《Limestone Creek》•TEN•
I wish she would shut the fuck up. It was just a joke that took a turn for the worse. Are you wondering why these thoughts are spawning well it's because I'm driving to my angel's house as I'm being lectured by Alex.
"It was a stupid joke just like you stupid!" she hisses at me.
"Well what does that make you?" I ask with slight amusement.
"The brains of the operation." she states proudly.
"What brains if I'm stupid?" I ask as I chuckle.
"The only ones you got." she smugly says.
"Shut up." I say annoyed with the conversation.
She doesn't say anything after that and pretty soon I'm pulling up at my angel's driveway. I hop out of my Green 2014 Mustang and walk to the front door. I knock on the door and patiently wait for her to come out. The door flys open and my angel stands there looking fluster. She's wearing a orange shirt that compliments her well and some white jeans to go along with those she has on some orange chucks.
"You ok?" I ask her as she tries to settle her breathing.
"Yea I'm f-fine." she softly says as she shuts the door and locks it.
"You sure?" I ask again as my hand goes down to the middle of her back and I guide her to the passenger side of my car opening the door for her.
"Yea." she softly says as she gets in and puts on her seatbelt.
I jog to the driver side and get in putting on my seatbelt as the door shuts. I pull out of her driveway and head towards school.
"So you get home safe?" I ask her.
"Yea." she says softly as she looks out the window.
"Who took you?" I ask her.
"Um just a friend." she softly says.
"I called you." I tell to her.
"Oh I must have been sleeping." she says softly.
"Yea but someone answered." I tell her after a moments pause.
I see her glance at me from the corner of her eye then turn back and look out of the window.
"Really?" she asks hesitantly.
"Yea." I say to her.
"Hm." she softly says.
"You'll never guess who." I tell her.
"Um my sister?" she softly asks.
"Nope." I say popping the 'p'.
"Eli?" she softly asks.
"Nope." I say once again popping the 'p'.
She doesn't say anything after that so I ask her "You sure you had no more people at your house?"
"Um ah." she softly stutters as she plays with the hem of her shirt.
"You want to know who answered the phone?" I ask her as I pull into the parking lot of the school.
She shakes her head no and continues to play with the hem of her shirt. She adds tapping her feet to go with what she's doing with her hands. I park the car and turn the car off as I slightly turn to face her.
"It was Logan. Now can you tell me why Logan was at your house?" I ask her.
"See Logan um took me home." she softly stutters out.
"Hm." I say with a frown.
"And she wants to take me home from now on after school besides Wednesday's and Friday's." she softly says and my heart drops.
That gives her more time to sweet talk my angel into picking her. I sit in my seat and think of a way to get out of this but nothing comes to mind so I reluctantly agree telling her "Ok I guess that's fine."
She turns and looks at me with shock written clearly on her face as she softly asks "Really?"
"Yea." I say as I give her a weak smile.
"Thanks." she softly says as she grabs her book bag intending to leave my car.
I quickly but softly grab her arm as I ask "Are we still on for tonight?"
"Yea." she softly says then exits the car and heads to the front doors of the high school.
I sit in the car for a few more minutes thinking about my angel. She so amazing and I can't wait to take her out today. Going to make sure she never forgets our first date. I look at my phone for the time and see it's 7:30 am. I only have ten minutes to get to my locker and then to my first hour. I get out of my car and walk to the front doors of the school.
When I ran out of Teddy's house this morning I had to remember not to use my supernatural speed. If her sister didn't hate me yet she hates me now. I'm lucky she didn't try to kill me and just tossed some water on me. I don't think I'll be invited into her house anytime soon. I just hope Ash made a worst impression. I'm pull into the school parking lot with Cory in my passenger seat talking my ear off. I park my car in my usually spot and get out of my car.
"Hey man what's up with you?" Cory asks as we make it to the front doors.
"Huh what do you mean?" I ask confused by what he's talking about.
"I've was talking to you the whole car ride and it was like you were zoned out." he says as we reach my locker.
"Um my mind was somewhere else." I say as I shove Matt out from in front of my locker.
"I know that smartass. I'm asking where was your head at?" he asks in a amused tone.
"Um on something that happened this morning." I vaguely say as I stuff my books into my book bag.
Matt decides to join the conversation as he asks "What happened this morning?"
"Um stuff." I say not wanting to get into it.
"What type of stuff?" he persists as we make our way to Algebra.
"Just stuff." I say as we turn the corner of the hallway.
"What type?" he asks once again.
"Stuff with Gabriela." I say giving up on letting the conversation pass.
"What happened with her?" Cory asks.
"I drove her home yesterday." I say to them.
"And?" Matt asks.
"I fell asleep over there." I say to them as we walk into algebra.
I see Teddy in her now usually seat and Ash behind her in her now usually seat. Teddy's wearing a orange shirt, white jeans, and orange chucks. I try to sit in the seat to the left of Teddy but I'm caught by surprise when four hands drag me to the back left of the classroom.
"What the fuck guys?" I confusedly ask as they pull me away from Teddy.
"And?" Matt asks.
"And what dick?" I ask as I start to get frustrated.
"And what happened after you fell asleep?" Cory asks me as Maddi and Becky came in each one of them sitting next to there boyfriends.
"I woke up with water on me." I say to them.
"Are you sitting next to us Logan?" Becky asks me.
"No." I say as I stand but then sit right back down seeing as my seat next to Teddy is no longer empty "I guess I am."
Ms. Brown walks into the classroom and does the attendance then she gets straight to it and passes out the chapter tests with scan trons. Knowing I'll pass the test I quickly scribble the answers and flip my test sheet and scan tron over then push them to the top corner of my desk. I lay my head on my desk after I checked the time and see it's 7:50am. I close my eyes and catch up on some sleep.
I wake up to someone shoving my shoulder. I look up at the person and immediately glare. I find Matt looking at me with an amused face.
"Class is over." he says as he starts to walk away.
I look around the classroom and find that everyone is gone except for Matt, Ms. Brown and me. I get out of my seat as I quickly grab my stuff and run out of class.
I'm rushing to Bio. trying to make it there before I'm late. I turn the corner but stop dead in my tracks when I see Teddy and Ash. I start to burn with hatred and jealousy when I see Ash lean over and hugs Teddy. It's a simple hug but it means so much more.
Teddy walks into class and Ash turns the other way heading down the hall. I drag myself over to the door and walk in right before the bell rings. I slump down in my seat and stare at the board. The sub from yesterday passes out a chapter review of the chapter test we'll be having on Monday.
I quickly do the stupid assignment and turn it in then I go back to my seat putting my head down on the desk. I sit like this feeling the emptiness surround me. I'm almost surrounded when I hear a chair being scooted over and Teddy's soft voice echoes though my eyes.
"Logan." she softly says to me.
"Yea?" I say not bothering to move from my position.
"Logan." she softly says as she tugs on my sleeve.
"Yea Teddy?" I ask as I sit up and look at her.
"Can you help me on number twenty one?" she softly asks me as she stares up at me.
"Yea sure." I tell her and then I explain the problem to her.
Class goes on like that with me helping Teddy when she ask for help. We didn't really talk about anything else besides the review. Teddy tries a few times to start a conversation but I shut down immediately remembering the hug in the hall between her and Ash.
The bell rings signaling the end of the hour. I stand and rush out of the class room heading towards Spanish. I get to Spanish in record time and take a seat in one of the desk. I don't pay attention when the bell rings or when Mr. Moore starts class. I put my head onto my desk and close my eyes once more.
I'm in Mr. Moore's class right now and I'm staring at Logan as she puts her head down on the desk. I don't know what's up with her but also there could be nothing wrong. I haven't really talked to her all morning. All I know is that she's walks with me to Spanish and she didn't walk with me today.
Mr. Moore gives us five minutes to look over notes then tells us to put everything alway for our test. I clear my desk absentmindedly because I'm still thinking about why Logan might be upset. Mr. Moore passes out the test and I finish in about twenty minutes being one of the last ones done.
Mr. Moore collects the tests and tells us we can talk amongst ourselves. I look at the clock and see we only have twenty minutes left. I get up and make my way to Logan's desk.
"Hey are you ok?" I softly ask her.
"Yea I'm fine." she says without lifting her head.
"You don't seem fine." I softly say to her.
"Well I am." she says back but it's muffled because she's facing down towards the desk.
"Logan." I softly say her name trailing off.
"Yea?" she asks me as she glances up.
"Tell me what's wrong." I softly say to her as I inch closer to her.
"I just saw something I didn't like." she tells me as she sits up a little more.
"And what was that?" I softly inquire as I inch closer.
"Nothing that can't be fix." she states as she sits up fully.
"What do you mean by that?" I softly ask confused by what she means.
She doesn't answer just smiles up at me as she quickly reaches out and grabs my hips. She sits me on her lap and puts her chin in the crook of my neck.
"See it's fixed." she states like she just solved world hungry. I only nod my head softly as she puts her arms around me and pulls me even closer to her. She starts to play with the hem of my shirt as she asks "Are we still on for Saturday?"
"I um don't know." I tell her softly.
"Why not?" she asks me as her hand travels into my shirt a little.
"See um I have to um ask Amber." I softly tell her as I try to focus on anything but her fingers.
"Ok. Can I see your phone?" she asks me randomly.
"Ah yea." I say a little dazed because her hands are now on my bare skin rubbing small circles.
"Where is it?" she whispers in my ear as though she's not doing anything to me.
"My..." I start to say but trail off.
"Your what?" she whispers in my ear again as she starts to do something with her hips.
"My..." I try again but fall short.
"Your?" she whispers as she nibbles on my ear and moves her hips in a circular motion.
"My pocket." I finally get out as my back arches a little.
She stops what she's doing and reaches into my pocket and grabs my phone.
"What's your passcode?" she asks me.
"It's Elijah." I tell her as I try to regain some focus.
She types in my passcode and does something on my phone for a minute. She hands me the phone back right before the bell rings. Lifting me off her lap she gets up and grabs her stuff. She puts her arm around my waist and leads me to my desk. We walk towards the door after she grabs my book bag. Walking to the cafeteria we get the usually looks but this time I hear words such as "Whore, Slut, Hoe."
I feel tears prick my eyes as I remember everything I've been called over these five years and those people knew about Eli. What would these girls say if they knew? Logan's grip on me tightens as she makes a detour and goes into the girls bathroom pulling me along with her. She looks around the bathroom finding the stalls to be empty but there are girls at the mirror and sinks.
"Get out." she says in a calm voice.
The girls turn around and look like there about to argue but when they see Logan they scurry out of the bathroom. Logan grabs my hand and pulls me over to the sink counter. She lifts me up and places me on top so now I'm face to face with her instead of looking up at her.
"Teddy..." she says as she places her arms on either side of me.
"Yea." I say to her as I look towards the ground.
"Are you ok?" she asks me as she lifts my head with her pointer finger.
I shake my head yes and move to get off the counter but Logan pushes herself between my legs firmly keeping me in place. I look back at the ground as I feel my cheeks heating up.
"Why are you lying to me?" she asks as she lifts my head again and stares intensely at me.
"I'm." I trail off not finding the words I need.
"You do know you can tell me anything." she tells me as she continues to stare intensely at me.
"I." I trail off once again not finding the words needed.
"You know you can tell me anything so why are you lying?" she asks me.
"Because." I start to say but trail of not wanting to give her the answer.
"Because?" she prompts me to go on.
"Idon'twantyoutoleave." I rush out as I stare at the ground.
"Teddy I promised I wouldn't leave and I'm not going to. I'll be here until you push me away." she tells me as she lifts my face.
I stare into her ocean blue eyes as the tears gracefully fall down my cheeks but these tears are not from sadness. There from overwhelming joy of hearing she'll never leave me. She's leaning forward as her hands grip my waist bringing me closer. I see her eyes dart down to my lips and I bite my lip anticipation as she leans into me more. She's just a sliver away from touching my lips. Any closer and she would be my first kiss. I take a sharp breathe as she licks her lips.
Closing the distance between us she goes in to kiss me only to be interrupted by three girls walking into the bathroom. They stop and look between the two of us repeatedly. Logan picks me up with one arm and pushes pass the girls leaving the bathroom with me in her arms. She carries me like that all the way to the cafeteria. Putting me down when we reach the doors she takes my hand as she looks over at me and smiles.
"You ready?" she asks as she motions towards the door with her head.
"Yea." I say softly as a give her a small smile.
Hand and hand we walk into the cafeteria and I feel amazing because of the tingles erupting from my hand as I hold Logan's.
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