《Lose Myself》Chapter Nine: Return Home


I can't believe this. I really can't.

Schwarzer Regen.

I had her right under my nose, I had her right there the whole time and I'd just - left.

I sent Leo a simple text: Mission Accomplished.

I looked through the paper files once again, fascinated. They hadn't even listed her name, had she even told them? Was she actually crazy?

The attendant tapping my shoulder brought me out of my daze, I rose smiling at her and descended the steps for the second time in the last 24 hours. It was surely the impossible hours of the morning at this point. Alessandro smiled as I slid into the car, this had been one of my only arrivals at an airport where I'd had a paparazzi free experience. The other was before the world found out my father had a son.

I got home sighing and closing my eyes, I didn't mind sleeping in a suit tonight because it honestly was the least of my problems not to mention I was in too much of a difficult mood to take it off. The marks from the zipper line or button imprint on my skin in the morning would be a good laugh though. I rolled onto my face letting sleep take me.

That morning I had gotten up early regardless of the fact that I'd also arrived terribly late last night - maybe I should say, that morning. The plane took off and the excitement of a thrilling confrontation were I definitely had the upper hand took over my mind and body. Best case scenario - she denies everything and I get to laugh in her face later, worst case scenario - she figures it out before I voice it and escapes my near clutches. She is a 14 billion dollar project after all, she isn't stupid.

I decided it would be best to arrive at her apartment later in the day, for now I would run errands and get some catch up out of the way.

I groaned. Marcello had me doing the most stupid things, the past couple days had been so uneventful it was almost painful. He kept getting me to copy things like papers and deals, every time I wanted to go out and pick out decorations or something remotely fun he would advise against it and give me more useless work. Dominic had made the worst decision of his life because the last couple days also had been unproductive as hell.

Today I decided to take a risk and go buy some curtain drape samples during my lunch break, bring them back here and add them to my portfolio. It was my lunch break after all, the bastard couldn't stop me. I smiled broadly as the clock struck time and I grabbed my handbag and keycard, I locked the door behind me and smiled at Monique on my way out. I'd never forget the fact that that girl was a drunk cryer, I would never drink with her again.

So stressful.

I smiled once again as I entered the design store, I was already bubbly with excitement as soon as I spotted the navy taupe drapes that hung mid-section to the right of the store. I rushed over on my pointy heels and started feeling the material. This is definitely going to cut into work time.

After I finished my new page in my portfolio I shut it returning it to the shelf and made a computer version in case the time ever came to show it to Dominic, only if I'm lucky because sure as hell by now Marcello had hired Clarissa or something behind my back for the project. Those two seemed close when he'd first arrived. I continued doing the project even if I was getting paid either way, I would do fabric sofas and armchairs tomorrow. I bit my lip as I wrote it into my reminders.


Satisfied with my work for the day I decided to turn in, I shut everything down and locked the door heading for the elevator. I passed by the reception and turned my keys in to Elana, she gave me a mock 'thank you' due to what happened the other night when I hadn't turned my keys in. We'd talked about this but I still went with it.

The drive home was shorter than expected, when I'd first exited the parking lot the New York traffic was heavy but it soon started moving. It still took some time though. I groaned as I dropped my keys before unlocking my apartment door and closing it behind me. A shiver went down my spine as I slowly placed my handbag on the kitchen island. I walked forward slowly using the little light there was in the room to scan my surroundings, a dark figure stood behind my couch.

I switched on the light and let out a breath, "You bloody scared me. How did you get in my apartment?"

"You'd be surprised how easy it is." Dominic answered still looking out the window before turning to look at me. What was this about?

"Okay..." I dragged turning back to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You'd be surprised how burned up I'd gotten, I still found him attractive regardless of the fact that he just broke into my home. I busied myself with grabbing a glass from the top cupboard which I was of course too short to reach.

"Why did you put them all the way up there if you knew you couldn't reach?" he asked reaching up and getting the glass for me. I ignored the feel of his breath against my neck and ducked under his arm to get the jug from the fridge. "You can't just keep ignoring me, I came here to talk to you."

"Well you broke into my apartment so I think I can ignore you." I stated before bringing the glass to my lips and walking out into the living room.

"Amara listen." he demanded grabbing my wrist and turning me around, ignoring the tingles running up my arm I glared at him. "Lets not do this. Listen."

"You sound desperate." I stated, there was a flash of anger in his eyes but it soon dissipated only nothing remaining.

"I need your help, so call me whatever you want."

I eye him for a little bit. What was he getting at? I couldn't help him with anything, as far as I was concerned I wasn't open for business. Not to mention the fact that he broke into my apartment! There was no way I was helping him with anything, I didn't even know him. He pulled me over the couch and sat down, pulling me gently to sit beside him.

"Listen. Are you listening?" he looked intently studying my reaction.

"Uh - yeah." I replied folding my legs under me, he let go of my arm and I held my glass with both hands.

"Schwarzer Regen."

"Excuse me?" I tensed. Not only had he said it wrong - courtesy of his italian accent - but I hadn't heard that name in years, no one I knew even knew that name existed and those that did weren't around anymore. I stared at him with wide eyes, is that really what this was about? Taking me back to the institution for 14 billion big ones? Faith in humanity my ass, I've given up. Humanity is a disgrace. He has enough money, why would he need more? He's a billionaire already - what would 14 more of what he already has matter? Its not like he needs the money, his company's market has risen three times as much in the last month. He doesn't need any money.


So why is he doing this? How does he even know about it? I hadn't come into contact with anyone who would know about it in years and even then it hadn't gone down too well. I wasn't about to sit here wondering what I could just be told, unfortunately I didn't have any weapons on me. No guns, no knives. I was a sitting duck. I'd allowed myself to become comfortable, heck I'd even gone to the club the other day with a bunch of girls I hadn't met before! I was losing my focus and now I'd been found. Ton of bullsh-t it was New York being the hardest place to be found. I'd been found within a month!

"Excuse me?" I said standing slowly. This can't be happening. And he was so hot too.

"Well a guy who is running out of options has to pick the most reasonable one. I negotiated with my father that instead of marrying Clarissa - I would find Schwarzer Regen. So I did."

"And that took you 24 hours?" I said in disbelief. He nodded. "What the f-ck." I muttered rubbing my temple. Maybe if I convince him that I'm totally down for whatever he's offering, I can kick him in his man parts and make a run for it. I stood thinking about all the things I owned here, it would be a pain but I could ditch it. My clothes were replaceable. Any material things were replaceable. And I had my phone, wallet and keys in my handbag. All the things I truly need were in that bag, I could purchase some sneakers from the nearby thrift store and check a one-way ticket to Japan with the little data I had left. I'd have to top that up too, but everything was do-able at this point.

I'd always wanted to go to Japan, I thought about going there but I didn't think I'd actually have to... I really thought New York was going to work out.

"Wait," I paused why hadn't I thought of this, "How did you even know I existed? There's no point in denying it, that would be stupid since its obvious you're well aware of our... situation."

"I'm in the mafia. Soon to be Capo dei Capi actually."

"Italian Mafia?"


"What do you want with me?"

"You are an asset and the second most skilled assassin in history. Very valuable."

"And as 'soon-to-be Capo dei Capi' you want me on your team because..." I dragged.

"Because, there is about four or five familia that are planning an alliance determined to wipe out my entire family."

"Look that's rough and all but I'm one person. Are you doing like a recruitment thing were you travel around the world and assemble your own personal 'Avengers'?" I joked.

"No, I was just looking for you."

"So you're not taking me back to Germany?"

"What? Of course not."

"It just doesn't make sense to me." I shook my head.

"I wanted to marry you."

I choked, not on anything in particular - just air and organs. I stared at him for the second time today with what I presumed was a shocked expression. "And how will that benefit you?"

"I won't be marrying Clarissa." he stated matter-of-factly.

"So you would be marrying me," I paused pointing to the ground then moving to my finger to another part of the ground, "to avoid marrying someone else." I said the last part drawing quick circles in the air as if I was circling the imaginary mind map I'd drawn.

"Yes." he said suspiciously, he was confused. "Is that a positive or negative observation?" He didn't understand women at all.

"Negative! You asshole!" I threw a throw cushion at his face and he caught it placing it in his lap making me even more frustrated. "All men are assholes!"

"No we're not."

"You can't talk. You are probably the inventor of assholelism." I jabbed my finger at him, he brought his hand up and pushed it down slowly.

"You are confused," he said standing. "I will leave you to think about it." He turned to leave but I wasn't done, I stomped ahead of him and stood in front of him with my hands on my hips. He was at least two heads taller than me.

"Oh so you think just because I'm not thrilled to be marrying you that I'm confused?!" I shot, "I guess I should be so happy at the idea of marrying of you because it would be such a privilege, such an honour!" I over-enunciated the last part.

"So its a German accent." he mumbled thinking to himself.

"What?" I breathed - slightly out of breath.

"When I first met you you said my name wrong, I always wondered what accent it was. It's German."

"What are you even talking about?"

"When we had our first meeting, you were mocking me because I was not paying attention and when you said my name, you pronounced it incorrectly."

"You pronounced it incorrectly." I mimicked. He frowned.

"I'll go now."

"Wait!" I placed my palm on his chest once again ignoring the tingly feeling, "You owe me answers."

"And I can give them to you," he pulled a fake smile, "Another time."

"You want me to be your wife or not."

"Look Amara, we both know you don't have a future. I'd be doing you a favour." regret flashed in his eyes as soon as he'd said it, but just like before it disappeared and he was left looking emotionless.

I stared at him for a good few seconds then cleared my throat but it didn't help, "Fine," I croaked - don't cry, don't, "Maybe I'll marry Vince instead! He's my friend."

"Wait what are you talking about?"

"None of your business," I sneered, "And since I so obviously don't have a future, I'm going to-to-t-"

"Are you talking about Clarissa's brother?"


"Vince Bogart. Clarissa's brother." he looked worried but still he sounded calm and quiet, "He's going to be the Capo dei Capi of the Russian Mafia, as soon as his marriage next month."

"I've never asked what his last name was," I said hysterically throwing my arms up but still in a whisper tone, "but he lives next door we can just ask him." I nodded towards the wall and started walking away. He grabbed my wrist and brought a finger to his lips. He has nice lips.

"Are you insane?"

"Well - if he is Mr. Bogart then you can just kill him. You do that right? Cause I wouldn't understand any other reason you'd be asking for my help if not for the money." I glared at him again, what kind of mafia man doesn't know how to take risks?

"Why would you start an all out war like that?" he chastised, "obviously its a bad idea for his rival to just show up at his door step to 'check' if its him in there." he did a quotation dance at the word. "I wouldn't want you in trouble either, if he found out who you are he'd take you from me."

"Didn't you hear me when I said I would 'marry Vince instead'? That's kinda the point."

"You're impossible."

"Only to those who deserve it." I replied then rolled my eyes, "Look, he comes over like every night to ask about my day and sh-t. He'll come in today and I'll play it off, maybe find out his name. Then you can meet me at the office as if its an appointment and I'll tell you. You are my client after all, nothing wrong with that." I offered as he slowly let go of my hand.

Wonder where that awesome plan about kicking him in balls went Amara?

I sighed, "You have no idea how impossible you are."

Impossible to resist.

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