《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》32


"Do you ever think about what your life would be life had you not been turned?" I asked my dear friend as we looked up at the ceiling, lost in their own thoughts.

It'd been a little bit since I'd woken up from a shitty sleep, and since I forbade Eli from calling his little brother who seemed to enjoy randomly kissing people, he did the best he could to calm me down. He held me, played with my hair, made me talk about my dream (which wasn't even entertaining, FYI. It was just old me doing some spell and getting excited over it. How lame.)

And after a long time of this, I'd managed to calm down enough to function properly. But I was still tired and exhausted (what even was the point of that nap?) so we opted just to stare at the ceiling.

"Well," Elijah began with a sigh, "I probably would have married Tatia."


"You know the Petrova Doppelgängers?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She was one of those."


"'Damn', indeed."

"What else do you think would have happened?"

"Well, there really wasn't much to do back then, you see. Times have changed. So, if I was back in 10 AD as a human and a whole life of that ahead of me, I would have married Tatia, had a big family — at least seven kids — and watch them all grow while I did something normal. I'd always envisioned myself as a blacksmith. Yeah. I always enjoyed playing with swords."

I smiled at my best friend, turning to look at him a bit.

"That sounds nice," I agreed. "Although seven is a lot to handle."

"If my parents could manage, so can I."

"Wait, what?" I asked, looking at him in curiosity. "I thought it was only you and Klaus."

Elijah laughed at my naïveté and shook his head at my assumption.


"No. Klaus and I have many siblings. You just haven't met them yet. Some of them, however, I hope you never do."

"Tell me about them," I spoke eagerly. "I always wanted siblings, but obviously, that never happened."

"Well, there's Freya, and she's a witch, much like yourself."

"Wait. How is she still alive?"


I shrugged and nodded at his explanation, finding it reasonable enough. I mean, I'm a reincarnation of Klaus' dead ex, so who am I to judge?

"Then there's Finn," Elijah sighed. For some reason I got the vibe that he was one of the siblings he didn't want me to meet. "He hates us and our form. Tried to kill us a few times. Hates Klaus with a passion."

"Who doesn't?"

"That's a good question." He chuckled. "But Klaus had left Finn desiccated in a coffin for roughly 900 years, so he has a little more hatred than a lot of people."

"Good Lord."

"Rebekah is our little sister," At her name, Elijah got a warm smile on his face and a distant look in his eyes. She was probably a favorite sibling. "Total diva, horribly dramatic, and a girl who's greatest mission in life is to find love. But she's our little sister, and we love her more than anything. Even if she does sometimes fuck everything up."

At his swear, I let out a loud laugh and slapped his arm lightly, earning a laugh from him as well.

"I would love to meet her."

"And I bet she'd just adore you," He said sincerely. "But... then there's Kol."

"You don't sound too excited about him."

"I'd like to be, but he's always had the worst control out of all of us. Impulsive, temperamental, deep seeded abandonment issues, and a grudge against Klaus. Not a very good combination in general, but especially for a vampire."

"A lot of people dislike your brother, don't they?"


"Was that rhetorical?"

Laughing, I turned my head back to look at the ceiling, thinking of the original asshole.

"That's only five," I stated. "And unless you count as two people, I feel like there's one more to share with me, Eli."

"Henrik." He stated. "He, uh, was human. He died when he was a boy — a werewolf attacked him when he and Niklaus went to go watch them transform under the full moon. He never forgave himself for that, and it remains one of the most horrific days that I can recall to this day. His death struck a chord in all of us — my parents especially. They mourned the loss of my little brother to an extent that my mother then conjured up the spell that turned us all into what we are now. The OriginalVampires."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I muttered. "I apologize for making you explain. I didn't know."

"It's quite alright, Ophelia," He smiled. "It's been a thousand years. I'm alright."

"So where are your siblings now?" I asked, changing the subject (sort of). "How come it's only you and Klaus?"

"Well, Freya is out on some mystical conquest, trying to find some sort of garden of magical herbs and whatnot. Finn, unfortunately, passed away a few years ago. Rebekah is in France, enjoying herself, no doubt. And Kol is off somewhere in the world — last time I heard from him, he was in Australia." He explained, trying to keep mental tabs on all of his family. "But enough about me and my family. It's always about them. What if you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't really have a family to dish about."

"No, what you asked me before. About how if you weren't thrusted upon this life of mystical, magical bullshit. What would your life have been like if you were human?"

"Elijah, back at it again with the swearing!" I teased before answering his question. "And I don't know. Probably would have been kicked out of the orphanage, worked a few odd jobs, met some average Joe, maybe even tracked down my parents, and popped out a kid. Hopefully a little boy. I've always wanted a son."

"What would you have named him?"

Looking at the man, I smiled and closed my eyes, thinking of what my life could have been had I not been a witch.

"Daniel." I smiled. "Daniel would have been his name."

"Well, surely you can reproduce now, in this form, correct?"

"Yeah, but I you have to factor in all the parts of my life that would endanger the child." I reasoned. "Witches, vampires, werewolves, hunters, ghosts, you name it, could have some beef with me and since I cannot die, they would most likely go after my boy, too. It just isn't safe, and even though it sucks, it's just the way things are. But that's what daydreams are for."

Elijah immediately understood my reasoning, nodding sympathetically.

"Maybe in another life we were all humans." He spoke. "And in that life, all of our dreams would come true. We'd have everything we'd always wanted. Family, happiness, laughter... it would be perfect. I'd have Tatia, Finn would have Sage, Rebekah would have her Matthew, Freya would have her life, you would have Niklaus and little Daniel, and Kol... Well, hopefully, he'd stay far away."

I laughed at his friendly jab to his little brother, choosing to ignore his comment about me and Klaus. It was silent once more, and I decided that now was as good of a time as any to get the weight off of my chest.

"Elijah?" I whispered.

"Yes, Ophelia?"

"Klaus kissed me."

"I know."

"And I think I'm starting to want him to."

"I know."

"I don't want to fuck everything up, Eli."

Wordlessly, he reached out and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly, and silently telling me the words I knew he was going to say anyways.

"I know."

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