《Limestone Creek》•FOURTEEN•
My cheeks flame up as I look at Eli's innocent face before nodding my head and starting to walk to the parks entrance. Logan chuckles to herself as she intertwines our fingers and walks along side of me. Eli is skipping just ahead of us having a good time before we even enter the park.
As we pass the outer fence and enter into the park I glance around. There's a jungle gym, sandbox, swings, and etc. for all the kids to play with. Eli runs over and begins to play as Logan steers me over to a bench with a good view of the park. I sit on the bench and watch Eli as he plays with the other kids at the park.
"Gabriela?" I hear Logan's voice whisper from the side of me.
I turn my head to look at her as I softly say "Yea Logan?"
"What are you doing in Limestone Creek?" she asks as she looks into my eyes as if she can get the answer by this one gaze.
"I um had some ah family troubles." I softly stutter out as I glance over at Eli chasing a boy as they play tag together around the park.
"What kind of family troubles baby?" she asks as her hand goes around my waist pulling me closer to her.
"Just some troubles with my mom." I say softly but slowly as Logan lays her chin on the top of my head "But what about your parents?"
"I haven't seen to my parents in a while." she says in a whisper as she sighs and I feel my hair move ever so slightly.
"Oh why not?" I softly ask as I turn my gaze to look at her making her lift her head off my head.
"Can't see them." she says as she looks across the park avoiding my gaze.
"You have any siblings?" I ask softly as my body turns towards hers on the bench.
"I did." she says as she looks down at me with many emotions running through her eyes.
"Oh how many?" I softly ask her as I quickly glance at Eli and see him playing on a slides with a few other boys.
"Two. A younger brother and sister." she says as she glances towards Eli.
"What happened to them?" I ask softly as I try not to feel guilty for being a little nosy.
"They died." she says suddenly as her face turns to a frown and she stares at nothing in particular giving off this blank stare.
I go to say something else to her but we hear little man's voice screaming "Daddy come push me!"
Her face changes in an instant as a huge smile spreads across her face when she gets up and runs over to Eli. She looks back long enough to scream to me "Come on Teddy."
I get up and jog over to them just as Logan starts to push Eli. He kicks his feet and in no time he is high up in the air. Logan gives him one final push as she goes into an underdog and ends up in front of Eli's swing. Eli gets this mischief look in his eyes and I can't even get the word "No!" out of my mouth before Eli says "Catch me daddy!"
Logan spins around just as Eli jumps out of his swing. It feels as though everyone stops moving as he descends through the air with a huge smile on his face. Logan's face is surprisingly calm as he descends from his jump. Well I'm pretty sure mine looks like a deer that's about to watch her fawn get hit by a car as it tries to cross the street.
"Elijah!" I scream as he gets halfway towards the ground "Logan Please Catch Him Please!"
"I got him baby." she says to me but her eyes never leave Eli as he falls down towards her, she runs and grabs him as he goes towards the ground. I run over to them as she sets Eli on the ground. Bending down as I make sure he's okay. He's smiling up at Logan but he stops when he sees my face and asks "Mama you ok?"
I just look at him before pulling him into me to hold him as close as I can get him. I stand up and grab his hand as I look up at Logan softly asking "Can we go now?"
Logan's hands come up and wipe away the tears that unconsciously fell from my eyes before cupping both my cheeks in her hands and whispering "Yea. Whatever you want."
She grabs my hand and steers me out of the park back to her car. She opens Eli's door getting him settled then opens mine and doing the same for me. As she goes to shut the door she stops and kneels next to my side of the car as she says "Baby he's okay. Everything okay."
I wipe my tears before looking towards her and nodding my head as she leans in and kisses my cheek. She gets up and shuts the door walking over to her side. When she's in she starts the car and heads out of the park towards my house. The ride home is deathly silent without Eli saying anything.
My mind raced about what could have happened if Logan wasn't there to catch Eli from hitting the ground. How she was calm and collected like she saves children everyday. I couldn't help but to look back making sure Eli was safe and seated in his seat. I turn back around when I know for sure he was.
We pull up at my house and Logan hops out and opens Eli's door before she comes around and opens mine as well. I give her a small smile as I step out of her car then I grab Eli's hand and head to the front door. I hear her following behind us so when I open the front door I tell Eli "Go to your room."
I turn around after shutting the door and see Logan standing there staring in my direction. She walks up to me as she says "I had a good time. Except for that last jumping bit."
I look down at the ground before softly saying "Thanks for catching him."
"No problem." I hear her say from above me.
I stand on my tip toes as I whisper softly "It was a problem but you fixed it. Thank you."
My arms go up and around her neck as her hands go to my waist bringing me closer to her as our lips meet. The kiss is slow and sweet but it's still making my heart race ten miles a minutes. She takes a step forward making me step back and backed up into the door as one of her hands go to my cheek.
My arms fall limp at my sides as her mouth becomes the only thing I can think of. Her hand squeezes my waist causing my body to tingle everywhere. Her tongue swipes across my bottom lip and my mouth opens letting her tongue in to invade and conquer. Our lips move in sync as her hand on my cheek goes back to my waist.
Her mouth moves from my lips to my jaw as she leaves butterfly kisses before continuing on to my neck. I breathe in some much needed air as her teeth graze my skin before she begins to suck on the spot she was previously grazing. My hands goes to her stomach as I grab onto her shirt pulling her closer to me.
I grip her shirt as she continues to devour my neck as if it's her last meal. I feel something prick me before her tongue comes out and licks where she was previously sucking. Her mouth travels back up to capture my lips as she kisses me slowly again. My hands unconsciously slip under her shirt and she shivers when our skin touches.
I tentatively feel across her stomach coming in contact with a toned set of abs that pull together as I graze them with my fingers. Her hands grip my waist tightly as I do so and she pauses from kissing me. She takes a step back with her hands still on my hips as she groans out "We need stop."
My breathing is heavy as I look up into her now dark navy blue eyes. Her hands let go of my waist as they move my hands that were still in her shirt. Her eyes meet mine and I can see her lust as clear as day. She takes a step towards me as she stares into my eyes before groaning and turning away from me. She begins walking to her car as I call out for her.
"Logan...." I whisper as my arms go to my side. She turns around and our eyes meet as I softly ask "See you tomorrow?"
She groans before nodding and turning away, getting in her car. I watch her pull out of her driveway before turning around and walking into my house. All the while thinking of how Logan's abs felt on my finger tips.
Logan's POV:
I'm practically speeding down the street as I drive away from Teddy's house trying not to turn around and go back and finish what we started. God her smell of arousal was begging for me to take her right there. I pull into my driveway, parking before hoping out and flashing to the door. I open my door and flash to the kitchen.
I throw open the door and grab a bag of blood from the rows of blood there. I sink my teeth into the bag and in seconds it's dry. I have about five more blood bags before I'm satisfied I won't attack anything in sight draining it dry. I pick up the bags and toss them in the trash.
Bringing the back of my hand up I use it to wipe my mouth as I use my other hand to pull out my phone. I look at the earlier message from Jade before opening it and it says.
Call me.
I sigh to myself not wanting to deal with a clingy girl now that I found My Beloved. I go to my messages with Cory and Matt telling them to meet at my house in ten before calling Jade to settle this mess. It rings once and then her voice comes over the receiver saying "Babe?"
"Now how would it look if your mother was calling you? A simple hello would have sufficed." I mutter into the phone as a response.
"Babe we have to talk." is what I hear comes across the phone speaker.
"Are you speaking to someone else cause I'm not your babe. If not, is that not what we're doing right now?" I ask in amusement.
"Can you be serious right now." she all but screams through the phone.
"Why would I do that? Especially considering that our whole relationship was nothing but a fucking joke. I wined and dined you. You loved the attention then I fucked you. End of story. No fucking sequel." I hiss right back into the phone.
"H-How could y-" she stutters through the receiver.
"Short answer. You looked like a good fuck." I say as I hear a car pulling up into the driveway "Look I'm sure your a great girl but your best quality is your legs wrapped around my head. I'm moving on to better things and I suggest you try too."
I hang up the phone just as Cory walks in with Matt following behind him. I put my phone on vibrate then into my pocket before saying to them "Want a bag or something?"
"Naw. Been waiting on this fuck up of a story all day." Matt says.
"I'll take one." Cory says right after him. He flashes to the fridge in two seconds and is back in the same amount of time holding a blood bag "So the story bro?"
"Not much to tell. Took her and little man to the arcade." I say as I sit on my couch.
"Little man?" Cory asks as the bag come from his mouth and a little bit of blood drips down the side of his mouth.
"Don't let that fall. Yea little man." I say as I glance around "Eli, her son."
Cory chokes on his blood and Matt starts laughing like a maniac. I glance at him and Cory does the same. He continues to laugh as we stare at him like he's crazy. He just barely gets out "Someone else got your Beloved pregnant before you. Your a great Beloved Logan."
In two seconds I have him by the throat lifted in the air and I'm pretty sure my eyes are a dark navy blue as my fangs elongate showing even when my mouth is closed. His hands go to my hand that's wrapped tightly around his neck. He is scratching and clawing at me trying to get me to let go of his neck.
"Logan..." I hear Cory say from behind me but my gaze doesn't waver from the asshole in front of me as my hand squeezes tighter around his dumbass neck and I ask in an innocent voice "Would you like to say that again Matthew?"
He looks into my eyes with defiance clear as day as he opens his mouth and begins to say "You let someone else get your Be-"
Before he can even finish his sentence I snap his neck as if it was a branch I stepped on. He drops to the floor as I release him and turn to look at Cory with my fangs still present. I sneer at him as I hiss "Unless you'd like to be next take him and leave."
He flashes and in ten seconds him and that wasted case of space are no longer in my presence. I flash up stairs to my room and lay down on my bed hating how the rest of my day went after I left Teddy. I should have never left.
Ash's POV:
I run my hands through my hair as I pull into my angel's driveway. I sleepy get out of my car as I make my way up to her front door then knock before leaning against the door frame for support. I close my eyes just for a brief second to rest a little. Sleeping peacefully until I feel I whoosh of air touch my face. I hazily open my eyes and see Amber staring into mine.
She stares at me until I bring my hand up to rub my eyes asking her with a yawn "Is Gabriela ready to go?"
"I don't know. You can go up and check." she says as she walks away from the door.
I sleepily walk through the door and head up the stairs taking my time. I'm halfway up the stairs when my angel appears at the top and looks down at me. I give her a sleepy smile as she walks down the rest of the stairs. She's wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, with black converses. I start walking my way back down the stairs and turn when I reach the bottom.
"Hey you ready?" I ask as I stare up at her.
"Yea." she says as she reaches the bottom. We walk towards the door and out of the house heading to my car. As I reach the drivers side of my car I hear my angel yell "Ash?"
I spin my head towards her voice and see her looking over at me with a worried expression on her face. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I say "Yea?"
"Are you ok? I've been talking to you and it's like you spaced out." she says as she walks over to me.
"Yea yea I'm just a little sleepy." I say to her as I run my fingers through my hair.
"You shouldn't drive if your sleepy." she says as she comes and stands directly in front of me.
"No no I'm fine. I made it here didn't I?" I say as I go to open the car door.
"It's a miracle that happened. Let me drive Ash" she says as her hand grabs mine from opening the car door and brings it closer to her "Please."
I look over at her and see her smiling at me. I sigh to myself as I hand her the keys before walking over to the passenger side of the car and getting in. I buckle the seatbelt and I hear my angel do the same before pulling out of the driveway heading to school. I close my eyes as I try and get some sleep before dealing with the rest of the world.
When I open my eyes I see my angel staring down at me as she leans into the opened car door. She smiles before pulling back and asking "Feeling better?"
I shake my head yes before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind me. We start walking towards the front of the school but my angel stops as she turns to me and says "I'll see you in first hour."
She walks away and I watch her until she arrives next to Lucy. I continue walking into school and I see Vic talking to some guys on the football team before he turns and starts walking my way. I reach my locker and he's there ten seconds later asking "How'd the date go Ash?"
"It was good. We had a nice time." I say as I get my books out of my locker.
"Not to be nine or anything but did you kiss her?" he says as he looks around the hallway. Probably looking for his sister.
"Naw. Her sister showed up right when I was about to." I say as I shit my locker and start walking towards Ms. Brown's classroom.
"Man what a cock block. Wait what's the term for when it happens to lesbians?" he ask as we arrive at Ms. Brown's door.
I chuckle to myself as I walk in heading towards my angel but not before saying to Vic "I don't know. First time it's happened to me."
I take my seat behind my angel as Ms. Brown takes attendance. When she's done and begins her listen I lean up in my seat some as I tap my angel while Ms. Brown isn't looking. She tenses up before turning her head slightly as I say "Thanks for driving this morning. Don't think we would have made it if I did angel."
She turns her head before I can see the reaction as she tries to make it seem like she was still paying attention to the lesson. I smile to myself the rest of class because I know the only reason she turned her head is because she blushed.
Gabriela's POV:
As I'm walking out of Ms. Brown's class my thoughts can't help but go to Ash and Logan. My mind is going haywire just thinking about them and my body is way worse off. I can see Lucy is saying something to me but I don't know what's coming out of her mouth. I shake my head as I try to regain some kind of focus right now.
"What's going on with you?" I hear Lucy ask me as we stop in the hall.
"I don't know. I just can't stop." I say as I lean against a wall in the hallway watching all the other students go by.
Lucy comes by my side as she asks "You can't stop what?"
I grab her hand as I run and pull her into the nearest bathroom, shutting and locking it after. Once we're in the bathroom I run to the opposite wall and sink to the ground as my emotions overwhelm me. Lucy slowly walks over to me as she asks "You alright Gabriela?"
I nod my head as my hands hide my face. It's silent for the next twenty seconds until I feel a thump next to me and I look over seeing Lucy sitting next to me on the ground. She looks at me as she ask "What can't you stop?"
"I c-can't stop t-thinking about them." I stutter out as the tears fall from my eyes blinding my sight.
"What's so wrong with that?" Lucy ask as she scoots a little closer to me.
"I can't I just c-can't." I stutter out as I bury my head in my knees crying softly.
"Hey you can tell me ya know. You shouldn't hold it all in." she whispers to me softly.
"Because she's right he has to be more important." I say to her as my hands run through my hair.
"He? He who?" she says in a confused tone.
"Elijah" I whisper as I turn and look into her eyes "My son."
"Oh honey" she says as she wipes my tears from my face before placing my head in her lap and running her hands through my hair "It's okay. You'll be okay."
"Can we just stay here please?" I whisper to her as my eyes start to feel heavy.
"Yea sweetie. I'll wake you when it's lunch." she says back as my eyes close and I drift off into oblivion.
Logan's POV:
I'm running down the hallway brushing pass people left and right. I can't think of anything but finding Teddy because she missed second and third hour. As I go to pass one person I'm grabbed from behind and yanked to a stop. I turn around and look at the person grabbing me before hissing "Let me go."
"What the hell are you doing running down the halls as if you've been training for a goddamn track meet?" Rebecca hisses back at me.
"I have to find her. Let me go now." I say as I try to calm myself down.
"You need to calm down. No one ever died from missing class. She's probably already in the cafeteria." she says as she releases me and I dash the other way heading to the cafeteria. I get there in record time and rush throw the doors searching for Teddy.
I find her in the lunch line with Lucy helping her make a tray. Moving as humanly as I possibly could I made my over to them. Teddy looks up in surprise as Lucy steps in front of Teddy. She turns to look at Teddy before saying to me "You need to go."
"Teddy I have to talk to you." I say as I look at Teddy and see her with tears brimming in her eyes as she continues to move down the line with her tray "Have I done something wrong?"
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How very noble of you, Mr. Lockhart. I don't need your help. I can do just fine." I retorted."I'm a lot of things, Victoria." Tyler said leaning against the banister. "But noble is not one of them.""After today, I'm not even going to argue with that fact. They should have named you Lucifer."He smiled, not kindly. "Think of it as a warning from the devil himself. I will not warn you a second time. Throw yourself at me, Vicky, and I'll take what I want." ***Victoria Lane and Tyler Lockhart have been best friends since they were kids, and the two have been through thick and thin together. Tyler is fun, charismatic and makes Victoria weak in the knees. What Tyler doesn't know is that Vicky has been in love with him for a long time. Tyler Lockhart has been hiding some skeletons in his closet, he is a billionaire and comes from an influential family; the Lockharts' have been cursed with a life long of bad omen and while Tyler's mother has tried hard to keep him from showing his true nature to society, sometimes, all it takes is one small mistake. When Vicky finds out the truth, things turn from bad to worse and Tyler is forced to leave town. Vicky's life comes crashing down when Tyler steps foot in town almost ten years later, and he's come back with a motive; to stay and to win Vicky back. ***Please Note* I do NOT own the picture used for the cover. It belongs to it's rightful owner and is only being used for entertainment purposes. No commercial use involved. WARNING: Story contains profanity, sexual tensions and abuse. May also contain topics sensitive to nature. Read at your discretion. Copyright © 2019 KittyKash92
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Uninvited | Jikook Smut |
"Come find me...I won't bite, I promise~"Jeon Jungkook is a twenty-one year old college student in his first year at Yonsei University to become a doctor. Of course, it was never his own choice to do so, but this was everything his wealthy family hoped him to be. However, he wasn't that bright when it came to medical subjects and he had no passion in whatsoever. When all hope was lost and Jungkook found himself ready to quit, his professor introduces him to a free tutoring site by graduated college students; an opportunity he just couldn't bring himself to reject. Eventually, Jeon Jungkook takes up the offer and meets his new tutor online, Park Jimin. Park Jimin; a handsome photographer, an absolute gentleman that travels around abroad. He carried a strong and pleasant smile each time he taught Jungkook or reviewed something with him. To Jungkook, he found his twenty-three year old tutor more than perfect compared to anything in this whole world! He was smart, handsome, and extremely patient. Jungkook was naive and in love... Or so he thought... 'Looks could be deceiving...right?'On the other hand, things start to take a dark turn when Jungkook realizes that there was always that one thing that bothered the young man about Park Jimin. Depicting Jimin from such a perfect and flawless King the boy always imagined him to be... Especially when Jimin comes back into Jungkook's life completely...'Uninvited.'Story Contains:-Jikook | TOP JIMIN/ BOTTOM JUNGKOOK |-Fluff-Smut (LVL: High) + Mentions of Masturbation -Strong Language -Violence -Use of drugsFor those of you who don't want to read Smut chapters, skip chapter names that end with a '~' For example:Chapter 5: (Chapter name)~°•You have been warned•°Start: February 25, 2019End: April 30, 2019
8 116