《Seventeen One-Shots》(1)|The8 (Minghao)|(REVISED)



You were walking your dog in the park one day. He was a St. Bernard named Rudy and was the absolute sweetest dog on the planet. He loved playing fetch and helping your mom dig holes while she gardened.

You sat down to take a break and let him off his leash to play fetch. You got his attention with a tennis ball and threw it. You threw it for awhile before your arm got tired. Rudy couldn't have been any happier. You threw it one last time and accidentally threw it to far. As he ran to get it, he ran out of your sight of vision but you could hear him barking roughly. You called after him and got up to see what was wrong.

Suddenly, you heard a boy yell out in terror in the same direction that Rudy's barking was coming from. "Oh no." You cringed as you ran to see what Rudy was doing.

You found him growling at a boy about your age, pinned to a tree."Rudy! Bad dog! Leave it!" You yelled, popping Rudy on the nose and putting his leash back on him. "I am so sorry." You said to the boy quivering with fear. "He's normally so sweet." You said looking down at Rudy who was still snarling. The boy looked at you and tilted his head. "It's okay...I think he just wants this back." The boy said dropping Rudy's tennis ball and kicking it to him. Rudy was content now and layed down to chew on his ball. "I really am sorry. I promise he wouldn't have bitten you. He's a lover not a fighter." You laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "It's fine. I shouldn't have taken his ball." The boy said squatting down and patting Rudy's head. The boy looked up at you, tilting his head again. "Do I know you?" He asked you. "I don't think so." You said to him. "I'd remember someone as cute as you." You thought to yourself. The thought made your cheeks turn pink. "Well I'm Minghao." He said, standing up to bow to you. "I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you." You said bowing back. "And this is Rudy. Rudy ,bow." Rudy stood up and tucked his head between his front legs. "Whoa. That's awesome." Minghao laughed. "I'm still really sorry about him scaring you. Can I make it up to you somehow?" You asked.


"Why don't we exchange phone numbers and I'll call you if I think of anything?" He smiled at you sweetly. "This guy is smoother than peanut butter." You thought as you wrote your number on a spare tennis ball you had in case Rudy's favorite one got lost. He laughed loudly as you presented him with the tennis ball with your number on it. Y'all went your separate ways after that.

A few days later you found out that you and Minghao actually went to the same school and started hanging out a lot.

After school, y'all were walking to his house to hang out.

"You know Rudy misses you." You laughed. "Gah,I have to admit when he isn't mad about you playing with his stuff...he's a sweet dog." Minghao laughed. It got quiet as y'all's laughs died out. "You know...I've been thinking...I finally figured out how you could make it up to me for Rudy scaring me that day." "Isn't my undying friendship enough?" You joked...kinda praying he didn't take that as putting him in the friend zone. "Be my girlfriend." He said sweetly, looking down at you. You blushed deeply. "O-okay." You said happily.

I'm low-key proud of this one.

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