《Limestone Creek》•NINE•
Getting out of my car and shutting the door I glance at the front door of her house. When I asked to come in I was only thinking about spending more time with my beloved. Now that I'm going in I remember she has a son and lives with her sister. I look over at Teddy and she looks nervously at the window. I look towards the window and I see a women staring out at us. Glancing back at Teddy and then back at the window only to discover that the women has left.
What if they hate me? What if Teddy stops speaking to me because they hate me? This could turn out to be one big disaster and make me lose Teddy. I can't turn back now so I'll just have to stumble through it. I walk over to Teddy and take her book bag from her as I place my hand at the middle of her back. I walk her to the front door and she unlocks the door.
We walk in and she takes me to the leaving room. I walk in but stop short when I see a women who looks to be in her late twenty's sitting down on a sofa. Her hair is long and blond going to her shoulders, her eyes are a soft shade of brown, standing at about 5ft, 4in with curves and B-cup breast. She's staring at me with slight curiosity.
I muddle up some confidence I say to her "Hello Ms. Stevens."
"Hello." she says to me but is looking at Teddy.
"Hey sis." Teddy softly says to her.
"Hey so who is this?" Ms. Stevens says looking me up and down.
"This is Logan." Teddy says softly.
"And where is Ash?" Ms. Stevens asks but when she gets to Ash's name I can hear dislike in her voice.
"Football practice." Teddy says softly to her.
"Well have a seat." Ms. Stevens says but it sounds forced.
I take a seat in the other sofa chair in the living room and Teddy takes a seat on the couch. I look over at her sister and she's obviously glaring at me so I advert my eyes from her and look around the room.
"Where's Eli?" Teddy asks her sister.
"In his room." Ms. Stevens says but I can still feel her eyes on me.
Teddy doesn't say anything after that and it quickly becomes an awkward silence with none of us saying anything. Not being able to take the awkward silence I say "It's nice meeting you Ms. Stevens."
"I'm sorry I can't say the same." she says back and takes a pause just before continuing "So you drove Gabriela home?"
"Yes ma'am." I respond to her.
"You didn't have anything to do?" she asks me with a scrutinizing gaze.
"Nothing that couldn't be put on hold for Gabriela." I tell her honestly as I look at her.
"No extra curricular activities?" she asks me.
"Well I play soccer but I didn't have practice today." I say to her.
"Mm what position do you play?" she asks me.
"Center forward." I tell her.
"Are you any good?" she asks.
I give a small chuckle as I say "Well I'm team captain so I would hope so."
She's about to respond when Teddy says "We're going to go to my room."
She gets up in a hurry and grabs my wrist. We are halfway up the stairs when I hear "You better leave the door open Gabriela Stevens."
She pulls me into her room and as I turn to look at her I see that her face is flushed from running up the stairs. Also her breathing is slightly heavier. I grab her waist with both my hands as I lift her up.
She gives out a squeal as I softly throw her on her bed. I jump on the bed next to her and just lay there as she tries to steady her breathing. I take a look around the room but I'm disappointed to find a plain looking room with white walls, a dresser and a mirror above, a bed white covers on it.
Looking over at her I see her looking at the ceiling. I look at the ceiling as well as I wait for her to say anything. We lay there staring at the ceiling in a comfortable silence. I sigh as I turn to my side and stare at my beautiful beloved. She glances over at me out of the corner of her eye.
"Why are you staring at me?" she ask me softly.
"I just can't believe I'm in the presence of such a beautiful girl." I say to her.
She blushes as she sits up and scoots back to the headboard on the bed. I sit up also and scoot back against the headboard too. I sigh as I look over at Teddy. I lift my right hand and gently cup her face as I turn her head to face me.
I look into her eyes as my thumb strokes her cheek. Her beautiful silver eyes stare back at me. I glance down to her lips as I slowly start to lean in. Looking back into her eyes as I lean further in. I'm so close that I can feel her shallow breathes coming from her mouth.
Just as our lips are about to touch little small footsteps can be heard rapidly running this way. She jumps away from me just in time because Eli runs into the room and jumps on the bed. Jumping up and down as he says "Mama I made a new friend at school today."
She gives him a small smile as she says softly "That's great honey."
"Yea his name is Jac-" he stops speaking abruptly when he notices me sitting on the bed.
I swear this kid has blinders on when he's talking to Teddy. It's like everything disappears and he's completely consumed in whatever she's saying. Now his looking at me like I'm an alien from another plant. He quickly scoots behind Teddy and says in her ear "Mama that's one of the big scary men."
"Mama that's one of the big scary men." Eli whispers in my ear.
"Eli." I softly say to him.
"Mama he's looking at us." he says to me.
I look at Logan and see her staring at us with an amused look on her face. I'm guessing she can hear what we're saying because Eli can't whisper to save his life. I blush a dark shade of crimson when she winks at me.
"Hey little man" Logan says to Eli as she puts her hand out for Logan to shake "I'm Logan."
Eli stares at her hand then looks at me. I nod my head slightly and watch as Eli scoots to the side of me. He stares at her hand for another few seconds then with both of his little hands he grabs Logan's hand and shakes it.
"I'm Elijah" he says with a smile "Why are you so big?"
Logan's laughs as she replies "I ate all my veggies."
"What's a veggie?" he ask with curiosity.
"Vegetables." she says and laughs right after because Eli's face scrunches up in a show of dislike.
"B-But there nasty." he says while pouting.
"Well do you want to be big and strong like me?" she says as she flexes showing off her arm muscles.
My eyes zero in on the movement and I stare at her arms. I love how they feel around my waist when I'm sitting on her lap. How she can easily pick me up and hold me with just one arm. I hear a cough and I blink rapidly trying to clear my mind of Logan's arms.
I look up and see Logan smirking at me. I blush as I look down at Eli. He's looking between the two of us and then he scoots directly in front of me closer to Logan and says "Yea I want to be big and strong so I can protect mama."
Logan looks at me then stares at Eli as she asks "Who's going to hurt mama?"
"Papa." he says.
"Who's papa?" she asks Eli but she looking at me.
"I don't know papa but mama has nightmares about papa." he says in his o so innocent voice.
"Eli go to your auntie ok? Your mama and I have to have a grown up talk." she tells him as she glances at him quickly.
"Ok I'll see you later right?" he asks as he stares up at Logan like she's his favorite superhero.
"Yea little man." she says but she's still looking at me.
I watch as he gets up and runs out of the room slamming the door in the process. I look back at Logan to find that her eyes are still trained on me. I look down at my white cover like it's the most important thing in the world.
"Gabby..." she says to me but I don't lift my head.
"Gabby..." she says once again but my cover is still the most important thing in the world.
"Gabriela..." she says using my name.
I look up at her and stare into her eyes trying to decide if she's going to run away because of my past. I had no idea I'm crying until her hands come up to wipe the tears that are falling down my cheeks.
"Gabby who's papa?" she asks me as she stares into my eyes.
I don't answer I just cry harder as the nightmarish images and words flash through my head.
"So you must do things women do, since your a woman."
I cry harder as Logan pulls me into her arms. She's whispering something but I can't hear her because the images and words are playing through my head.
"Scream or make any noise and I'll beat you, got it."
The images all playing in my mind making it hard to breathe. I am grasping for air as the next image and words runs through my head.
"Pl-Please sto-stop."
"Your a woman now so you have to do what women do."
I wrap my arms around Logan and grip the back of her shirt as the worst image and words flashes into my mind.
"It hu-hurts, st-stop."
"Shut up bitch and take it like a woman."
I cry as Logan scoops me up in her arms and sits in the middle of my bed just holding me as I cry from the pain. She sits me up in her lap and my arms automatically go around her neck as hers goes around my waist. Hugging me tight to her she whispering again. I after a few minutes of catching my breath I can hear what she's whispering.
"Gabby it's ok." she whispers in my ear.
"Don't le-leave." I softly whisper to her as I pull her tighter.
"Gabby I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." she whispers to me as she leans down and kisses my forehead.
"Y-You pro-promise." I softly whisper back as I feel my eyelids drop and the feeling of sleep over coming me.
"Promise." she whisper just as my eyes close and the sound of ringing can be heard but it doesn't stop the darkness of sleep from taking me.
The only thing running through my mind as I gently set Teddy on her bed and pull the covers over her is who is papa and where is he so I can kill him. I remember Teddy's phone is ringing so I go over and grab it from her book bag. Checking the time first I see that it's 2:40. I'm surprised by the time it felt as if hours went by as I held Teddy in my arms and it's only been two hours.
"Hello?" I say into the phone.
"Hello?" someone says back.
"Who's this?" I asks not recognizing the voice.
"Ash." she says back.
I almost drop the phone when she said her name. Wait how does Ash have her number and I don't? Dammit she's always one step ahead of me. I hear her asks "Who's this on Gabriela's phone?"
"Um Logan." I say to her.
"Why do you have her phone?" she asks me.
"She's asleep." I tell her.
"Your with her?" she asks.
"Yea." I say.
"Why?" she asks.
"Does it matter?" I say back irritated with her interrogation.
"No when she wakes up tell her I'll text her later." she tells me.
"Alright." I say to her and hang up straight after.
I sigh as I reach down and put her phone back into her book bag. I'm leaning upwards when I her a small whimper. I turn and see Teddy softly turning and tossing in bed. I go over to her pull the covers off and wrap them back around us as I lay down beside her. I lay on my left side and put my arms around her waist pulling her to me. Her back is against my chest and I can feel when she inhales for a breathe. She stops tossing and turning so her breathe evens out. Her soft breathing is what I fall asleep to.
I wake up to knocking on the door and Amber yelling out "Time to get up it's 5:30am."
I groan as I snuggle more into my pillow. I can feel the rise and fall of the pillow as I snuggle in. I'm falling back to sleep when the door flies open.
"Gabriela I-" she stops mid-sentence so I look at her and see that's she's silently fuming.
"What's wrong?" I ask confused by why she's upset.
"Why is Logan in your bed?" she asks me.
"What?" I look to the side and see my pillow otherwise known as Logan.
I gasp as I realize that I'm snuggled up to Logan with her arms around my waist. She has her head in the crook of my neck while my head was on her chest. I look back at Amber and see that she is now glaring at Logan's sleeping figure.
"Wake him up or I will and if I wake him up ice water will be involved." she says in a deadly clam voice.
I look back at Logan and gently shake her shoulder. I didn't say anything about Amber referring Logan as a he. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up. I shake her shoulder a little harder. She stirs more this time and opens her eyes and looks at me half asleep. She pulls me back down and wraps her arms around me as she entangles our legs together. I blush crimson but then remember that Amber is here so I turn and look for her.
I see her coming back into the room with a cup of water. When did she leave the room? I'm too busy asking myself that question to realize she's moving closer to the bed. I feel flicks of water hit me but that's not even close to what Logan got.
She pops her head up and gazes around the room half asleep. Her eyes land on Amber then looks to the cup in her hand. I guess she fully wakes up because she hops out of my bed and is standing in the middle of the room in two minutes.
"I uh see." she stutters out as she looks anywhere but Amber.
"Get out." Amber angrily hisses at her as she points to my room door.
She grabs her shoes and runs out the door. You can hear the front door close and her car starting as she pulls out of the driveway. I look at Amber as she sits on the edge of my bed.
"Gabriela..." she says to me.
"Yea." I say back.
"You can't have guys in your bed. As much as I love Eli we don't need another one of him running around." she says to me.
"But..." I start to say but I'm cut off by her.
"No buts no guys in your bed." she says to me.
"She's not a guy." I say all in a rush so I can't be cut off this time.
"What?" she asks confused.
I don't elaborate I just let it sink in and wait for her reaction. I hope for the best as her face goes through all these emotions in a matter of minutes. She looks up into my eyes and asks "Logan's a girl?"
I nod my head to her and then she ask another question.
"Is Ash a girl?" she asks me.
I nod my head again as I look towards the ground. Waiting to hear what she has to say. She surprises me when she says "Ok then no girls or guys in your bed ok?"
I look at her shocked by what she just said. She gives me a small smile as she says "I don't care as long as your happy."
I wrap my arms around her in a hug as I'm tempted to cry from her reaction. Now I just have to worry about explaining it all to Eli. Amber wraps her arms around me also as she says in my ear "It's time to get dressed. Eli will be up soon it's 6am."
She gets up and leaves my room to go get ready to drop Eli off. I take a shower and after I head to my dresser. I dress in a orange blouse, white jeans, and orange chucks. I go to my mirror and start to do my hair. I hear little small footsteps and I know it's Eli coming to my room. He knocks on the door and asks "Mama I come in?"
"Yea Eli." I say to him.
He opens the door he's once again rubbing the sleep from he's eye and sucking on his thumb. Today he's wearing a light brown shirt, dark blue jeans, light brown chucks with he's book bag. He sits on my bed and asks me "When can I see Logan again?"
"Um I don't know honey." I tell him.
"Ok." he says in a disappointed voice.
I finish doing my hair and I turn to Eli and I say "Ok let's go to aun-"
I'm not done with my sentence but Eli is already out of the door running down the stairs. I grab he's and my book bag and make my way out of the room. I walk into the leaving room and see Eli jumping up and down about beating me here.
Amber looks up and smiles at me as Eli comes and to me to get he's book bag and runs out the door. Amber leaves after him and shuts the front door. I sit down in one of the sofas as I wait for Ash to come and get me.
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