《Siren head male x female creepasta(slow Update )》Chapter 1


Siren head one of the most wired creature ever created or in this case walk the Earth he have been around for a long time long enough to when humanity didn't have a piece of paper to write on also this monsters belong to Trevor Henderson


In the dark murky forest of the slender woman where no dare to go in because if the stories that surround the forest once you go in your never come back out that what was said about the dark forest where slender mansion hide its inhabits of dangerously serial killers but for right now they are not important but what's important is in that forest and one of the main reasons why humans don't leave the forest once they enter siren head stood in the forest still as a tree three teens have been lure in by the voice of there love ones at the same time slanda and jess was making there way to the humans unknown to them siren head will kill the teens first but they will get to the teens first

Teen " mom where are you "

Teen 2 " what are you talking about your mom wouldn't be out here "

Teen " you don't know that "

Teen 3 " you fucking idiot do you really think your mom will be in this forest "

Teen " no bu-"

Teen 3 " think bro why in the sam hell would you mom be in this forest "

Teen " but I heard her "

Teen 2 " no that wasn't heard and we are not leaving this forest "

Teen 3 " what do you mean "

Teen 2 " so you haven't heard "

Jess and slender woman was nearby listening to the teens talking jess was about to kill them when slender woman stop because there conversation perk her interest


Teen 3 " heard what "

Teen 2 " that there a creature as tall as a telephone pole its arms is about the same length as its body "

Teen " get to the fucking point "

Teen 2 " okay damn look the creature have an ability to lure in humans to it "

Teen 3 " like what "

Teen 2 " well like voices mimicry "

Teen " shit we are dead "

Teen 2 " yeah "

Suddenly the first teen snatched into the darkness

Teen 2 " damn he took him we should go now we may out run it with a car "

Teen 3 just turn around to only be snatched up by sirens head the last teen pick up the keys that fell from teen 3 hands when sirens fingers stabbed through his body instantly killing him the last teen ran towards the car that was parked outside the forest unfortunately for him Siren head made a sound so loud that it stud him and siren head scooped him up just like the others as all this happen slanda and jess which as huge claw like hand killed the teens one thing that went through there head was ' damn that is something else '

Jess " what do we do we can't fight that think it would skewer us easily "

Slanda " maybe we could communicate with it "

Jess " you want to talk to this thing how would you even try I mean if it stands as forty feet how would you get it attention better question how would you get it to not kill you "

Slanda " it have some sort of high being thinking to lure humans and it have been on the earth for thousands of years so they must be something "


Jess " I think we should go back and think about what we seen here maybe warn the others or maybe bring everyone "

Slanda " actually you give me a plan "

Jess " I did "

Slanda " yeah so let's head back to the mansion "

They teleported back to the mansion where they gather everyone in the living so slanda can inform the group about the plan and its existence

Benny " wait slow down your saying a creature that stands at forty feet tall that have arms that basically is the same length right "

Jess " that what we heard "

Jane " and you believe that from a human "

Slanda " we seen it eat the humans "

Benny " damn that scary so do you plan on doing "

Slanda " okay I will gather all y'all up to find this siren head next sally you will lead a human into this forest once siren head lead the human towards him kill one of us will climb on his hand as he scoops up the human "

Jess " wait hold up know that a good plan there is some flaws in that plan okay so whoever climbing up its hand is probably going towards siren head mouth so what is stopping it from eating us "

Benny " siren head siren head that sound so familiar "

Judge angel " what do you mean that sound familiar "

Benny " exactly what I mean "

Suddenly Benny eyes widen as she just realized where she heard the name from

Benny " the youtube video that what I heard it from "

Jane " youtube video "

Benny " it covers what siren head does so if my memory is good siren head is made to hunt humans since it would be really easy for him to kill animals "

Slanda " so it wouldn't eat non-human "

Benny " well that debatable he might still kill you he just won't eat you "

Jess " so that fix that problem now for the next what in the hell are we going to say to it "

Slanda " that actually a good question "

Jacky " maybe we could try to get it on our side "

Jess " that doesn't solve the problem what will we say to this thing "

Benny " it like to kill and eat humans so why not give him exactly that you know offer him food and a good time maybe he might join us "

Slanda " good thinking okay who want to try to talk to him "

Jess " I think Benny should she know more about it then anyone of us "

Benny " so you not trying to get me killed "

Jess " no I am hoping it kills you so I don't have to deal with your annoying pranks "

Slanda " well then that the plan Benny with to siren head when sally bring the him to this forest everyone be on guard siren head is very dangerous so watch each other back "

Creepypasta " yes ma'am "

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