-mile down the road. "...Well, here, let me show you where I go to decompress." He quickly swerved in front of an oncoming semi and sped down the block, Joocie quickly grabbing onto the safety bar.


Joocie got out of the truck with a soft hiccup and rubbed his eyes, looking at the glowing sign "...A nightclub...? But I'm not even over twenty-"

Oompa waved his hand "Don't worry they don't card anyone 18 or over and no one here pressures you to drink. This is where at least 95% of their participants are also going through rough relationship troubles so you can chat with others who have or still are going down your path!" -And I can have a drink-


The two walked into the nightclub and...

-End of Flashback-

"...That's pretty much all I remember. The rest of the night is one big huge blur.." Oompa admitted as he scratched his head.

Laff sighed and shook his head "Caleb, why did you bring him to a bar!?" Oompa held up a hand "Correction; night club. But I have no idea how he got drunk, one thing led to another and somehow we ended up here at 1 am. I have zero clue about who he talked with or who he got the alcohol from."

Huffing, Laff groaned quietly as he held the bottle for Nadwe. Nadwe fussed quietly as he moved away, whining softly. He hiccupped and whimpered as Laff set down the bottle, adjusting how he was holding Nadwe to pat his back.

"Shhh, shh, I know lad I know, I'm sleepy too. After I get your uncle Joocie and uncle Oompa situated; I'll call Socks and Meme and they'll take you to one of their places so you can get some rest."

Nadwe let out some whimpers and soft whines, squirming softly in Laff's arms.

Stumbling into the kitchen, Joocie shuddered and groaned groggily. He was gripping onto his hoodie as he looked rather pale and sick. Laff and Oompa looked over as Oompa chuckled quietly "Hey welcome to the waking world Juciey, how's being hungover?" Joocie groaned quietly and swayed a bit "n-not g-good-" He gagged and stumbled over to the trash can, quickly bending down and vomiting in said can, shaking and whining softly.

Laff sighed quietly and handed Nadwe to Oompa, walking over to Joocie and ran one of his hands up and down his back; trying to console the sick boy. "Shhh, it's okay Joocie. You're gonna be okay.." Joocie coughed and threw up some more into the can, shaking as he nearly fell off his feet.

Oompa held Nadwe with one arm as the other held the mug of hot coffee as he chuckled softly, nervous "man I'm in so much...trouble..."

Nadwe whined and kicked his tiny foot up, tipping the mentioned mug over and spilling its hot contents on Oompas chest. Oompa let out a yelp and almost dropped Nadwe, shaking softly.

"...I deserved that." He muttered softly as he placed the mug in the sink and grabbed a dish towel to wipe off his chest.

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