《The Devil's Bride》The land of Death Markers


I looked at the sleeping form that slept close. The radiating heat escaped her sleeping figure all thanks to the deodorant. I'd never met someone so foolish and at the same time smart. She thought she'd be able to hide Uria's presence from me but she made the wrong decision.

I'd met with one of the captains in Cavda a few weeks ago. It's a place mainly for non-death markers who goes there to predict their future if they would ever confront a death marker. For real death markers, they go there to see and ask for their mate.

Death markers were born alone but as time went by, it'd had become a custom where sometime in their life, they would have a mate to themselves to continue the race of death markers.

Linda following me was to know if her soul was really with him. I have some doubt I had to clear out.

For sure, he could never have a mate. That was the curse placed on him. And him announcing, that this strange girl was his bride was just off the question. I had to find out her fate before the 3 months is over.

Although, it's been 3 weeks exactly since she stayed with me and I've grown to find out some things about her past life. Her family background and health antiquity. She grew up illiterate and is suffering from anxiety and depression.

I looked back at her sleepy form. Her long eyelashes and thick carved brows. Her plump lips and soft skin.

She wasn't made for him.

He was a beast who had no feelings for anyone or even himself. Scary in character and dangerous to humans. It would be such a ruthless thing if a human would be his mate. He didn't deserve such an untouched thing.

3 months

And then she's his

Andrew looked down at the sleeping figure and gently tapped her with a slender finger. She tumbles in her seat. With a sleepy yawn, she scratches her eyes open to be met with Andrew.

"We're here." He said, pulling his hands for her to take. She looked dubiously at his stretch forth hand and ignore it, getting down herself.



Andrew murmured under his breath before pulling a neutral face. He got out too and neared Linda who looked down shyly from the odd stare she got from people.

"They aren't humans. Death markers. Anyways, welcome to Cavda." He welcomed putting on a fake smile.

She shyly looked around to meet severe eyes that bury into her skin and into her eyes. She noticed they had grey eyes just like Andrew. She didn't even know if she should feel safe with Andrew considering that she was in the midst of death markers.

"Don't worry. You aren't the only human here. They are few." He spoke lowly, walking slowly so Linda could pick the speed along with him.

"I would like you to meet someone." He simpered and extended his hand once again for her to take. She nibbled in her fresh lip and bit it in consideration.

"It's fine." He shrugged and put his hands down in melancholy. He didn't want a human hands on his anyways.

They journeyed a few distances away from where they were before arriving at a close end. Close to it was a small house made of bricks and big lanterns hung on each side of the wall without light.

Linda quivered in fear as Andrew took a big knock on the wooden door 3 times. There was scraping at the other end before the big wooden door was thrown open and a man emerged.

"Welcome, sir." The man greeted with a nefarious smile. The man wasn't in his human form and this frightened Linda more. He had the black eyeless hole and dull skin. His smile didn't look friendly to humans either.

"Mhnn." Andrew hummed with a small nod. "May we come in?" He asked.

The man nods and turns his head to look at the small figure, Linda.

"Come in."

In a way he said it, you could tell he meant it most especially to Linda. Something about the man seemed cringy and darker.

He let aside the wooden door augmented for the both of them to come in. And when they did, they were led deeper and deeper into the house. From the corner of her eyes, she would see the man glance at her with a scowl.


"What your name girl?" He asked Linda when she took a sit on the blue mat, her fingers dancing on her lap.

"Linda." She murmured audibly. The man cracked a small smirk, watching the girl discreetly.

"You know of the deal, right?" He questioned bringing out two cobbles from his pocket. Linda looked up from her fingers and looked at the strange man. With a gulp, she answered, "Yes." She whispered.

"I'm Lukas." He introduced rolling the pebbles on the floor. He twirled it 12 times before he stopped.

"And?" Andrew interloped. Lukas looked at Andrew with a small playful grin before humming a tune.

"I smell evil and good from both ends." Lukas started. "That would end in tragedy." He finished off with a loud tune.

Linda just sat there perplexed and disturbed. She didn't understand what was going on or what the man meant. But she continued to watch.

"Evil comes very soon with her. She's no good to us markers. But for him-"

"Point is?" Andrew asked irritatedly with an eye roll.

"She's meant for him," Lukas replied and closed his eyes. His lips spoke enchantments and a little whisper. He blew air from his mouth and opened his eyes in flash.

"But then, lives must be taken."

Nothing made sense to Linda at all. Andrew turned to look and Linda before rising up to take his leave. It didn't occur to him anything Lukas said but as he thought it through, he knew he couldn't stop the briding of Linda to him.


That evening when Andrew and Linda got back to the villa. Andrew walked up to his chamber and locked it. He was not in the mood to talk to anyone. That day, there wasn't any work for the slaves.

Linda sat on the rug that was in her chamber and listened to the funny comebacks Uria was putting up to. Uria had tried to make Linda laugh as she hadn't heard her laugh before. But to no avail, Linda only replied with a sad smile.

No matter how hard Linda tried to hide it, Uria knew Linda was missing her parents and dread to go to them. She didn't like the life she was living and the life that was yet to come after 3 months. It had just been 3 weeks since she came. Just a few months and she'll be brided to the devil.

Uria could only imagine.

"Are you okay?" Uria asked gently. Although, she knew the answer she needed to hear Linda's sweet soft voice.

Linda nodded and breathed out a sigh. If only she could see her mother and hug her and tell her how she feels about this place, she would have. Having Uria as a friend was confronting but she needed her family love, in all truth, her mother's love.

Uria scoffed. "Never did think Richard would snitch on me even after I pleaded."

Linda gently massaged her palms. "He knows?" She asked astonished.

"Yes, he does."

The two continued to talk until the last bell of the day rang symbolizing it was time to sleep. Like all humans, Linda would have been happy to hope for a better tomorrow but she knew it wouldn't come. Breathing in here was strangling enough.

Uria left. Linda pulled over her body the red fabric and closed her eyes, her body yet weak. After the long but confused day, all she wanted was to sleep to get rid of her sore back.

Her lashes quivered as she dreaded for asleep.

"Come to me, my sweet." A man whispered into her eyes. His voice flew out of his lips like smooth honey, yet melodiously. It was so calm yet deep that sent shivers down the core.



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