《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》33


"When are you going to stop ignoring me, little witch?" A voice asked from the corner as soon as I teleported onto my bed, flopping down on my mattress.

"Jesus!" I gasped, clutching my chest in fear as little sparks of magic danced from my fingertips.

Looking toward the source of my fear, I was met with a brooding Klaus Mikaelson, hiding in the shadows of my room.

"Way to be a creep, Klaus." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me that." He frowned.

To be honest, he looked like a child. A big, bad, murderous child.

"What should I call you then?"

He frowned even more at the sarcasm in my voice, but answered nonetheless.

"Anything but that. You never call me that." He stated. "But you didn't answer my question. When are you going to stop avoiding me?"

"When I want to. How's that for an answer?"

"Not what I was hoping for, if I'm being honest."

"Well maybe you shouldn't go around, kissing people if you don't want to be avoided."

At this, Klaus was silent, proving me that I was right. I was angry at him for doing it. I was angry that I was liking it. I was angry at the fact that I couldn't even think about Dylan when he was two feet away from me at work without the thought of Klaus Mikaelson intruding my subconscious. I was just angry.

"You knew that I have Dylan. You knew that things were going well between us. You knew that I was happy with that little magic loving nerd and yet you kiss me anyways!" I yelled, letting my emotions take over. "Why did you do it, Klaus?! Why did you have to do it?!"

"I... I don't know." He mumbled.

That pissed me off even more.


"Yes you do!" I shouted. "Yes you freaking do! You want to know why? Because you're Klaus Mikaelson, and you know everything. You've been around for a thousand years, and you have always known what you wanted. Whether it be murder or love or lust or light or loneliness or family — you always know what you want in life.You're a bloody king for a reason, and it's because you're a man who knows. So don't you dare try and tell me that you don't know. You know everything."

He was silent once more, now probably regretting ever coming to my apartment in the first place. And since I knew that he probably wasn't going to give me an answer, I decided to spill the truth I knew for myself.

"You don't love me," I croaked out, tears welling up in my dark eyes. "You don't love me at all."

"Yes I do, Ophelia!"

"No, you love her!"

At my shrill cry, my windows had broken, sending shards of glass all over my room. But I didn't care. I just kept going.

"You don't love me, Klaus, you're just falling under her spell," I cried, hiccuping for air. "That's the whole purpose of why I'm here, right? So that you can fall in love with me and she gets what she wants? So that we can all be together forever?"

"Ophelia, please—"

"You love her, Klaus!" I shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "I am nothing but a pretty face that she wears. All of this — all of me — this is her. And you love her. You knew her. You kissed her. I was a vessel and she was a memory and that kiss was just a little piece of nostalgia that you will never get again—"

"I didn't kiss her, I kissed you!"


At his harsh interruption, I stopped my crying for a moment and inspected his face. He wasn't hiding anything. All of his cards were on the table, at this point.

"I don't love her," He spoke again, calmer now. "Not anymore. I love you, Ophelia. Only you."

"Where is this all coming from?" I asked him, not even bothering to wipe my eyes. "Why now? When did you come to this stunning realization?"

"You're different from her, Ophelia," He offered up instead. "I know it may not seem like it, but you're not the same person at all. In fact, I suppose the only things you two have in common is your name and appearance. You're funny. Charming. Annoying as hell. You bring out the worst and the best and do what you want without a second thought. The world is yours and you take it, and anyone or anything in your way will suffer the consequences. You're fiercely protective, and there is no better ally for my brother and I to have than you, little witch. You have done more for us than we can ever repay you for, and that makes me the luckiest bastard in the world. And finally... You're a queen."

He smiled a bit at the end of his sentence, letting the fact that he loved my title slip through the cracks.

"Every king needs one, Ophelia, and there is no woman that I'd rather have by my side than you."

I sighed and flopped down on my bed, staring at my hands in deep thought.

If what he was saying was all true, which I had a hard time doubting, what would happen next? I would obviously have to stop seeing Dylan, that was a given. But would I have to quit my job? Would that make both of us even bigger targets? Would that make us weaker?

Would one of us die in the process?

"You always choose the worst moments don't you?" I sniffled.

"I am a man who cannot hold back what he is feeling," He spoke lowly. "If I feel, then I act."

"That's stupid." I whispered. "If you do that, then you ruin everything."

"It's well worth the risk in this case."

"What now?" I asked, looking up at him with my bloodshot eyes.

"How do you mean?"

"What now?" I repeated. "Do we just go about our days, just as this never happened? Or do we just run off into the sunset like some lovesick fools in a romance novel?"

"You sound disdainful."

"Because I am. There's no way that this is going to work. We're both too... fucked up to love, Nik."

"Yet you can be with the little human boy?"

The tone in his voice was nothing short of venomous, now having even more reason to hate him.

"What he and I have is only temporary, Nik," I spoke. "You know this. He knows this. We're looking for fast paced love that we will reminisce on in twenty years and wonder how the other person is doing at the moment, not marriage. But with you..."

"You'd get infinity."

Nodding, I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest while he stalked over to where I was sat, joining me.

"One day," I began again, staring deep into space as Klaus did the same. "At some point in time, after all of this bullshit has blown over, and we're all leading stable lives, we will be together. I don't know how that will happen, or when, but it will. When the universe decides that it is ready, so will we. We just have to wait our turn."

"For you, little witch?" He whispered, looking at me. "I'd wait forever."

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