《The Devil's Dance》65



It's Saturday morning and I'm so excited because Mistress asked me to help her judge and pick dancers for her school's dance team. Ultimately she'll have the final say of course but she said I have a good eye. So she wants me there. I'm so happy. It feels like it's been so long since I've done something this fun. I think I'm just pumped about being in a studio again. A studio not connected to our home with other dancers. New dancers. People I don't know.

Liv and Tori both came to pick me up and drive me to the school. Mistress had to go ahead of me and mentally prepare herself and whatever else teachers do before class or rehearsals start.

"Thanks again for the ride." I say from the back seat. Tori offered me the front like one hundred times but I'm totally okay riding in the back. Now she's just crammed against the dashboard because she wants to be sure I have enough leg room.

"No problem, Kitty." Liv says as she puts her sunglasses on.

Tori turns around and looks at me. "Kat, are you sure you have enough room?"

I wiggle my knees around. "More than enough, Tori. Thank you."

"After try outs do you guys want to get some lunch or something?" Liv asks.

"That sounds good! How about sushi?" Tori asks.

"Chris doesn't like sushi. How about burgers?" I ask.

"I'm in." Tori says.

"I'll get a salad or something. Coach has us on a crazy diet and workout routine." Liv frowns.

Tori slides her hand under her girlfriend's shirt. "But you're already in such great shape."

Liv's cheeks burn pink as she tries to hide a smile. "Thanks, babe."

I squeal and sit up. I ruffle Tori's short hair. "I can't believe you two are dating! Can I just say, you're welcome. If I didn't force you two to get over your petty rivalry this would have never happened."


"Yeah. Whatever. Sit back and put your seatbelt on." Olivia rolls her eyes but she's still smiling.

"Oh I love this song!" Tori turns up the radio and we all sing along at the top of lungs. It becomes more of a screaming match but we don't care. The rest of the car ride is filled with awful singing and laughter.

When we get to the school, Liv pushes me inside to the studio.

"This place is fancy as fuck." Tori says as she looks around.

I nod. "This is the school my dad tried to send me."

"Yeah but you threw a fit and cried for 40 days and 40 nights because you just had to be taught by Christine Bell." Liv adds.

Tori snickers.

"Yeah and we see how that turned out for me. Good thing I did."

I watch from the doorway for a while as the girls and guys warm up and practice amongst themselves. My wife is over by her desk looking over a clipboard. Probably checking and double checking every name.

One of the girls notice me and my posse at the door and she very carefully makes her way over to me. She seems confused but very confident in her approach. She folds her arms over her chest and looks down at me. "I'm sorry. Maybe you're lost, but this is a dance try out."

I nod slowly. "I know."

By this time, we have gained the attention of a few of the other people in the room. Including Chris.

She laughs ironically and bends down so she's closer to the height I am sitting in my chair. "Wheelchairs don't dance that well, hun."

I shrug. "And from the short amount of time I've watched you, neither do you but here we are."


The girl who I'll assume is Valerie looks shocked. She stands straight up and looks back at Chris. "Okay. I'm sorry and like... no offense but what could someone who can't even use their legs even know about dance?"

"Hey!" Liv says angrily behind me, but I put my hand on her hand to hush her.

"I know your foot was too flat on your last turn. I know your arms needed to be a incy wincy bit straighter and I know you stumbled coming down from that poor excuse of a jeté. But... rookie mistakes. You'll get better with more practice."

A few of the other girls giggle in the background and Valerie's face turns beet red. She turns away from me and storms to the other side of the room where it looks like she's fussing at Chris.

"Well uh... you ladies have fun. We're out of here." Liv chuckles a bit.

"Don't forget to call us after this is over so we can go get lunch!" Tori says.

"I won't. See you guys later."

They both wave bye to Chris and leave. I wheel myself over to my wife after Valerie is done throwing her tantrum. She smiles at me ruefully. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

I smile. "She started it!"

Chris rolls her eyes before leaning down and kissing me. She clears her throat and walks to the front of the gathered mass of leotard clad students. "Hello everyone. Thanks for coming out. Today we're holding tryouts for the competitive dance team and while I would love to keep you all, it's simply not possible. My wife, Katia," she motions to me with the wave of her hand, "and I will be taking notes and keeping scores on all of you today. There are only ten slots. I wish you all the best luck. Have fun and try your best."

Valerie makes her way back over to me as another student gets Christine's attention to ask her some questions. Again she crosses her arms. "I'm sorry." Her words come out very bitter and reluctant.

"For what?" I ask innocently as if I forgotten the entire ordeal.

"My comments. It's not your fault you can't use your legs."

"You're Valerie, right?" I ask.

She nods.

"Listen, you don't have to kiss my ass. If you're a good dancer, I'll score you fairly. But," I inch closer to her and lower my voice to a whisper, "if you continue to give my wife problems I'll find a way to make your life a living hell."

Valerie leans away from and something like shock passes over her face. "O...k." She nods.

I smile. "Okay then. Good luck!"

Chris comes over to us and sees Valerie and I staring at each. "Everything okay here?" She asks.

"Is it, Valerie?" I ask.

"Yes, Mrs. Bell." She answers quickly and leaves us alone again.

"What did you do to her?" Chris asks.

"Just a little girl talk. Is it time to start?"

She looks at me long and hard, the way she does when she knows I've been misbehaving, but she lets it go and sighs. She hands me a clipboard and a pen. "Yup. Let's get this show on the road."

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