《The Devil's Dance》66


I've completed my first semester at my new school and it has been wonderful. Being able to do what I love while opening being in love with Katia has been an experience far better than anything else. If I really believed I could reach this level of happiness sooner I would have left my old job the moment I realized I was in love. However, I won't dwell on the past. My present is way too beautiful.

I am currently on the way to pick Katia up from physical therapy. I can't wait to see her. Elaine picked her up this morning from our home because she works right next door to Katia's doctor's office. The last time I saw her I was still half asleep.

"Mrs. Bell, so good to see you," the receptionist says excitedly. Sherry has a squeaky voice with a southern accent that seems out of place here in our city. It has taken me time to get used to it but she's a sweet woman. It hard not to be drawn to her. "Care for a lemon bar? I made them myself!"

"Hi, Sherry. I'll have to pass this time. I'm trying to watch my figure."

She fans me away with one and reaches for a container with the other. "You're just fit as a fiddle. One won't hurt. I won't tell nobody." She gives me a wink.

I would feel impeccably rude if I declined at this point. So I reach out and take one. She hands me a napkin and I wrap my sweet treat to save for later. Her phone rings, distracting her for a moment before she hangs up.

"They would like your company in the back. Katia's doctor wants to discuss something with you."

Katia's been doing well. Good and bad days equally. However, I feel my heart drop down into my stomach. They've never asked to come to the back before. "Is she okay?" I ask before moving at all. I would like to know what I'm about to walk into.

Sherry gives me a small but reassuring smile. "Go on. You'll be just fine."

I take a deep breath and steady myself. With a curt nod I excuse myself through the double doors that lead to the different exercise areas.

"In here!" My wife's voice calls and I turn to see her and her physical therapist. She's in her chair and she seems okay. Not too down trodden today.

"Hi, beautiful." I lean down and kiss her gently but passionately.

She blushes the way she always does when I kiss her like that in front of other people. "Hi."

Her doctor chuckles. "Mrs. Bell." She reaches out and shakes my hand.

"Doctor Tuloon." I say smoothly. My nerves are starting to get the best of me.

"No need to panic." She says with a smile on her face.

"That obvious?" I ask.

Katia laughs. "Very."

"So what are we discussing?" I ask.

"Katia here has made great progress and has just recently had a major break through." Tuloon explains.


Relief floods my heart. "That's great. What is it?"

"I'll let her explain."

Katia wheels her chair to the other side of the room away from myself and her doctor. She locks it into place and readies herself as if she is going to stand. I immediately start to walk near her but Tuloon place a hand in front of me. I glare at her but she only smiles. "It's okay." She whispers. "Trust her."

I grunt but I stay still. I swear to god if she hurts herself...

Katia stands and unlike previous times, she's not shaky at all. She stands straight to her full height and so very sure of herself. She smiles at me and tears prick at my eyes before falling down my cheeks. She starts to walk to me. Each step is solid and steady. She never takes her eyes from mine. She keeps walking until she is in my arms. I squeeze her so tight I'm afraid I may hurt her.

"I'm so proud of you." I whisper in her ear over and over. I'm crying. She's crying. I think even Doctor Tuloon is crying. When I can finally force myself to let go, she wipes my tears with her hands.

"Such a crybaby." She teases me.

I roll my eyes. "So?"

After I thank Doctor Tuloon numerous times, I take my girl home. The car ride is filled with excitement and happiness. Katia explains that while she might not have to use her wheelchair as much anymore, she will still need it sometimes. Short distances are good. Longer distances may require her to take breaks or use her chair.

We settle on the couch and I lay my head in her lap ad cuddle in close to her. She runs her fingers through my hair and I close my eyes. My baby. My safe haven. So many emotions have left me drained.

"So when do we start planning again?" She asks.

I open one sleepy eye. "Planning what?"

"Our wedding, silly. I'm walking down that aisle. Excuse my language but I've been busting my ass in physical therapy. It's happening!"

I sit up so we can look at each other eye to eye. "I will excuse your language under the circumstances. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. What you don't want to marry me anymore?"

"Katia, we're already married."

"Legally." She rolls her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure that's the one way that actually counts."

She crosses her arms and pouts. "Why don't you want a ceremony anymore? What changed?" She looks down then back up at me. "Is it me?"

"Oh, baby. No! No no no. Not ever." I take her hand into mine and kiss her knuckles.

She squeezes my hand. "Okay."

"I'm scared. That's all. Last time.." my voice trails off and I have to clear my throat, "I thought my wife would be in a coma for the rest of my life."

She frowns. "Talk about PTSD."


I laugh despite myself. "Yeah. A little."

Now it's her kissing my fingertips to soothe me. "I promise no matter who is or is not there, I will not leave. I will make it down the aisle to you safe, sound, and in one piece."

"Promise?" I ask despite her having just said it.

She holds out her pinky. "It doesn't get any more serious than this."

"Really?" A voice says from the entrance way. "I thought that was our thing."

I turn to see Liv standing there leaning against the wall with her arms folded.

Katia laughs. "What are you doing here and how did you get into my house?"

"Find a better place for your spare key." She says mischievously.

"Besides," Katia says, "I'm still not one hundred percent sure you didn't give Tori my hoodie! So we're even now."

Liv rolls her eyes and comes to flop down next to me. "For the thousandth time, it's my hoodie. You wouldn't know, you've lost your memories like what? Twice now?" She teases.

"Hey!" Katia reaches across me and punches her best friend. "Shut up."

"Make me!" Liv sticks out her tongue.

"I don't have to. I'll just call Tori."

Liv opens her mouth to say something but shuts it almost immediately.

"I win!" Katia says.

"Chrissyyyy." Olivia whines as she lays her head on my shoulder. "Kitty is being mean."

I laugh. "Awww. Don't let her get you down. She's just feeling full of herself today." I stroke Liv's hair.

"Hey!" Katia whines when she notices my affections toward her friend.

Again Liv sticks her tongue out.

Katia gasps. "Ma-" she huffs, "babe, stop it!"

I laugh and give Liv one more head pat before she sits up. "Would you like a drink or a snack, Liv?" I ask.

"Come on, Chris. Have I ever turned down a snack?"

"I'll get it!" Katia volunteers.

Liv moves as if she's going to grab Katia's chair, but stops when she sees her friend standing by herself. "Look at you! Solid as ever." Liv's eyes are wide with surprise.

"Yeah and check this out." Katia does something resembling a speed walk that makes me nervous.

"Hey. Take it easy." I say gently but sternly.

She laughs and disappears to the kitchen.

"When did that happen?" Liv asks.

I shrug. "She's been working on it in secret."

"I'm so proud of her. Is she dancing yet?"

I laugh. "Who knows. Maybe that's next week's surprise."

Liv laughs too.

"She wants to start planning our wedding again."

A serious expression takes over. "Oh. Yeah?"

I nod.

The blonde next to me squirms around in her seat nervously. "Am I invited?"

"Weren't you invited last time?"

She shrugs. "Yeah but-"

"But nothing. Just promise me, you'll be there for her."

She smiles and nods. "Of course. I promise."

"You better or it'll be me running after you this time."

Liv laughs. "That actually sounds infinitely more scary."

I smile. "Good."

"What's good?" Katia asks as she walks back into the room with a bottle of water and a folded half sandwich for Liv.

"Please tell me that's peanut butter and banana."

"Extra peanut butter."

"You love me. You really love me." Liv says before taking the biggest bite.

Katia sits on my lap instead of her seat next to me. I hold her close and rub her back.

"Where is Tori anyway?" Katia asks.

Liv rolls her eyes. "Hanging out with Kieraaa."

Katia laughs. "Jealous much, buddy?"

"No." Liv takes a sip of water. "Maybe."

Katia and I both laugh at her silliness. We sit and talk with Liv for a few hours until Tori calls her. Of course she runs off like a lovesick puppy. The same way I would if Katia called me after a long day of not seeing her.

After a fast dinner and hot showers we lay tangled in bed cuddling each other. "You know," I start, "I have some news of my own."

"And you've been holding out on me? Sneaky."

"Well it certainly does not top your news so I thought it could wait."

She kisses my forehead. "What is it?"

"The school approved my request for a classroom aide and I get to hire."

Katia lights up. "Babe that's so exciting. I know how much you were hoping they would approve it. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, baby."

She kisses my lips over and over again. "Do you want me to help you in the interview process? I could start lining up candidates next week if you'd like? I'm still in contact with a few girls I graduated with."

"Well, I was kind of hoping you would apply."

She pauses. "Me?"

"Yes. You. Katia Bell." I bite my lip. I'll never get over her having my last name.

"That hardly seems fair to the other candidates."

"Because you're my wife?" I ask. "I could get a hiring committee to ensure fairness."

"No because who knows more about dance or your teaching style than I do?"

I laugh. "Exactly why you should interview. Besides getting to see me every day, I think you would really like it."

She seems hesitant. "Even if I'm in my chair most of the class?"

"Chair or no chair, babe, you could do this job in your sleep." I sigh. "And from the amount of times you've kicked me in your sleep, I think you have."

She giggles. "Sorry, mama."

"Mmhm." I kiss her on the cheek. "Just think about it. Okay?"

She nods as she yawns. "Okay."

"Goodnight, little one."

"Night night." She burrows herself into my embrace and I hold her until we both find sleep.

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