《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》Broken Bound Part 3(A):





Snoring loudly, Oompa was spread out on a couch that wasn't his as he was in a deep sleep. He mumbled quietly in his sleep, stretching his arms as he woke up slightly. The bright sunlight from the window burned his eyes as Oompa quickly shut his eyes, groaning loudly; moving his hand quickly to cover his face.

"Mnnn...fuck I'm so hungover..." Hearing someone walk towards him, Oompa was met with a cold cup of water to the face as he shrieked; quickly sitting up. He rubbed his face off with his sleeve, sputtering out any water that fell into his mouth.

Oompa rubbed off his eyes and blinked, looking at who dumped the cup of water on him. "mnnn...L-Laff? W-What are you doing in my living room..?"

Laff groaned quietly, putting the cup down as he held a very tired and fussy Nadwe in his other arm "Oompa mate, you stumbled into my place in the middle of the night drunk off your arse! Not only that, you dragged a significantly drunk and emotional Joocie with you!" He rubbed the bridge of his nose "You both woke me and Nadwe up at bloody 1am! I have no idea what the fuck happened last night, but Joocie could of died from acholol poisoning!"

Oompa rubbed his head, groaning quietly as he sat up straighter. "Mnnn...oh right, I remember what we did last night..."

Laff huffed "It better not be anything of your fault. Poor Joocie crawled in my bed an emotional wreck and didn't let me go for three bloody hours." He sighed and hauled Oompa up to his feet. "C'mon, I'll make you a cup of coffee to wake you up." He pulled Oompa into the kitchen as Nadwe kept fussing, not happy in the slightest but he was too exhausted to keep crying.

As Laff started the kettle for coffee, Oompa started going through the medicine cabinet for aspirin. He eventually grabbed it and downed five advils, drinking some water from the sink faucet.


Laff grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge and placed it in the microwave, setting the timer for thirty seconds. He adjusted how he was holding Nadwe and rubbed his back gently, looking at Oompa with a stern glare.

"Explain yourself mate."

Oompa sighed softly and leaned against the counter, rubbing his head "Okay okay okay...okay" He took a breath in "Okay so, last night had started off relatively simple..."

Oompa was going through a card catalog, looking through submitted flavors and names for a new wave of sourboys. Placing the cards he deemed a second look to the side, he put the rest of the cards that didn't make the cut back in the file they were shipped to him in.

He flipped through the cards in the pile and chuckled quietly "Man I've already heard of these from other companies.."

Across the room, his phone started buzzing from a phone call. Oompa looked at it from his couch before shrugging it off and sorting through his cards "If it's important they'll call back." He did want to get up and answer it, but he couldn't be bothered since he was already looking through files and cards.

Not even two minutes later his phone started buzzing again.

Oompa set the cards down and walked to the otherside of the room, picking up his phone and answered without looking at the I.D "Heyo this is Caleb! Who's-"

He was met with sniffling and whimpering at the other end as Oompa's expression quickly changed. He pulled his phone away from his ear and checked the I.D. Oompa frowned and sighed softly when he realized the I.D. was Joocie's. He put the phone back to his ear "Joocie? Joocie, hey I'm right here what's wrong?" Joocie's voice was really quiet and soft as he answered, a tremble was noticeable in his voice.

"O-O-Oompa...T-T-Tbh....h-h-he s-s-stood m-m-me up a-a-and-" His breathing hitched as he sobbed quietly. "H-h-he said n-n-not to bring my w-w-wallet and i-i-i c-can't p-p-pay the b-b-bill-" He whimpered and hiccupped "O-O-Oompa...i-i-"


"Send me the address and I'll come right there."

Joocie sniffled and whimpered "t-t-thank y-you..." He hiccupped and hung up with a broken sob. Oompa put his phone back in his pocket and left quickly to grab his wallet and truck keys.

"Wait Wait Wait Hold up Mate-!"

Laff's eyes were wide as he held the now warm bottle for Nadwe, who drank it tiredly with his eyes barely open. "Mate-Tbh stood Joocie up!?" Oompa nodded and grabbed a mug from the cupboard. "I was just as shocked as you are, but I couldn't freak out and risk scaring him."

Laff shook his head and groaned "fucking hell...I had a feeling Tbh was going to somethin' as stupid as this." He looked at the kettle filled with hot coffee and picked it up, pouring some coffee in the mug Oompa held. "Did he say anything at least about what happened to Tbh?"

Oompa shook his head and grabbed the sugar, pouring a teaspoon in his mug. "Nope, not one phone call to tell Joocie why he didn't bother to show up." He took a sip and let out a soft sigh "Ah that's some good shit.." He looked at Laff and Nadwe "Anyhow.."

Oompa had pulled up to J&G Steakhouse and parked his truck, getting out and running inside to Joocie's table. God Joocie looked worse than he sounded over the phone, his food was barely picked at as well. Joocie was covering his face with the cloth napkin as he sobbed quietly under his breath, trying not to draw any attention to himself from anyone else.

Making sure no attention was drawn to Joocie, Oompa called the waitress over and handed her his business credit card to pay off the tab. While she processed the payment, Oompa took off his jacket and draped it over Joocie, causing a jump from the shaking man.

"Shhh, it's okay Joocie, it's just me.." Oompa stated quietly as he pulled Joocie to his feet. Receiving his card back from the waitress, he pulled out a couple of twenties and handed her a decent-sized tip "Here, sorry for my friend..got stood up.." He took Joocie's arm and pulled him out of the restaurant quickly.

Joocie was sniffling and hiccupping, shaking as Oompa led him to his truck.

Oompa helped him into the passenger seat and then got in the driver's seat, starting up the car as the A.C blasted in his face. He pulled out of his parking space and started driving, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he glanced over at Joocie.

Joocie was silent, curled up in his seat as he shuddered and whimpered quietly. He was shaking harshly and digging his fingernails into his arms, leaning against the door. His facial expression showed that he was barely on the edge of a full breakdown, so Oompa knew he had to choose his next words carefully.

"...." He tapped his hands on the steering wheel "So...was the steak good at least?"

Joocie almost instantly collapsed into himself and started bawling loudly, shaking harshly as he struggled to stop crying. Oompa jolted and tensed up at how sudden the change was, gripping onto the steering wheel like he was gonna crash if he didn't hold onto it for dear life.

-Well fuck Oompa..-

Joocie buried his face into his arms as he sobbed loudly, struggling to catch his breath as he curled up in a tight ball of sadness. Oompa sat there and drove, tense as he didn't know what to do or say in this situation. Laff was normally the one to handle this; not him. Passing a sign pointing to a small drive-thru diner, Oompa got off at that exit and pulled into the drive-thru.

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