《Lose Myself》Chapter Ten: Undercover


Amara had convinced me to wait down the hall since I 'had nothing better to do than be spying on her anyways.' She was exceedingly difficult, I don't know how I hadn't seen it before. Maybe its because I continue to provoke her, but it is so much fun.

I was surprised her theory of Vince had been accurate, I watched as he approached her door with one hand in his pocket and then shoved the other one in his pocket waiting for her to answer. It was him alright, I'd seen him before and the man aggravated me, he had this perfect good boy image going regardless of his business activities.

At least I was honest.

Amara opened her door and grinned broadly, "Goodness you don't disappoint."

"I guessed you'd be expecting me at this point." he smiled almost making me gag, he seemed so real. I found it extremely hard to be that fake, you could always tell when I wasn't genuine so I don't even bother anymore. Therefore going undercover was something I had people do for me.

"Come in. Are you sure you don't want to eat? I made lasagna." she sang tempting him by wafting the smell into his face causing him to chuckle.

"I hate italian food." he replied though his smile faltered.

"Thats too bad." she tsked. The door closed behind him so I moved to a spot against the wall, listening in.

"Well," I heard his feet shuffle, "How was your day?"

"Boring as ever. This Marcello guy won't cut the crap, I managed to get something done during my lunch break though. I got some samples for the curtains and filed them and tomorrow I'll be doing something else; sofas and armchairs. Still he doesn't give me anything to do but I keep doing the job, quality service for our customers." she sang the last part. I had no idea Marcello was doing this and I'd be sure to put a stop to it.

"Why don't you just tell his boss?" Vince suggested. Why would he even say that? He knows me. He doesn't like me.

"I don't want him to fire him or something. Marcello would be pissed and he's good friends with this girl that works there too - Clarissa - and I don't want to get on her bad side."

Playing the weakling card. I underestimated her acting skills and her ability to draw information out of people. Is that a skill they teach you in German school? 'Cause they didn't have that course at my school. I cringed.

School wouldn't be the right word.

"I guess you don't," he chuckled. "She can be scary at times and I would know, she's ruthless."

"How do you know her?" he got himself into this one.

"I'm her brother," he paused, "Oh I guess I didn't mention it."

"Woah," I heard a step back, "I can't be conversing with the enemy! You'll steal my design ideas! And next thing you know she'll be pitching my ideas to the board!" I smiled at the accent that showed when she shouted.

"I wouldn't do that," he chuckled, "I should get going. Enjoy your lasagna."

"Hey! Don't look at my lasagna like that! What's it done to you?" she joked.


He chuckled again, his footsteps got close to the door so I moved back further down the hall. The door opened revealing Vince with a stupid smile on his face, "Hey wait!" Amara ran up and leaned against the door frame. "I just got my Netflix subscription, do you have any suggestions?"

"Prison break." I cringed at his preference in shows. Has he no taste?

"Thanks. Have a good night." she sang watching his retreating figure down the hall.

"You too!" Vince shouted back as he entered his own apartment shutting the door slowly.

I turned back to Amara's door and stepped into the light, I shrugged and she winked before closing the door.

Fascinating woman.

What had I gotten myself into? I'd basically agreed to be his wife at this point, I hadn't said no and I hadn't run away either. I was waiting in my glass office for him to walk through the door and swoop me off my feet like Prince Charming.

He hadn't been wrong when he'd said I had no future. I didn't. I always knew that, now he knows too. Its not that I can't have children or that I can't afford them. Its the fact that I can't stay in one place too long, I can't submit into a hospital if I did fall pregnant and I definitely could not involve anyone in my mess. Anyone who'd become involved with me after I'd run away from the institution was dead, they'd be hunted down and killed.

The mafia was an escape for criminals. I'd killed so many people, I couldn't deny that fact and I also couldn't deny that it made me a criminal. I'd killed three innocent civilians and over fifty armed men. The armed men thing was probably legal but the civilians was not. I hadn't faced my consequences for that and I didn't think I had to.

If I got sick or fell pregnant whilst being part of the mafia, I would have the family doctor or the housewives to help me. That of course had me thinking other things, things I shouldn't be thinking. Pregnant...

"Hey there shortcake." Dominic stood leaning against the frame of my door with his hands in his pockets and a smile playing on his lips.

"What got you in such a good mood?" I asked frowning, he rarely smiled and when he did it was usually fake.

"Well," he sat down, "I was sitting waiting for the New York traffic to start moving and a thought hit me, you - my dear - did not deny the fact that you wanted to be my wife. You just mentioned the fact that my motives were unreasonable which at this point I agree, they were."

"Yeah they were." I replied ignoring his previous statement because man was he right. I hate that. I hate the fact that he is not wrong.

"But you want to be my wife no?" his accent was awfully alluring.


"Yeah you do." he sang.

"I said no," I looked at him intensely, "You gave me an option and it was no. So no."

"Okay, so yes?"




"What is this?" a russian accent boomed from the office door, didn't take a genius to know who it was without looking. Her royal highness. Dominic let out a frustrated breath, he did't have to look to know who it was either.


"Its a meeting. What else would it be Clarissa?"

"It would be - um - I don't know... You cheating on me!" she practically screamed the last bit and I squinted at the sound.

"Please," I stood, "Inside voice."

"You bitch." she sneered.

"Clarissa." Dominic warned pinching the bridge of his nose, a sure sign of stress.

"Your stressed," I empathised walking over to where he was sitting and giving Clarissa a brief look, "Maybe I should give you a massage." I stayed calm as I was pushed to the shelf and pressed down by Clarissa, for a skinny-nearing-anorexic b-tch she sure had a lot of strength. I found myself thinking... steroids?

"Are you provoking me?" she hissed. That accent.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. It took a lot of self-control to stop from falling on the ground after she let me go. "You are insane." she said in a raspy voice. I shook my head standing up straight.

"No," I breathed in, "I'm just better than you."

Clarissa's eyes went so wide, Dominic was now closely observing the interaction. I stood shorter than Clarissa with my hands on my hips whilst she stood tall dripping with confidence. She must've lived a pretty life, not a scar on her body and such delicate fingers. Can't help but feel a little self-conscious. Whether I liked it or not - this was my competition. I had automatically taken Dominic's proposal when I'd provoked her and we both knew it.

That massage didn't seem like a half bad idea, I wasn't going to deny that I got a little excited as she'd approached me. The disappointment when her hands hadn't made contact with my shoulders was immeasurable. Now they stood staring at each other and even though she was shorter than Clarissa - Amara appeared more confident and she was definitely stronger. Her being a 14 billion dollar trained assassin against Clarissa who was a billion dollar spoiled b-tch. Not a brainteaser.

"I think it would be best if we all went our seperate ways," I held my hands out standing up, "I'll go back to my office, Clarissa you go back to work and Amara can stay here and finish her work. Sì?" It was like I was talking to children but I felt relief when Clarissa puffed and stomped out the door, I smiled apologetically grabbing my jacket and making my way out also, leaving Amara in her office with a thoughtful expression planted on her face.


I locked the door to my penthouse and began looking around for Natasha, she'd been here yesterday but had fallen sick so I'd sent her home. She'd assured me she would be back today but I wanted to make sure she went home straight away. The sun had gone down and I'd hate for her to return home during nighttime.

For some reason I wasn't shocked when I found her body bleeding and hanging from my ceiling, Vince had obviously caught on and was trying to send me a message. "Message received." I muttered to myself as I yanked the note the was tucked in Natasha's bra. I wouldn't be surprised if that sick freak had felt her up too.

Stop messing with my sister and marry her already! I'm tired of waiting for you Vitiello, its now or never. Your wasting my time, V.

God he was a purebred asshole. I placed the note on the kitchen island and studied the mess before me, this would be a pain to clean up and I didn't even do it this time. The doorbell grabbed my attention and I went to answer it hoping it wasn't someone innocent because this surely would be a sight. I was only slightly relieved to see Amara on the other side of the door, that and I was confused.

"How did you find out where I live?" I frowned. She ignored me walking into my apartment.

She shouted from the living room, "Man Vitiello, your into some weird sh-t."

I walked in to find her eying the lovely display Vince had left for me, rolling my eyes I retrieved the note from the counter - handing it to her. "This was in her pocket."

"What? Was she waiting for you to come home so you guys could do role-play then f-ck on the coffee table?"

"No," I cringed, "My mom hired her. She's my maid. Specifically someone I'm not supposed to f-ck."

"Noted." she replied still frowning at the paper. "So what happens when they find out you're not marrying her?"

"So what I'm hearing is a yes, you're going to marry me." I smirked sitting down on the couch and clasping my hands before resting my head in them.

"Stop that," she looked down at me, "its bloody annoying and it makes me want to slap you so hard."

"I'm into that."

"Ew." she monotoned before sitting across from me on the other couch behind the dead body hanging mid-air. I loved how we could just treat this like a normal occurrence, any other girl would've screamed or cried or something by now.

"Look, they can't really do anything if you're on our side, we'd be the most powerful familia and it would be simply stupid of them."

"C'mon Vitiello its not that simple -"

"It is, you have a homicide score of 208 persons and I have one of 346."

"Excuse me?" her voice was raspy as she leaned around the body and stared at me.

"You have a hom-"

"I know what you f-cking said!" she stood walking around the coffee table and coming to stand in front of me. "And why do you have a homicide score?"

"I am an agent too. I figured as an agent yourself you would've at least heard of me."

"Well since I so clearly have not," she glared, "please enlighten me."

"Cavaliere Oscuro. That is my agent name." I said simply, "I was trained by the Italian Institution."

"No way," she sat on the ground, "You scored 100 on all of the tests and I scored 99.95." I stared at her.

"You beat me."

"You say that like its so hard to believe."

"You're worth 17 billion dollars." I frowned, why does that matter? "You don't need me."

"I do need you." I frowned getting up to squat in front of her. She looked crushed, had she really thought this was about the money?

"Amara," I tilted her head to face me, "I need you."

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