《✓ I Chose Dauntless ↠ Eric Coulter | Divergent | #Wattys2015》Chapter 14


"Eric!" I yelled, rushing to his side. His eyes were already looking glossy.

"No dammit! You can't die on me!" One of his hands made it up to my cheek, stroking it softly.

"I love you, Gabriela."

I held his body long after the last breath. Long after the cold had settled in. Long after my tears had dried. I couldn't bear to let go off him. He was mine as I was his.

I heard the door open but it didn't register. No one mattered but Eric.

"Let him go, Bri," a hand at my back spoke. I tried to shake the large hand off but it was no use; they weren't letting go.

"He's gone." The voice pried my fingers off of Eric's body; placing them instead onto their own.

I looked up to see Four. He look inviting and solid. I threw myself into his chest, sobbing loudly at my recent loss.

He rubbed my back until I had finished crying my eyes out. When I pulled away, he handed me a piece of cloth.

"For you to wipe your tears on," he instructed. In that moment, I realized I had Four to count on.

*Sorry it's so short. This was the official last chapter though. Next will be the epilogue.***

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