《Seventeen One-Shots》(1)|Jun| (REVISED)




You were standing at your locker listening to music. It was after school, after tutoring and you were positive that you were alone but and you didn't feel like going home.

Back Breaker by BTS came on and you got a little to hype. You started singing and rapping along to the song to the best of your ability while dancing up and down the halls. Then Dope came on and you nailed the choreography in the middle of the hall. You laughed and decided it was time to go home.

The next day in class your brother's best friend, Jun, slid into the desk next to you and smiled at you creepily.

You tolerated Jun. If it wasn't for the fact that he was hella fine he'd be absolutely intolerable.

"What do you want?" You asked feeling uncomfortable. "Do you know the definition of chill?" He asked pulling his phone out. "Yeah, why?" You asked growing a little irritated. "I highly disagree with that." He played a video of you from yesterday...after school. You could've sworn nobody else was at school.

"Delete that!" You demanded, hitting him in the arm. "No. Its adorable. Wait till YouTube sees this." He teased. "Delete it before I murder you." You said through clenched teeth. "If I delete this YouTube worthy piece of work then I gotta get something in return." He said persuasively. "Ugh! Fine! What do you want?!" You yelled, causing everyone in class to turn and stare at you. "I'll let you know at lunch. Meet me on the roof." He smirked.

At lunch you walked to the roof like Jun asked you to. As you stepped onto the roof all you saw were balloons and all you heard was Miss Right by BTS.


The scene was heartwarming and made your cheeks flushed slightly.

You looked around trying to find Jun. You walked closer to the balloons and Jun appeared out of nowhere, holding up his phone, recording you. "Are you gonna want me to delete this video too?" He asked, giving you a sweet smile. "What are you doing Jun?" You asked in awe from what he'd done. "Confessing to you." He said simply.

You got really wide-eyed. Did you hear that correctly? "Ha. Ha. Where are the cameras?" You asked, feeling like this was an awful prank. "Right here, in my hand. I wanted to capture your reaction to me asking you to be my girlfriend." He gulped a little, sounding nervous. "Are you serious?" "Do I look like I'm kidding?" You hugged him tightly,accepting his confession.

Just as you accepted his confession, Just One Day by BTS came on.

Jun hugged you around your waist. "Please tell me I can get more than just one day." Jun laughed light-years at his own lame joke.

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