《The Devil's Dance》8


It's been weeks since my run in with Miss Bell. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened but it feels like she's been avoidant of me. I messed up a few days ago and she didn't even make me do it over again. Class is ending now and I want to ask her if I did something wrong. I wait of course until the studio is empty.

"Miss Bell?" I say approaching her podium.

She looks up and then back at her papers. "Yes, Katia?"

"I hope this doesn't come off weird or anything but lately it feels like you've been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

She shakes he head no. Still not looking at me. "Not at all."

I sigh. I'm growing more irritated. "Then what's your problem?" I ask before I realize what I'm even saying.

Well it worked. It got her attention. She looks up from her papers. "Excuse me?" She asks.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I just..." I could feel my palms beginning to sweat.

"Katia. You didn't do anything wrong. I just think I should give us both some space. Certain lines just... can't be crossed." She says quietly.

She did feel it. That night when we locked eyes, she felt it. I knew I wasn't crazy. She wanted me the same way I wanted her and I know it now.

"Even if both people wanted to cross it?" I ask looking directly at her. I want her to know I'm serious.

"Even then, it would be inappropriate." She says. Her voice is still lowered.

"But why?" I ask. "You're only a few years older than me."

She smooths her hair back. "It's not about age. It's about boundaries and power structure. People would assume I forced or coerced you."

"Who cares what they think?" I ask.

Miss Bell gathers her things quickly. She looks as though she's becoming flustered. "I care, Katia. This is my career. It may be some fleeting feeling or school girl crush for you but this is my life. I'm not taking the chance."

Before I can argue my side, she storms out of the studio leaving me alone yet again.

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