《Ravished by a Rake : Historical Fiction》Chapter 10
Sybrina was at a loss for words when she entered the Earl’s London home. It was opulent beyond description. Very tastefully put together. It did not smack of excess or wasted expenditure. It had the most beautiful carpets blending with the decor in each room.
The Earl had taken her through every room. After all hadn’t she lied to him and told him, she preferred to dwell in London. He’d had his butler line up all the servants and had introduced Lady Carisbrooke as his fiancée . There had been cheers and well wishes without restraint, as if the Earl enjoyed a healthy relationship with his staff. Alexander had told Sybrina to have an early night after the journey, and he promised her that the next morning, he had a pleasant surprise for her. So why was she disappointed after dinner, when they had not spent any time together as she’d secretly hoped?
‘Lady Carisbrooke rise up,’ Harriet opened the curtains to allow the sun in.
‘Oh Harriet do go away. I feel under the weather,’ Sybrina groaned snuggling under the bed clothes.
‘No you don’t,’ Harriet laughed, ‘Oh do not keep Lord Cavendish waiting Lady Carisbrooke.’
‘Why don’t you call me Sybrina when we’re alone?’ Sybrina tossed the sheets off and reluctantly stood up.
‘Then what if I accidently make a slip in front of company? No best I stick to Father Tim’s instruction,’ she answered herself.
‘So the Lord is up already? What time is it?’ Sybrina yawned?
‘Almost eight to the hour,’ Harriet exclaimed.
‘What? Harriet why didn’t you wake me? I never sleep past six!’ Sybrina ran to the wash room. She washed her face and neck from the basin, hurriedly cleaned her teeth and allowed Harriet to help her slip on one of nicer day dresses that the Earl had not yet seen. It was a beautiful sage green, with a flowing length down to her ankles.
While I ‘m here perhaps I should visit Madam Gigi at New Bond Street for some new samples.
Sybrina did have some funds in her purse that she’d been saving for a rainy day. Perhaps a few dresses and some new lace underwear. She blushed thinking about that. One or two evening dresses. A jacket for the evenings, when it would get cold, she would also be able to get Harriet a dress to wear on her wedding day. She needed to speak to the Earl, she would like to take Harriet as her lady's maid when she moved to Cavendish Castle. She needed somebody familiar around when she would have to put up with the Battle Axe Dowager in the Earl’s family seat at Cavendish. Sybrina grinned thinking about her, they were certainly going to have a lot of words as they were both headstrong.
‘My lady, I trust you slept well?’ the Earl stood up as Sybrina entered the breakfast room.
‘Good morning my lord. I’m sorry to keep you waiting,’ she avoided looking at him as his eyes casually studied her from head to toe. There was certainly approval and admiration in his eyes.
Alexander held the chair whilst Sybrina slid in, ‘may I say you look good enough to eat,’ he whispered as he helped slide her chair in.
She could not make any smart remarks as a footman stood against the wall. Waiting to attend to his master’s beck and call. Sybrina bit on her lower lip to avoid speaking.
‘Was the room to your liking my lady?’ his eyes danced with laughter, seeing her discomfort.
‘The bed was comfortable thank you, but somebody was snoring too loudly in the next room,’ Sybrina tried hard to suppress the grin from her face. She’d actually slept like a baby, and if anyone had been snoring, she’d heard nothing.
‘Could not have been me,’ Alexander replied. ‘I was at least three bedrooms away from you. It was possibly Harriet.’
Why didn’t she think of that? He’d shown her the master bedroom that was much further down the passage.
It was huge and truly beautiful. Dark furniture, huge drawers. It even had a beautiful bath, a lot bigger than the one Father Tim had brought her from the continent. Sybrina was certain it was big enough that she and Alexander could fit in it together.
Get rid of those wayward thoughts Sybrina!
‘Why don’t you share those delectable thoughts with me, that make you smile so?’ Alexander teased.
‘My lord do you mind to eat your breakfast. I do not like to talk at the breakfast table,’ she lied.
‘Do you talk at the lunch table? __Sorry you said I should be quiet.’
Sybrina threw her head back and laughed. ‘My lord has anybody put you in your place?’
'Only mamma, until I was sixteen,’ he grinned.
He does look so handsome when laughter dances in his eyes.
‘More coffee Lady Carisbrooke?’
Sybrina hadn’t realized her coffee cup was empty until the footman reminded her. Perhaps she should take her eyes of the Earl and focus on her meal.
‘Are you ready for your surprise my sweet?’ Alexander murmured softy, when the footman had departed.
‘You have a gift for me?’ Sybrina was surprised that she was looking forward to whatever made the Earl look so enthusiastic.
‘I do have a surprise, but it’s not wrapped in a box. Infact we are going to take a drive for you to view__’
‘Oh, could we ride in Hyde Park__,’ the enthusiasm quickly died on her face, ‘I beg your pardon my lord,’ she quickly got down to finishing her breakfast.
How could she be so presumptuous? He probably had things planned with his time, and here she was acting like a kid on her first trip to the Circus Maximus.
She does not ask for much. Just riding a carriage in Hyde Park gets her that enthusiastic!
‘If you’re finished with breakfast my lady. I can call for the carriage.’
‘Where are we going?’ she enquired, forcing herself to look interested.
‘I told you it’s a surprise,’ he draped his arm around her waist, as he helped her out of the chair.
‘My lord somebody could see us,’ she pushed him away.
‘And what if they do? We’re in my home. None of my servants will speak of what they see.’
‘’Yes, yes I know you pay them well to be discreet,’ she smiled at him, but it did not reach her eyes.
‘So how about you give me a proper greeting,’ he murmured, pulling her into his arms.
Why didn’t you need one last night after dinner? I thought you’d want one or more, then?
‘There was nothing improper about the greeting I offered you when I walked in here.’
‘It was missing this,’ his mouth closed over hers before she could object.
He tasted sweet of coffee, and the syrup he’d had with his toast. She should have pushed him away, but instead her arms went up around his neck and she returned his kiss. He drew back gently and smiled into her eyes. She gazed back whishing he had not stopped the kiss. She wished he would kiss her one more time.
‘I can’t wait for you to be my bride,’ he murmured huskily.
He never spoke a word of love, yet, he expected her to surrender herself on the night of their wedding. Okay granted not many peers marry for love. They do it mainly to produce an heir, and for business reasons to consolidate their vast wealth and estates, but she just expected a little more from Alexander.
‘Perhaps we should be going,’ Sybrina removed herself from his arms.
Sybrina found Harriet waiting at the carriage for them. Today they were riding in an open carriage. It was a beautiful sunny day, with not a single cloud in the sky. Sybrina raised her face up towards the sun and smiled, happy to be in the ton again. She could feel the gentle breeze caress her face. The brightly coloured flowers looked so beautiful. She wished she could gather them and place them in a jar. At last she could freely ride in an open carriage around the ton.
Well not quite freely, she still had to content with the earl.
Well at least he was a gentleman she felt safe with. Not like he would try to grope her or do anything she objected to.
The Earl held his breath as he watched the radiance cover her face. It transformed her into a breathless picture of a delightful cherub.He longed to wrap her in his arms and draw some of that positive energy that flowed from her body.
Sybrina smiled as they passed the lending library. She had spent many a comforting days seeking refuge in books, when she needed an escape from her fathers’ home. She wanted to go and greet the green grocer as well, but she did not feel like introducing this rake as her fiancé. So she kept quiet. They were nearing New Bond Street now. Perhaps when the Earl was done, she could ask for a few minutes and seek Gigi’s fashion counsel. Sybrina was rather pleased when the Earl stopped just a few stores away from Gigi’s, perhaps he wanted to get himself something from the men’s store. While he was in there she would run into Gigi’s.
‘We’ve arrived,’ the Earl grinned, as he hopped off, helped Harriet down, then took his time helping Sybrina down.
She felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment, as he pressed her body against his, in a quick hug, before he released her.
‘My lord we are not in your home, you should exercise some restraint,’ she hissed.
‘I don’t know how to,’ he laughed softly.
‘Why don’t you go join the ducks for a time,’ she pointed to the nearby lake.
‘I have something much more exciting to look forward to,’ he tucked her arm into his, when, she refused his extended elbow.
‘You’re going to Madam Gigi! Is she one of your __?’ Sybrina tore her arm out of the Earl’s grip.
‘You know Gigi?’ he looked surprised.
‘This is from her last spring collection,’ Sybrina waved at the gown she had on.
‘I should have known,’ he murmured. ‘She is not one of my lovers,’ he grinned, ‘now don’t tarry my lady, as he put her arm back in his and hurried Sybrina inside.
‘Lady Carisbrooke! Saints of heaven when last have I seen you child!’ Madam Gigi exclaimed in her pronounced French accent.
‘Madam Gigi, you looked splendid as always,’ Sybrina smiled.
‘Good heaves child what’s going on you look as thin as a rake!’
No he’s the rake!
Sybrina turned to look at Alexander, his eyes were trained on her, filled with laughter. She glared at him, and turned back to Gigi.
‘Lord Cavendish,’ Gigi turned on the charm, ‘what a wonderful surprise,’ she patted his arm. Obviously he spends a small fortune at Madam Gigi’s, if the seductive look she was giving him, said anything. No doubt his lovers and mistresses benefitted from her expertise as a fashionable seamstress.
‘Gigi, may I introduce my fiancée Lady Carisbrooke. My lady is in need of a trousseau. Show us everything you have. Day time wear, lots of evening gowns, slippers, cardigans, scarves, and my lady will chose others that she deems necessary. His eyes met Sybrina’s. He knew, she knew he referred to lacy undergarments that he wanted her to select.
His surprise was to bring her to the most exclusive lady’s fashion shop!
Gigi beamed excitedly, clapping her hands for her maids to bring out the latest gowns that had arrived and the rolls of material that she herself would turn into stunning gowns. Gigi was pulling out all the stops, obviously Alexander was an excellent customer. Bale after bale of material in every conceivable colour was brought out. The Earl would nod his head at three or four of the brighter colours, then shake his head at pale colours he did not think would suit her complexion.
How did he know so much about ladies’ fashion?
‘My lord I do not need this many dozens of items,’ Sybrina was weary that this was going to cost much more than what her purse held. ‘Besides, I can choose my own gowns,’ she glared at him.
‘My Sweet, I want to buy you everything that can be adorned on your beautiful body,’ he murmured in her ear. ‘Allow me that pleasure, will you,’ he pleaded.
‘You’re not paying for my gowns. I buy my own,’ she stubbornly informed him.
‘I am a very rich man. I can and I will buy you the most beautiful gowns, and as you are my betrothed. I insist,’ he smiled taking her into his arms.
‘My lord please be mindful of where we are,’ she tried unsuccessfully to extricate herself from his arms, without making a scene.
‘Are you going to allow me to spoil you, or do I have to kiss you into submission, his eyes were stayed on her rosy lips, and her head was drawing closer to him.
‘My lord please__’ she whispered.
‘Please spoil you, or please kiss you,’ his voice was far from the control he thought he had.
Gigi cleared her throat from behind them, and Sybrina hastily jumped away.
‘You do make the most handsome couple,’ Gigi grinned. It only made Sybrina blush more profusely.
‘We’re attending a musicale tonight. I want your most elegant gown Gigi,’ the Earl requested.
‘We are?’ Sybrina could hardly contain her excitement.
‘You are going to look the most stunning of them all,’ the Earl grinned proudly.
Gigi brought out many different colours and styles, but when the Earl saw the sapphire blue gown in layers and layers of silk,’ he gave it the nod.
‘If only I could have the pleasure of undressing you from all that silk,’ he whispered from behind her.
Sybrina ignored him, and deliberately walked away. She went to look at some evening bags, and velvet slippers and finally unable to resist, she got to the lingerie . She was so cross with the Earl for turning everything into a seduction scene that she ordered two of every item that caught her eye.
‘Very good madam,’ the assistant bowed happily with every item that Sybrina selected, conscious that a fat commission was due to her, when Sybrina’s shopping would be complete.
Many bags were packed into the carriage. The rest would be delivered to the Earl’s estate in the next day or so. Gigi and her team would work flat out to finish the gowns with the material Sybrina and the Earl had chosen. Sybrina not only got Harriet a fine dress, she also got her new slippers, a scarf and underwear.
On the way back, the Earl allowed his groom to ride the horses, Harriet sat in front with the groom. Alexander sat with Sybrina and he insisted in clasping her hands into his. Sybrina was so elated with all the shopping, and she also secretly enjoyed his hands in hers, that she did not object for too long.
‘My lord I have chosen some items for Harriet as well,’ Sybrina spoke softly so Harriet would not overhear.
‘There is a box in the back for her as well,’ he smiled.
‘Oh now she will have two dresses,’ Sybrina grinned.
‘Will I get a kiss for being so thoughtful,’ he whispered.
‘I’ll tell Harriet,’ Sybrina bit on her lower lip.
The Earl threw his head back and laughed, ‘I only want your lips my sweet,’ he murmured in her ear.
‘Do be quiet my lord.’
‘I thought you only like to be quiet at the breakfast table,’ he grinned.
‘You embarrass me with all this talk my lord.’
‘I shall stop my beautiful lady, and at this point I shall inform you that we are now going to treat you to a ride in Hyde Park,’ he laughed.
‘Really! Oh my lord that is just wonderful. You are truly very kind,’ she smiled up at him.
‘Oh Sybrina,’ he groaned softly.
‘Perhaps you may want to swop places with Harriet,’ Sybrina grinned and looked away.
‘No, I’m having too much fun. Besides Harriet gets to undress you every night and dress you every morning. This is my time with you.'
Will you be this enthusiastic after we’re married, and after you taken your husbandly privileges?
As they entered the park gates, several people waved to the Earl, who either nodded or returned the wave. Sybrina studied all the young couples on foot about the park, they looked so care free. Many exchanged loving looks with their partners. Sybrina quickly looked away, as she tried to erase the errant thoughts of her walking with the Earl in that manner.
‘Are you hungry my lady?’
Sybrina looked into the Earl’s dark eyes and saw mockery there. Surely he was not referring to food, though breakfast had been many hours ago. The Earl had been fascinated by the play of different emotions on her expressive face as they made their rounds in the park. He had wondered what had made her suddenly withdraw into herself.
‘Take your pick,’ he smiled extending a basket to her.
Sybrina peeped inside and saw little trays with grilled meat pieces, fruit, and miniature pastries.
‘I believe I am hungry my lord,’ she licked her lips as she hauled two trays out and handed them first to Harriet and the Earl’s groom.
Sybrina then handed one to Alexander, his hands deliberately gripped onto hers as he took the tray. Their eyes locked and she forgot about the picnic tray, about Hyde Park, about Harriet and the groom__.
‘Thank you my lady,’ Alexander murmured, dragging his eyes away to rip open his tray of lunch.
Sybrina lowered her head and steadied her breathing, carefully she unwrapped the covering of her tray.
‘Thank you my lord, she smiled, ‘I’ve never had a picnic in a moving carriage.’
‘There’s a first for everything and we’ll have many more of those,’ he teased.
Sybrina looked away, her dangerous thoughts going exactly when she did not want them to go.
‘Do we have something to drink my lord?
‘Pardon me my dear,’ he reached behind his seat for a pitcher of cool cider, and poured her some into a beaker.
Almost an hour later, after some robust conversations interspersed with the Earl’s invariable banter, Sybrina was disappointed when they’d completed their turn of the park, even though the Earl had very kindly instructed the groom to do a second round just for her pleasure.
‘Thank you my lord, I do believe I have had a most enjoyable day,’ Sybrina acknowledged.
‘So have I my lady, we must do it again, alone,’ he whispered the last word in her ear.
Oh yes.
What was wrong with her? Was she forgetting who he was? Well there was no denying he was a most interesting companion, witty, polite, intelligent and he definitely challenged her thinking. She could have fun with him, even if he was a rake, couldn’t she?
‘I’m going to have some words with my stable grooms my lady. You may wish to rest and take a leisurely bath before we attend our musicale tonight,’ he suggested.
- In Serial47 Chapters
Joie de Vivre
A modern man chased immortality and found it. In a mixture of good and bad luck, he was re-born as part of the Uzumaki clan from the Naruto-verse, some few years before their scheduled destruction. But if Daichi were the sort to allow a little thing like fate to get in his way, he'd never have survived in the first place. Dedicated, intelligent, chock full of ideas from a technologically advanced society, and perfectly willing to scorch the earth, he sets out to avert history. Can he avert canon, save the Uzumaki, and forge his people into a mighty nation? Or will he fail, dooming his clan to extinction? At the end of the day, all he wants is a good life. And considering even Death itself didn't stop him, he pities whoever gets in his way. ================== Tags: Naruto, Reincarnation, OC, eventual multi-cross. ================== Author's (Brief) Note: Back by popular demand. This was my first significant fanfic (and fic in general). I wasn't happy with the writing as time went on, and took it down, but years later am still getting requests to put it back up so I guess some people liked it. Newly re-released as I finish some minor editing, there are about 100,000 words (~360 RRL pages) already written, so releases should be fast until I catch up with the backlog. That said, it may languish in hiatus at that point if the interest isn't high enough to merit continuing, so if you're the type to only read finished stories (or ones where the author promises to do so), I am very specifically not promising that. On the other hand, if enough people read, like, review, comment, rate, etc. then it will get added to my writing schedule. Generally, the character is based on a “how badass could someone who hasn't done ridiculously crazy shit be? Or, how does someone with the potential, in another setting, with a lot of luck, to be a badass act and develop as a modern, productive member of society? And then how would they deal with the Naruto-verse?” Please, please do not judge my writing by this. Unless you really like it, in which case fine, do, but recognize my other writing is likely better (unless it’s that one MTG/ASoIaF/SW fic I did over on SB as a speed-writing experiment, which is also pretty terrible).
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Commoners Magic
Dropped. I may or may not come back to this. Crear is an ass at the best of times and hates humans as a whole. He wants only one thing in life: Revenge His weapons? His snark and his uncanny abilities as a ranger.His trademark? A blindfold and more snark. But first, he has to get rid of the adventurer group the Guild Master has pushed onto him.
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