《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 18


Zophisa P.O.V

Luka and I walked onto the small stage hand in hand. The room was filled with paparazzi and reporters just waiting to bombard us with questions. Luka pulled my chair out and I sat down in front a microphone. Once I was seated, he sat to the left of me and interlocked our fingers.

"Good morning. I would like to start by saying all questions must be in English to make my wife as comfortable as possible," Luka announced into his microphone. There was a little chatter but no disagreement.

"You may begin with your questions," Luka said.

"Mrs. Ricca, is it true you threatened Mr. Bunch?" A male reporter asked from the back.

"No, that is not true," I said simply.

"So what did happen?" A female reporter shouted.

"My husband and I fired Mr. Bunch because he was incompetent and disrespectful. He must have taken it to it heart," I said with poise.

"Mrs. Ricca. is it true you are in a gang?" Another reporter asked.

"That is not true," In said clearly into the microphone.

"How do you explain the pictures that were leaked in the press?" The same woman from before asked.

"That woman was clearly not my wife, she had tattoos all over her face and body. My wife's skin is unmarked," Luka said, caressing the back of my hand.

"Mrs. Ricca, a reliable source who is close to Mr. Ricca told the press that woman is you. Why would they lie?" She pryed. I raised my eyebrow at her curiosity. Then, I realized who she the woman was.

"Ms. Russo," I started, shocking her, "Many poeple want to see my husband and I's marrage fail. These sources could just as easily be people who barely know me or my husband. I love my husband and he loves me," I said. Luka hummed in agreement before lifting my hand to his lips and kissing it.


"Until death do us part," he said, looking me in the eyes. I smirked before leaning in and pecking his lips.

"No further questions," Luka said before standing up and pulling my chair out. I stood from my chair and walked off of the stage between Luka and a security guard.

Once we made it to the car I let out a breath of relief. "That was intense," I said to Luka. We decided to drive ourselves instead of being escorted.

"Yes, but it worked," Luka said, starting the car.

"Between the press conference and the scene we put on in front of the workers, we should be just fine. Right?" I asked nervously.

"We will be fine. We have crossed all of out t's and dotted all of our i's," he assured as he pulled onto the highway.

"Good, then we will be able to put the plan into full effect. Then we can dead this and go back to our lives," I said, looking out of the rearview mirror at the cars behind us.

"You might want to take that mess off of your face we are going to handle business," he said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"You better stop talking to me like that. I'll smack the shit out you," I warned as I reached for my makeup wipes in my purse. I took one more glance in the rearview mirror before pulling down the sun visor and taking off my makeup.

Luka's phone started to ring as he was swerving in and out of the lanes on the highway.

"What?" He barked into the phone. There was a brief pause before he spoke again, this time in Italian. "Allora porta via quel bastardo dalla strada. non può vedere mia moglie!" (Then run the bastard off the road he can not see my wife)


He hung up the phone and continued to drive. Moments later there was a collision behind us.

"What crawled up your ass? Why are you acting like this?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the small mirror.

"We will talk when we get in the house," he said, making a sharp turn on the exit.

"No, we will talk now I'm not about to let your little hissy fit get in the way of business," I demanded.

"The night you had your fiancee killed and you told me you hated killing people, why did you lie?" He asked.

"Oh my fucking goodness," I sighed rubbing my hand down my now makeup free face. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I've seen you kill, you love it more than anything. If I knew any better I'd think you had an obsession with it," he said as he parked the car in front of the old building. "Why did you lie? What are you trying to do trick me into letting my guard down or something?" He asked.

"You right, I am a sick, twisted, sadistic bitch. But I am not trying to trick you. When I had my fiancee killed, I guess I was just speaking from a place of pain," I admitted. He scoffed.

"If I wanted anything from you, I would have taken it and I would have taken it all with no remorse," I said firmly. He just nodded in response.

"Alright, we have backup right behind us. He's in that building and he has something we want. Since he will not hand it over we'll take everything, including him. You got it?" He told me.

"Of course," I mumbled, putting on the black gloves he handed me. I watched as backup arrived in different vans, they all jumped out wearing ski masks and holding submachine guns.

We got out of the car holding our handguns. We walked in behind the group of men who shot anyone in their path. We made it all the way upstairs before we stopped in front of a door. One of the men kicked the door open and shot two men, leaving the third one untouched. Luka walked in and shot the man in the shoulder, making him drop the gun he was holding.

"Why are you doing this?" The man aksed.

"I think it's for my benefit," I said, walking into the room, "Mr. Bunch."





SHE'S ALIIVVEEEE!! I finally updated, don't kill me. Thanks for all the support you guys have given me while I've been gone I feel greatt 💖 more is comingg

Xox- NX

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