《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》">Segment Intermission :>


I'm a writing machineeeeeeee xD

I have concluded the Living Life section and I'm proud of myself of my progress :>

Im happy too that people like the fluff and cute themes of the book so far hehe. But that don't mean no dramatic and angsty themes are gonna surface with the following segments.

I plan to delve a bit more into a few characters in the next segment. I might start posting tomorrow 😅

While I figure out the outline for the next segment, I want a little insight :>

If you were make a perfect match for these listed below, who would they be and why?






Totally doesn't have to do any influence with the story just something to pass the time :>

*Someone* Then why did you put Joocie and Tbh? Aren't they already together?

*sweats nervously* Uhhh-

No reason xD

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