《dreamnotfound smutshots》hide and seek


It was a Saturday night, and a few of george and clays friends decided to stay over. "Hey we should play hide and seek!", yelled toby . "I like this mans idea," said wilbur. "i third that motion," said zak. Everyone came to agree and had decided nick, tommy and clay would be seekers. George decided it would be fun to hide in clays room, so he decided under his gaming desk would be a good spot. He moved the chair in front of him, trying to block the view of him from all sides. He knew clay would be mainly looking for him, so he tried to stay as small and hidden away from the taller boy's view. "READY OR NOT!" George knew that was his cue to stay quiet.

After a few minutes george heard footsteps approach clays door. "georgeeeee. where are youuuuuu." George looked through a peak under the chair and knew clay had walked in. And then the door lock. "George. Did you know my gaming room is soundproof? no one outside of this room can hear anything~" george knew exactly what clay was intending, a blush already visible on his face. "let's have fun like we did a few weeks ago." clay dropped down and looked under his desk. "gotcha."

He moved the chair to the side and pulling george onto his lap. "clay not right now there's people aro-." george was cut off by clays lips on his. "soundproof george.", clay said pointing to the walls around him. Clay picked up george and threw him on the bed. "it'll be quick george." clay reached to his dresser and pulled out his bottle of lube. "but you can't be as vocal as last time." clay began to unbuckle and unbutton his pants, then george's. "c-clay i don't wanna be heard or worse-caught." "Then keep your whiny mouth shut." clay flipped george over and pulled down his boxers. "f-fine but quickly clay." "will do."


clay poured lube on his fingers then inserted them into george, moans already being yelled into the mattress. "a-ah~"

after clay was sure he was stretched, he moved george onto his lap again, chest to chest, and lined up with george. "ready?" george nodded and slowly began to lower onto clay, leaning into the other males neck to block some of his moans. He began to quicken his thrust, keeping a hand over george's mouth trying to silence him. "george if you keep making noises we're gonna get caught again." "i-i'm trying not to," said george still struggling to speak in between his pleasured moans. Clay kept pounding into george until he felt him cum. Clay quickly rode out his high, george still a moaning mess on top of his lap.

Clay pulled out and set george down on the bed and grabbed the wipes next to them on his nightstand. "clay. we need to do this more often."

after they got dressed and cleaned, they both headed downstairs. "hey i found george!" george was limping behind clay, and they met with sap and tommy, who were still looking for wilbur. toby sat on the couch, cuddled next his bee plush. "don't wake him up or i'll kill you all." said tommy.


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