《Seventeen One-Shots》REVISED (2) °Wonwoo°


You were asleep in bed, dreaming about your neighbor, Wonwoo.

You were suddenly awoken by said neighbor. "(Y/N)! Wake up! We are gonna be late!" You heard a deep voice down the hall. You groaned. "Why does my neighbor have to be so fine and so oblivious to how much I love him!?" You quietly whined, crawling out of bed. "Are you getting dressed?" Wonwoo could be heard from behind your door. "Yeah Mom!" You joked. You got dressed and brushed your teeth. You grabbed your backpack and opened your door. Wonwoo stood in the hall, waiting for you, impatiently tapping his foot.

You looked at him and turned pink. "If we don't figure out a way for the both of us to start waking up on time, we might as well move into the detention hall." He shook his head. "It's called an alarm." You rolled your eyes. "Then why don't you set one?" "Why don't set one?" Wonwoo looked slightly offended. "You're the responsible one. Duh!" He laughed, exiting your house.

You were still kind of sleepy as y'all walked to school. "So what'd you dream about?" Wonwoo asked. You thought about how to tell him you had dreamt of him marrying you and y'all having 3 beautiful kids together and living happily ever after. "I dreamt that I could fly." You said, deciding it was to soon to confess to him. "Are you sure it wasn't about a guy?" He asked, making you turn red. "I-I'm sure." You squeaked. Wonwoo laughed. "I was only kidding....unless it's true...is it true?" He smiled. "No." You said bluntly. "I know you're lying. Your pigment always tells the truth." He laughed. "Whatever." You rolled your eye, trying to brush off his comment.


Y'all got to school, promised to eat lunch together and said your farewells. You wrote about your dream on a piece of paper and put it in your shirt pocket.

At lunch, you and Wonwoo met up and talked about everything y'all didn't learn in class. "I have to say...Mingyu gave me a very interesting note today." Wonwoo smiled. "Awe. Did he finally confess?" You joked. He pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out of his pocket. It looked very familiar. You began nervously patting your pockets. "I didn't know you felt like this way towards me." He smiled widely. "I-I-I can explain." You said nervously, afraid Wonwoo wouldn't wanna be friends with you anymore. "What's there to explain? You like me and I like you...why aren't we a thing yet?" He said in a dreamy tone. "What? Are you...serious?" You asked in disbelief. "I wanted to see how long it'd take you to confess...but I got tired of waiting." He playfully hit your arm. "How long have you known?" You asked shyly. "I figured it out 3 days after becoming your neighbor." "You've known for 3 years?" You said kind of irritability. "Yeah...pretty much." He laughed, hugging you tightly.

I'm gonna be a senior in 3 weeks. *cries intensly*

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