《Seventeen One-Shots》REVISED (2)°Dino°


You sat in class, listening to your best friend talk about her favorite idols...well you pretended to listen. You were busy staring at the cutest guy in your class, Chan...or as everyone called him, Dino. "He shouldn't even be legally aloud to wear clothes! He is so ho-...(y/n)! Are even listening?!" Your best friend said, snapping her fingers in your face. "Huh? Oh yeah. Legal clothes are hot." You spouted off the very few keywords you heard and continued looking at Dino.

Your best friend looked in the direction of your gaze and rolled her eyes. "Please tell me You aren't looking at that dinosaur." She sneered at you. "So what if I am?" You pouted. Y'all looked on at him as he worked on his late math homework. He suddenly smiled widely and high fived himself. "He's so adorable." You mumbled. "He literally just gave himself a high five. He is a bonafide loser." Your friend gave you an unamused look. "Shut your mouth!" You whined. "If you like him so much then go talk to him." "No." "Want me to do it for you?" "No." Your eyes got wide.

Knowing your best friend, she'd probably tell him something totally ridiculous and inappropriate like you wanted to sit on his face.

She rolled her eyes at you one more time and carried on about idols. You carried on with your staring, glancing down every time he caught you. After school you were at your locker, waiting for your best friend to get out of tutoring. You thought you heard her coming down the hall so you just started talking. "About time. Do you wanna go get some pizza? I'm starving." You said closing your locker. "Why didn't you eat lunch?" You heard a voice that didn't belong to your best friend. "I'd Love to get some pizza with you though." The voice laughed. "Don't be Dino. Don't be Dino." You pleaded to yourself. You turned around slowly...and of course it was him. "Hey Dino. Sorry I thought you were someone else." You laughed nervously. "It's okay. So, how about that pizza?" He smiled brightly. "I should really wait for (bff/n) to get out of tutoring." "I was just in tutoring. She's not there." He said casually. "She wasn't there? I'm gonna kill her." You mumbled. "I'll pay your bail if you get caught." He laughed.


You started blushing. "Are we gonna get that pizza or not? Come on. It'll be a date." He smiled, dragging you by the arm. You thought you'd die from all the blood running to your face.

A date?

Did he really just say that?

On the way there he talked and talked and talked until a normal person would want him to shut up...but you didn't because you could listen to him forever.

"Why were you staring at me in class?" He asked abruptly. "Huh?" You panicked, feeling your face invent a new shade of red. "Did I have something on my face?" He laughed lightly. You remained quiet. "Or am I just that good looking?" He gave you a cheeky smile. Your breathing stopped. "I'm just messing with you. (Bff/n) told me it'd be fun to mess with you before confessing." He gave an innocent look. Your heart stopped.

"Please don't joke like that." You said quietly. "Haha, alright babe."

Idky but I have a really hard time writing for this disrespectful little shit

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