《Siren head male x female creepasta(slow Update )》chapter 2


The plan was a go sally hurry off towards the end of the woods where she could lure someone in while the others look for him with Benny leading seeming as she could point out siren head better then anyone after an hour or so sally came back to slanda who was waiting for the other group to find sirens head the human that had now entered the forest was a pedophile a local one at just the perfect man to go missing

With the other group

Benny lead the way to find siren head from what she knows that siren head does look like a tree when his is standing still but if your lucky enough you could look up to his head you could easily tell her wasn't a tree unless your are brain dead benny look upon the forest a saw something moving it was going towards the location they left slander woman

Benny " he heading for slander woman "

Jess " why is he heading that way "

Judge angel " the human that why he is heading there he is getting ready to lure the human to him "

Jess " then we should head over there then Benny just got down from the tree to hear the plan with no time to waste they all ran back to slanda


Slanda was waiting for the others she could feel distress from them which lead her to talk to them telepathically

Slanda " what is wrong why are y'all so distress "

Jess " well benny said siren head is heading your way "

Slanda " so he must know that a human is in the forest "

Jess " angel certainly think so we are heading back the fastest we can "

Slanda " good i will warm sally "


Slanda cutt the telepath communication to jess and got into sally head

Slanda " sally siren head is heading here becareful "

Sally " got it slanda "

Sally left the human due to the new knowledge that was given to her with 10 minutes the creepypasta gather togather to confront siren head now all they need to do is track the human that would be easy if the human was alive siren head had already killed him

Slanda " I don't feel the human life force anymore "

Jess " what do that mean the human is already dead "

Jacky " then how else will he get to talk to him "

Judge angel " well we could try the obvious method you know just walking up to him or climbing up his body to his shoulders "

Slanda " that suicide what is stopping from killing us again "

Benny " nothing really "

Jess " there must be something we could do "

Slenda " let's head back to the mansion "

While they head back siren head skin begin to peel off like it was shity its arms feel from his body and disappear into nothingness his whole body collapsed but none of it made a sound when it hit the ground and dissolve but in its wreck a human body appear it wasn't the man that was lead in here but siren head human form its not knowing that sirens head had a human form he use it to move from forest to forest

Siren head " its feel strange as ever to be in human form "

He look at is arms a and legs he stood at about 7 foot 5 his arms was like a basketball player long

Siren head " now that human was lure in here or came in here for a reason there could be more near the edge I will check "


Siren head walk through the forest search for the humans that maybe at the edge of the forest waiting for there friends but the unexpected happens he came across a group of girls right of the bat he know they wasn't human by the way they look maybe one of them could be human but he (pressed x to doubt) doubt that she was with a bunch of not that bad looking woman either way he was curious who is this group suddenly slanda stop walking she sense something watching them

Slanda " come on out I know your out there "

Siren head walk out into the open the other girls some surprise they thought the human was dead

Jess " Slanda didn't you say you couldn't feel a human life force anymore "

Slanda " yeah "

Jess " so what is that in front of us "

Sally " wait that not the human that I lead in here "

Judge Angel " so if that not then would that mean he came in here "

Jacky " if that was the case then slanda would have sense him "

Siren head " I am not human if that what your thinking "

Jane " that would make sense right if he was human then slanda would have sense him right "

Jess " yeah so now for the real question who are you and what are you "

Siren head " well I can say the same about you I couldn't sense you since I am made to hunt the humans I would be able to sense you from a mile away but since you asked people call me siren head "

Benny eyes widen more blood came out her eyes

Benny " you have a human form "

Siren head " how do you even know about me "

Benny " the internet have a lot of things on there you do happen to be on it "

Siren head " humans know me but yet haven't came up with plans to kill me or caught me "

Benny " yeah that is wired "

Slanda " enough of that I want you to join us "

Siren head " you want me to join you that funny what is in it for me "

Slanda " well first food you can go with one of us when we go out to kill "

Jess " I am pretty sure slanda would allow you to stay with us so you won't be lonely "

Siren head " that quite the offer hmm food and company what the catch "

Slanda " there is none beside protect the mansion if we ever get attacked "

Siren head " I guess I will have to take that offer slenderwoman "

Slanda " you can just call me slanda "

She held her hand out for Siren head to shake siren head thought for minute and shake her hand

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