《Ravished by a Rake : Historical Fiction》Chapter 11
Why are you wearing this?’ the Earl waved his hand distastefully at her widow’s outfit, ‘when you know I wanted you in the blue gown,’ he growled harshly in her ears. Alexander had held her back, gripping her wrist, after he assisted the duchess into his phaeton.
‘Oh I thought you’d have your hands full with your lover and would not even note my presence, let alone what I’m wearing,’ Sybrina jerked her hand out of his and hopped onto the phaeton, before he could retaliate.
‘You’re going to be long in town your grace,’ Sybrina ignored Alexander and made meaningless conversation with the duchess who sat closely next to the Earl across from Sybrina. She looked everywhere else, not wanting to see how closely they sat next to each other.
‘You love horses Sybrina,’ the duchess smiled, ‘why don’t you convince Alex to bring you to the races on Saturday? I can’t seem to convince him to change his mind,’ she pouted.
So you will just use me to get him there so you can have your hands all over him!
Sybrina cast her eye to the Earl, he seemed in a foul mood, ignoring her and the duchess. When the duchess had indicated that she liked horses, his head swung to hers.
‘I should think you know he can’t be influenced,’ Sybrina looked into the Earl’s eyes challengingly.
‘Oh I dare say he has your ear Sybrina,’ she laughed, ‘he certainly can’t keep his eyes off you either.’
Oh don’t be fooled, he has his eye on every pretty little thing!
‘He’s right here, ask him yourself,’ Sybrina retorted.
‘Alex darling, what can I do to change your mind?’ the duchess boldly lifted her fingers to his cheek caressingly.
Sybrina wanted to be sick. She wanted to jump off the phaeton, whilst it was moving at a very high speed.
‘I told you, your grace, Sybrina and I have a previous engagement,’ Alexander tactfully removed her hands from his face.
What plans? I don’t know about those plans!
‘What is so important that you can’t cancel, Sybrina?’ the duchess asked in an annoyed tone.
Sybrina stared at the Earl. He did not even show the least discomfort, that she was being questioned about something she knew was only a figment of his imagination.
‘The Earl has promised to erect a playground for the children at the orphanage,’ Sybrina’s eyes held the Earl’s.
‘Ah ever the benevolent philanthropist aren’t you darling?’ the duchess purred.
‘I can build a baby crib for you as well, your grace, just say when,’ the Earl taunted.
The duchess glared at him and shifted away, bringing a grin to Sybrina’s face, which she quickly covered with her hand across her mouth.
Sybrina continued to ignore the Earl as did the duchess, but when they got to the musicale, the duchess forgot her anger and clung to Alexander as if he were her husband. Sybrina quietly walked a step behind them, allowing the duchess to have a free reign with her so called fiancé.
‘My lady, would you like something to drink?’ the Earl politely asked , even though his eyes informed her how annoyed he was with her manner.
‘I’d love some coffee thank you my lord,’ Sybrina smiled sweetly. She did not want anything, but she thought it a good trick to separate the duchess from clinging to the Earl.
‘Your grace?’ The Earl placed his arm respectfully at her elbow.
‘I’m fine thank you Alex,’ she declined.
‘So when’s the wedding Sybrina?’ the duchess bit out when the Earl left to get her a drink.
The Earl had said to my father within three weeks, so that should be anytime in the next two weeks. Was the duchess trying to see how much time she had before the Earl married? She should not worry, he had no intention of dismissing his mistresses.
‘I’m not sure,’ Sybrina replied truthfully.
‘You’re a lucky woman,’ the duchess seemingly conceded.
To be married to a rake who does not love me. What has luck got to do with that?
‘Aren’t you happy your grace?’
‘Happiness is a state of mind dear,’ the duchess stared into space.
‘Your grace, don’t you __’.
‘Sybrina why don’t you run along and find our seats,’ the duchess cut her off.
Obviously she wants as much time as she could steal with the Earl.
‘There’s no need. We are in a private box,’ Sybrina patiently informed her.
The Earl assisted them to their seats, taking the centre seat between them. Sybrina kept her distance, shifting her body as far away from the Earl’s as possible, but his legs had no trouble locating hers, and casually leaning against hers. If that was not daring enough, he clasped his hand in hers on her lap, and dear saints of heaven, his thumb was resting on her thigh and dangerously causing turmoil with her emotions, so much so, she longed to turn into him and capture his lips in a searing kiss. He heard her erratic breathing, she was certain he could hear her blood pounding in her chest.
‘Shall we take a walk outside?’ He whispered in her ear.
‘No!’ she spat out vehemently.
‘Such a pity,’ he moaned in her ear, lifting her thumb into his mouth.
It was dark, the lights in the theatre were off, only the main lights on the centre stage were on. Nobody could see his antics, unless they were staring in their direction. His tongue slipped out, and ran across her thumb. Sybrina closed her eyes, wishing it was her tongue which was entwined to his. She wanted to call his name. She wanted to beg him to kiss her. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back. She jerked her hand out of his, and kept them as far from him as possible. She heard his soft chuckle and elbowed him none too gently.
‘Alex what’s wrong?’
‘I’m fine your grace.’
Sybrina could hear a smile in his voice, ‘just got my ribs knocked.’
Sybrina wondered what kind of reception she would receive from the Earl this morning after her frosty treatment of him at the musicale and all the way back home in the phaeton. She had not bothered to engage with him or the duchess in any conversation. She’d merely offered one syllable answers to every attempt at conversation he’d tried to make.
This morning she’d put on one of the gowns he bought her as an olive branch, a beautiful full length day dress in peach that blended beautifully with her complexion and hair. Sybrina had a good instinct about people, and on her first day here, she suspected the Earl’s staff looked down upon her in her dowdy clothes, but this morning, she was sure she read affirmation in the servants’ skilfully concealed survey of her attire.
‘Good morning my lady,’ the Earl smiled pleasantly. ‘I did not expect to see you for another hour or so,’ he helped her into a chair.
‘Good morning my lord,’ she returned a pleasant smile. ‘I am well rested, and it is such a beautiful day.
‘Okay my sweet,’ the Earl laughed. ‘I detect that leading tone of yours. Where would you like to go?’
‘May I go to the lending library my lord?’ she enthused like a little child.
The Earl raised his eyebrows. The smile disappeared from his face as he studied her face to see if she was jesting.
‘My lord, I’m sorry__ you have more important matters to attend to,’ she baulked thinking the Earl regarded that as a waste of his valuable time.
‘Sybrina of all the things you could do about the ton, or the stores on Bond Street, or socializing at Almack’s, you would rather look at books?’
‘If it’s too much trouble__’
‘It’s no trouble at all my lady. You are full of surprises. I just assumed you would want to catch up on what you may have missed here in all the months you were away. It will be my pleasure to escort you to the library,’ he smiled.
My life revolved around managing the Marquis’s estate. There was no time for social niceties. The only luxury I enjoyed was visiting Madam Gigi and the lending library, that and riding my horse “Frisk.”
‘There is an important matter I wish to discuss with you this morning though,’ he spoke as he forked some ham and toast into his mouth.
‘Yes my lord,’ Sybrina felt her stomach muscles curl, wondering what was on his mind.
‘We are to be married a week, on Saturday.’
Sybrina felt the knife slip from her hand onto her plate. Why was she so surprised? She should have been prepared for the date of her imminent wedding. In less than a week, her single status will be over. In less than a week she would have to surrender to the protection of the Earl whether she cared for it or not.
‘The ceremony will take place at Cavendish Castle. May I have a list of guests you wish to invite my lady?’
Will the duchess be invited?
Sybrina glared at him, her earlier resolve to be pleasant eluding her.
‘Just...everybody from the orphanage, Ralph and Claudia,’ she drew out.
‘What about the Marquis and family members?’
Sybrina gave him a frosty stare, having no desire to see her parent again, even if convention expected her to walk down the aisle on his arm. She continued to pick at her breakfast without responding.
‘I shall deal with the invitation to the Marquis,’ the Earl supplied, when she ignored him. ‘We shall be spending a week at my estate in Bath after our wedding,’ he smiled enthusiastically.
Indeed! Where I will surrender my maidenhead to you.
‘My lady if there is anything you desire for our trip to Bath, we have only the next two days to visit Gigi, for there will not be time next week to return here.’
Should I be getting swimming attire and lingerie?
‘I take it I have a commitment to build the playground for the orphanage,’ he smiled.
Sybrina looked away, feeling the heat rise to her face. ‘You don’t have to my lord, I merely said that __’
‘To get me out of an engagement I had no desire to participate in,’ he finished.
I thought you’d want to participate in anything with the duchess!
‘I still haven’t thanked you for rescuing me,’ he grinned. ‘After the library, we shall go into the market. You can help me choose the materials for the playground. I dare say you will know better what most interests the children.’
‘Thank you that’s most kind of you,’ she politely accepted.
‘Would you fancy a visit to Almack’s this evening?’ the Earl offered.
Sybrina did not care much for hob knobbing with the peers at Almack’s. Neither did she care much for the card games, but since the Earl had done nothing but everything to please her on this trip, she figured she could attend just to please him.
‘That would be fine my lord,’ she smiled.
Sybrina fiddled nervously as Madam Gigi added the finishing touches to her hair. ‘Sit still my child or your groom will be ill pleased with the work I’ve done on his bride.’
‘You have the looks and are a fitting bride, deserving of the Earl, Lady Carisbrooke, Harriet smiled widely, looking splendid in the new dress and shoes the Earl had bought her. She had hugged Sybrina with tears rolling down her eyes when Sybrina had presented her with everything.
Gigi placed the veil over Sybrina’s face and clipped it neatly into her hair with a gold pin.
‘I think you look like royalty,’ Gigi nodded, doing a walkabout around Sybrina. Her dress was stunning, white satin, clinging to her curvaceous body. Little diamond sequins were spread along the neckline. Her train was not too long, for Sybrina did not want anything too elobrate. Underneath the satin gown, were risqué garters, a silk bodice and lacy briefs all in the same ice white as the gown itself. In her hand Sybrina, held on for dear life to the bouquet of fern green and rose white posy arrangement.
‘I think you’re ready to be married now lass. Are you ready?’ Gigi smiled.
‘No, I don’t think so,’ Sybrina sat down again nervously.
‘I think we’ve kept the groom waiting long enough,’ Gigi lifted Sybrina up unceremoniously. ‘It’s time to do the walk and the Marquis is waiting impatiently outside the door.
If Sybrina needed a reason to stay put, that last comment was perfect enough. She inhaled deeply as Harriet proudly opened the door for her to precede them. The first pair of eyes Sybrina saw was that of her parent.
‘Lass, you look beautiful, almost as beautiful as your mother,’ he twitched his lips as he offered her his arm.
‘Good day papa, ‘ Sybrina ignored his barbed comment, as she accepted his arm.
‘You have done well Sybrina, You have certainly attracted one of the richest men in the ton,’ he nodded approval.
I have not attracted him. He is merely marrying me because of the bad timing of your visit!
There was a hushed silence, as Sybrina elegantly walked down the aisle. She smiled when her eyes made contact with Claudia who winked happily. The garden looked beautiful all decorated for the wedding. Hundreds of chairs were lined up under the sunny sky for the guests. The Earl had spared no expense. Speaking of the Earl, Sybrina almost choked on her breath, when she caught sight of him. He looked breathtaking in a navy blue blazer, grey formal trousers. His hessian boots glittered. Alexander smiled. His eyes glued to Sybrina as she nervously made her way to him.
‘You look absolutely gorgeous My Sweet,’ he whispered, as she clasped her arm onto his.
‘So do you my lord,’ she smiled shyly, which elicited a broad grin from the Earl.
After the formal ceremony, they were greeted and congratulated by the hundreds of guests. Despite her qualms, the ceremony had gone successfully well. She was now formally Lady Sybrina Chauncey, the Countess of Cavendish. She looked positively radiant and secretly she felt happy, until the duke and duchess were presented to them.
‘Countess congratulations,’ the duke shook Sybrina’s hand.
‘Thank you, your grace,’ Sybrina laughed.
‘Sybrina congratulations,’ the duchess dragged out forcibly.
‘Thank you, your grace,’ Sybrina accepted mildly.
‘Alex darling congratulations,’ the duchess kissed him right on his lips.
Sybrina felt a pang of anger and jealousy, but she determinedly stepped away from her new husband, to accept a bouquet from one of the children of the orphanage.
‘Thank you,’ Sybrina stooped down, and allowed the little girl to hug her.
A few more of the orphans bravely joined the little girl to wish Sybrina well. Mother Agnes sobbed openly as she hugged Sybrina.
‘We are so going to miss you, but I am pleased for you my child. You deserve the best and you have it.’
I’m not so sure about that!
‘Congratulations my dear child,’ Father Tim smiled.
‘Oh Father,’ Sybrina threw her arms around him and hugged him. ‘I will never forget your kindness to me,’ Sybrina addressed the both of them.
‘Nonsense child. You have done more than enough. The children are loving the new playground, thanks to the good Earl.’
‘My lady it is time for us to leave,’ the Earl joined them, possessively placing his arm around her waist.
Sybrina swung her head to look into the Earl’s face. She read heightened anticipation, expectation in his eyes. She quickly looked away. Their luggage had already been packed into his phaeton. Two footmen and Harriet were accompanying them to Bath in a second carriage.
Alexander guided his new wife away from the reception, amidst hearty congratulations, shrouded with flower petal confetti. The Earl and his Countess giggled and ducked their heads from the confetti, as he quickly ushered her away to change into comfortable travelling clothes, before the long journey to Bath.
‘You look so beautiful Lady Cavendish,’ and I can’t wait to devour you. The Earl grinned mischievously.
Sybrina looked away from his mesmerizing eyes. Tonight was not so far away, she was becoming increasingly nervous. They would need to stop for the night, rest and feed the horses, before they continued with their journey to Bath. Sybrina dare not ask him when they will stop for the night, he will most certainly misconstrue that as eager anticipation on her side. How wrong he would be. She was waging a devastating internal battle between submitting to his lordship who was now her husband and had every right to her body; and her pride that would not allow her to lay with this Rake who had a mistress.
‘We will stop for the night at the Hunter’s Inn my lady,’ the Earl lifted her hand to his lips. ‘The horses will need resting, then we shall continue in the morning after an early breakfast.’
Still Sybrina remained silent, nervous and anxious about what lay ahead. She allowed him to kiss her wrist, not attempting to remove her hand afterwards when he chose to hold onto it. She listened to the thudding hooves of his matching greys covering the distance at an extremely high speed. They seemed to equal the thudding of her wildly beating heart.
‘You’re very quiet My Sweet,’ the Earl drew her closer to him. They were completely alone. No need of a chaperone. She was his now in name and before God and witnesses. He had every right to her.
‘Your skin is so soft, like velvet,’ his lips pressed a barrage of kisses along her throat.
Sybrina shut her eyes, not wanting to give into the desire that was exploding within her just from his lips caressing her throat. His palm cupped her face, when she turned away from him so he would not find her lips. Expert that he was, he angled her mouth, so his lips could delight in a kiss. His mouth teased hers, she felt herself weakening, tempted to drape her hands around him.
‘My lord can you not wait__.’
He chuckled softly, ‘Is my bride shy?’ ‘I’ve waited this long, what’s a few more hours hmm?’ He planted a slow kiss on her rosy lips. The Earl threw a wrap around Sybrina’s lap, to keep the chill out. He draped his arm around her shoulders, pressing her head against his shoulder.
‘Why don’t you rest a bit, you won’t be doing much sleeping tonight,’ he teased softly.
‘I’m fine __thank you my lord,’ she shifted away. ‘I’m not in need of rest right now.’
‘Can’t wait my beautiful wife,’ he laughed. ‘Neither can I.’
‘Sybrina, I shall help the lads put the horses to bed,’ the Earl held her at the elbow. ‘You and Harriet go ahead and order us a meal and have our luggage set in the rooms. Everything’s already organized and paid for,’ he smiled.
Sybrina nodded and together with Harriet entered the Inn.
‘Is the room to your liking My Sweet? We can request a bigger room if you so wish,’ he draped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest.
‘I__no, everything is fine my lord,’ she whispered.
‘Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment my wife?’ He let the shawl drop to the floor. His lips moved down her throat. She felt his warm breath against her ear lobe. Sybrina froze when one palm moved upwards, above her waist, past her ribs, then close over her firm breast. She heard him groan. His palm cupped her breast. He shifted the soft layers of her gown, until his lips found her soft milk white flesh. Alexander turned her around, moulding her body to his. He peeled at her clothing until his hungry lips closed over one nipple. Sybrina kept her eyes tightly shut, her palm tightly fisted on his shoulders. She was his. He had a right to claim her body. She could hear his whispering words of passion, pulling her closer. His hands were going lower, touching her thigh.
‘My lord please__! I can’t__. I need some time,’ Sybrina took two steps backwards, pulling her clothes together.
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God´s Eyes
-Please make sure to check my other novel [Primordial Dimensions]-
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