《Seventeen One-Shots》REVISED (2) °Mingao (the8)°


You were sitting in the library composing a letter of appreciation for your volleyball coach. It was a senior class project. The idea was to write a letter to someone who helped you grow up and prepare for the real world. You were tearing up as you wrote about how much your coach affected your life and how she had changed your outlook on life and made you believe anything was possible.

You finished the letter and took a deep breath. "You okay (y/n)" You heard a familiar voice behind you. "Hey Minghao...I'm fine...These senior projects have me in my feelings though." You laughed. "I know what you mean. Who'd you write your appreciation letter to?" "Coach Lee." "Can I read it?" "Only if you let me look through your memory book." You said handing him the letter. He began reading it. Half way through it, you heard his breath start hitching and tears began to well up in his eyes. He handed it back to you and wiped away a stray tear. "That is one of the sweetest, most genuine, compassionate and thoughtful letters I've ever read." He said with a big smile. "Thank you." You smiled shyly.

"Can you believe we have to write a confession letter?" He asked, pulling out the Big Packet of Mandatory Senior Projects. "That wasn't a joke?" You got wide eyes. "Nope. It was serious. We have to write a letter of confession and give it to the person we confess to...for a grade." "That's social suicide." You said in disbelief. "Well I better go figure out who to confess to." Minghao laughed, leaving you alone on the library floor. You sighed deeply, removing another letter from your binder. You knew about the confession project and already wrote your letter. You just needed to figure out when and how to give it to Minghao. Y'all had been best friends since before y'all could talk. He was always there for you. You knew everything about him and he knew everything about you.


You stared at the letter contemplating if you really wanted to go through with giving it to him.

Just then, he texted you.

M- hey...do you mind going to my locker and getting my library books to return them? Pwease.

Y- no problem

You cheered. This would be the perfect opportunity to give him the letter. You ran to his locker and momentarily forgot his locker combination. "Oh yeah. It's my birthday duh...just like mine is his." You laughed. You grabbed his books and propped your letter against his stack of textbooks. "No way he'd miss that." You smiled to yourself.

After school, you went to put some stuff up in your locker. You opened your locker and a note fell onto the floor and a small box with a neatly wrapped bow sat upon all your stuff. You picked up the letter and read it. You nearly fainted. It was Minghao's confession letter. Your heart began racing. You opened the box and there was a simple rock with another note. "We've always been there for each other no matted what. Keep this rock with you in case I'm not there and I'll always be with you. " It read.

"Promise you'll always keep that rock with you ?" You heard Minghao say from behind you. You leaped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly.

So the rock thing was inspired by my sociology teacher who gave a rock to his girlfriend on Valentine's day and told her that. I thought it was cute...you might not've but that's fine.

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