《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 6


Zophisa POV

Luka and I stepped off of the jet, arm in arm with smiles on our faces. Right away we were bombarded by paparazzi asking questions and snapping pictures.

"Mr. Ricca, is it true she's your future wife?" A reporter asked, shoving hey microphone in our faces.

"Is it true she's American?" Another shouted out.

"Is she only marrying you for money?" One yelled from the crowd as Luka's security pushed us to the car.

"No comment," Luka said to the reporters as he ducked me into the car and slid in next to me. He groaned and took the sunglasses off his face. He reached over and picked up a bottle of scotch that sat in a bucket in the seat across from us.

"You might want to put that on the rocks," I said as he poured the drink.

"I don't like my drinks on the rocks," he mumbled before downing the drink.

"I was talking about your eye," I snickered. I dug through my bag and pulled out some concealer.

"Come here," I demanded, reaching toward Luka.

"You are not putting that mess on my face," he said, blankly.

"Do you mind closing this?" I asked the driver sweetly. He nodded and pressed a button that pulled a black screen up to separate him from us.

"I told you, everything that has to do with you, has to do with me. I will not have my husband walking around with a black eye like some little bitch," I said to him.

"I am a grown man. I will not color on my face to please the public," he grumbled.

"At least put this on it," I said, pulling an ice pack from my purse.


"How much junk do you have in that thing?" he asked as I hit the ice pack to activate it.

" Just makeup, first aid kit, guns, pocket knives, extra bullets, gum, hair ties, keys, you know, regular stuff," I shrugged. I handed the ice pack to Luka. He slowly put it up to his eye and glared at me.

"We aren't even married yet and you're bossing me around," he mumbled.

"Get used to it," I said with a sarcastic smile.





I know it's not much but I'm trying to hurry and get to the good part. Thanks for all the support

Xox- NX

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