《Limestone Creek》•TWO•
Lucy and I walk out of Algebra and she immediately says "Omg Logan was staring at you the whole time."
"What are you talking about Lucy?" I say as we get to my locker so I can get my book for Biology.
"Logan Sage was staring at you all during class." she says pulling me down the hall towards class.
"Who is Logan Sage?" I ask curiously as I struggle to keep up with her.
"The captain of the soccer team, one of the hottest people in the school, and I hear Logan only goes with college girls but Logan was staring at you." she says happily as we walk into our chemistry class.
"Lucy it doesn't matter, I'm not looking for a relationship." I say when we take our seats in the front.
"Why?" she says looking over at me.
"I have other responsibilities." I say getting up and walking over to the teacher.
"I'm Gabriela Stevens and I'm new here." I say while smiling at my new teacher.
"Hello, it is nice to meet you and Creek High is glad to have you. I'm Mrs. Richards and we need to find you a lab partner. Logan can you come here please." Mrs. Richards says while looking around the classroom.
"......Logan can you come here please." Mrs. Richards says while looking around for me in the classroom.
I couldn't believe it, Mrs. Richards wanted me to get up and stand next to the goddess from my Algebra class. I wasn't processing anything as I got up and made my way over to them.
"Yes Mrs. Richards." I say staring deliberately at Mrs. Richards.
"Logan do you have a lab partner?" Mrs. Richards ask looking at me.
"N-No." I stutter still staring at Mrs. Richards.
"Well good, you have a new lab partner. This is Gabriela Stevens she will be your lab partner. Make sure you she catches up on the current assignment." she says as she looks back at her computer.
"Wh-What?" I stutter after I get over the initial shock of what she said.
"Gabriela will be your lab partner." she says again still looking at the computer.
I turn around and head back to my seat not knowing if the goddess is following me. I sit in my seat and look straight ahead not moving when I hear someone sit down next to me. I sit there not moving or talking to the goddess beside me. We must have been sitting there for 35 minutes before she spoke.
"Um hello." I hear a goddess like voice say from the side of me.
"Yes." I say still looking at the broad.
"Are you going to help me catch up with the assignment?" she ask quietly.
"Yes." I say still looking at the broad.
"Are you going to look at me." she ask curiously.
"Yes." I say still looking at the broad.
"Anytime soon?" she ask starting to get irritated.
"Yes." I say still looking at the broad.
"Do you know how to use big words or are you restricted to three letter word vocabulary?" she ask fully upset now.
"Ye-What?" I say confused as I turn to look at her.
"Oh a four letter word, you should be proud." she says angrily.
It was a big mistake to look at her because now I can't stop looking at her eyes. Her beautiful silver eyes, they capture me into a endless sea of beauty. I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I hear the goddess trying to get my attention.
"Hey are you ok?" she asks in a concerned voice.
"Huh a yeah I mean I'm fine." I mutter still thinking about her eyes.
"Can we get started?" she ask looking at the broad.
"Ye-ok." I respond trying not to use the word yes anymore.
"Well now that you have your wits back, I'm Gabriela Stevens. It's nice to meet you." she says while smiling.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Logan Sage." I say as I grin at her.
"So what have you guys been learning." She asks still smiling as she looks up at me.
"Well we are working on genes." I say while fully checking her out.
She is about 11 inches shorter than me, with flawless skin and curves. Her blond hair goes perfectly with her amazing smile. Her beautiful silver eyes make it hard to believe she was born on this planet. I was about to tell her more about genes when the bell rang interrupting me.
"Bye I have to head to Spanish." she says when she finishes packing up. I hurry to pack my stuff while asking her "Who do you have?"
"Um Mr. Moore I think, why?" she says looking up at me.
"Can I walk you to your class, I have him next also." I ask shyly, looking at the ground.
"Can I walk you to your class, I have him next also." He ask shyly, looking at the ground.
I stand there and look at him, I mean for the first time I really look at him. He's way taller than me and has well defined muscles showing through his shirt. He has a layered cut hair style that suits him, a breath taking smile and aqua blue eyes. I guess I must have stood there too long because he says "I mean if you don't want me to walk with you that's fine I just thought since your new yo-"
I cut him off by saying "I would love to walk with you."
He looks like he just won the lottery with that one response. I'll have to make sure I don't get too close to him because Eli comes first. Being a perfect gentleman, he grabs his stuff and mine as we head out of Bio. While were walking he ask "So what brings you to Limestone Creek?"
"Um I had some family trouble so I came here to live with my sister." I respond quietly not really wanting to talk about it.
"How do you like it here so far?" he ask like he genuinely wants to know.
"It's fine. I haven't really seen the town I been busy unpacking and other stuff." I say we reach Mr. Moore's class.
"I could show you around if you want, there's this new movie theater that just open up in the mall." he ask as we walk into our class.
"Let me know." he says as he walks over to his friends.
I take a seat in the front of the class and think about how it's going to be hard not to get too close to him.
About thirty minutes into class we have free to finish our homework.
"Logan the girl you walk in with, was that the girl you were staring at in Ms. Brown's class." Matt ask while looking at Gabriela.
"I was not staring at her, and yea that's her. Why do you ask?" I say as I look over at Gabriela.
"Because you two looked cozy when you walked in here and you're still staring at her." he says while grinning up at me.
"I'm not staring at her and I just walked her to class." I respond, but still looking over at Gabriela.
"Dude I thought you only go for college girls and you are totally staring at her." Cory says as he pushes me.
"Whatever and I don't just go for college girls, it's just none of the girls here catch my attention." I say finally looking at them.
"Well it's about time someone did. Did you ask her out?" Matt says looking back over at Gabriel.
"Yea I ask if she wanted me to show her around town, maybe show her the new movie theater that just open up." I say to Matt after finally pulling out my Spanish homework.
"Good we'll tag along so you don't look stupid like you did this morning." Cory says.
"Whatever she didn't even say yes yet." I say looking down at the desk.
"What do you mean she didn't say yes yet?" Matt ask while trying not to laugh.
"Shut up!!!" I hiss while glaring at him.
"Looks like you lost your game." he's says as he burst into laughter.
"Fuck you Matt!" I hiss angrily as I get up and storm out of class, just as the bell rings.
I walk out of my wood shop class with Victor next to me. We walk down the hall heading towards lunch, I can't help myself but to smirk at all the girls who look our way.
"Can you go five seconds without trying to get into some girls pants?" Vic says while speeding up to get to lunch.
I jog to catch up with him "Hey I can't help it."
"I wonder how your mate will take that." he wonders aloud.
"I don't care because I'll be the one in charge, I'll have her wrapped around my finger." I arrogantly say as we walk through the cafeteria's doors.
"Yea, sure you will." he says not believing it for a second.
"You just wait and see she'll be running behind me li-" I was cut off when someone bumped into me.
I turn ready to chew the person's head off. Only to stop short when I see the person's eyes. Silver is the only thing that crosses my mind. A blissful silver that captures and awakens my soul.
"Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate, Mate!" I hear Alex screaming to me as we look into those silver eyes. "She is our MATE, take her, take her now." she screams while running and barking like mad in my head.
"I can't do that she's human." I groan, shaking my head mentally.
"What can you do?" she says quickly while running in circles.
"I could buy her lunch and apologize?" I say hesitantly.
"Yes, yes do that, do that!!!!" she howls.
I'm the first to come out of our state, which only lasted 3 minutes but it seemed like an eternity. I take another minute to check her out. Besides her amazing silver eyes, she has light blond hair and it goes down to her waist, that I want to run my fingers threw. She is a ft shorter than me, which I find extremely sexy. Her skin is flawless and her hips has these curves that go perfectly with her body. She has a dazzling smile to go with her amazing eyes.
"Hey are you ok I'm sorry it was totally my fault." I say with my signature smirk.
"Um ye- I'm f-fine." she stutters as she looks up at me.
"Can I buy your lunch to make it up to you?" I say smoothly.
"Y-Yea." she stutters again trying to drag her eyes away from my lips.
"Come on." I say with a grin while she blushes a light pink knowing she's been caught staring at my lips.
I put my hand down to rest right above her butt, to guide her. Her blush turns a darker shade of pink. I have to say she looks beautiful when she blushes, just like an angel, my angel. We walk to the back of the lunch line, usually I would cut to the front but I want more time to talk to my angel.
"Are you new here?" I ask trying not to stare at her lips.
"Y-Yes." she stutters, which is almost a cute as her blush.
"So.........What brings someone as beautiful as you to Limestone Creek." I say with a grin. I grin wider when she blushes red.
"I u-um had s-some f-family problems." she stutters quietly.
I frown at this but I don't say anything knowing she doesn't want to talk about it. I quickly grin again to cover the frown. I see that we are almost to the front so I ask her "Well I would love to take you out to show you the town."
"I u-um d-don't think th-that would b-be a g-good i-idea." she stutters quietly, barely above a whisper. The only reason I heard her is because of my wolf hearing. I stare at as she quickly grabs her lunch and proceeds down the line. I quickly follow her and think of something to say.
I grab my lunch quickly, trying to get away from the gorgeous boy I bumped into. He caught me checking him out but how could I not. He's so tall and he has pitch black hair. He has well defined arm muscles and toned abs that you can see though his shirt. I bite my lip remembering. By now I have reached the cashier. I go to pay for my lunch but a hand intercepts me.
"I got it." I hear from behind me, I turn around and see the boy I bumped into.
"I said I was going to buy your lunch." he says.
"O-Ok." I stutter while looking up at him.
"I'm Ash by the way." he says.
"Gab-Gabriela." I stutter again looking back at the counter.I go to grab my lunch tray only to have Ash pick up my tray with one hand.
"I got it." Ash says.
"Where to?" he asks while putting his other hand at the bottom of my back.
"U-Um." I say trying to focus but having a hard time because of his hand.
"O-Over by L-Lucy." I stutter while looking over at Lucy.
We walk over to Lucy, I can't help but notice the stares were getting from most of the girls. It confirms my thoughts that Ash is a player and I don't need that type of conflict in my life. We reach Lucy and I sit next to her.
"So...........I'll see you later?" Ash says while walking away not giving me a chance to respond.
"Are you going to tell me your secret?" Lucy ask as she watches Ash walk away.
I look at her confused and ask "What secret?"
"The secret of how you got the two hottest people in school after you, one the captain of the soccer team and the other the captain of the football team." she says looking at me like I'm a idiot.
"There's no secret and you can have them, I'm not looking for a boyfriend." I say as I start to eat my food.
I almost have a heart attack when Lucy, out of nowhere, burst out laughing. She continues to laugh as I look at her like she lost her mind. When she starts to dry heave is when intervene.
"Why are you laughing." I ask, still looking at her like she's crazy.
"Y-You thi-" she starts to say but is cut off when another round of laughter comes.
"Omg just tell me why you're laughing already jeez." I say getting a little impatient.
"You think they're guys." she rushes out before another wave of laughter can come.
"What do you mean I think there guys." I say quietly.
"They're girls Gabby." she says after she regains her breath.
I sit there as I get lost in my thoughts. That would explain the feminine characteristics they have and how they are beautiful but handsome at the same time. Why am I attracted to them. They are girls so why do I get butterflies in my stomach when I look at them. Why do I have thoughts of kissing there lips. I'm not a lesbian, am I.
"Hey Gabby you ok in there? Lunch is over." she says as she taps on my head.
"Huh what?" I say looking around in a daze.
"Come on it's time to go to gym." she says as she pulls me up and drags me out of the cafeteria.
She continues to drag me all the way to the girls locker rooms. Where she gives me some gym clothes to change into. I change into the gym clothes but I do it as a robot, not hearing any conversations around me. When I'm done I sit mindlessly on a bench as I am once again consumed in my thoughts.
They're both girls, I was attracted to not one but two girls. I still am attracted to them, does that make me a lesbian. I was never attracted to any boys at my old high school. I never had a boyfriend, then again I have never been in any kind of relationship. I have never been kissed, it's kind of sad seeing as I'm a 17 year old senior high school student.
I'm taken from my thoughts when I hear Lucy calling my name. I look around thinking I'll see the locker room but I'm now in a very large gym. That has teenagers dressed in gym clothes.
"Where am I?" I blurt out of nowhere.
"Oh nice of you to join the land of the living. You're in the gym, I have been calling your name for the past ten minutes. Jeez where do you go when you're inside your head." she asks slightly amused that I could space out so long.
"They're girls, you said they're girls." I randomly say.
"Yea, don't worry I thought the same thing on the first day of freshmen year when Ash came to school, she looked completely different from when she was in middle school." she says but thinks about it for a second.
"Well not that different she always had short hair but she was just buff and when Logan came sophomore year I thought all the girls would just die, we all thought she was a guy too so you're not the only one." she says smiling at me.
"Oh ok so it's normal?" I ask hesitantly.
"Yea." she says with certainty.
"Ok, so what are we doing." I say while looking at all of the waiting teenagers.
"Waiting for the teacher. Who should be here any second." she says looking around.
Not five seconds after she said that the teacher walks in. He's a young man about 29, who is very fit yet I feel no sort of attraction to him or any of the other boys who have been giving me flirty looks.
"Ok class we have a new student so I'll introduce myself again I'm Mr. Taylor and today you guys are playing dodge ball. Violet and Eve are captains, pick teams." Mr. Taylor says while pulling out dodge balls from what I'm guessing is a equipment closet.
So after teams are picked, Lucy and me are on a girl named Eve's team. We start to play and Lucy and me mostly stick to the back tossing stray dodge balls to people who can actually throw them and get people out. I'm in the middle of tossing a stray dodge ball to someone when two dodge balls hit me, one dead in the face and the other in the stomach with what seems like superhuman speed. I remember the shocked look on Lucy's face as I fall towards the ground.
I hear two voices calling my name from somewhere in the gym, "Gabbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."
But I couldn't see the people calling my name, because the darkness had already claimed me.
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