《Catch me if you can》A Failed Celebration
"How the fuck did they know I'm the new boss?" Lauren growled as she peered out the window and glaring at the cops sitting in their unmarked car across the street.
"Maybe we've got a rat?" Normani said with a shrug. Lauren scoffed and turned around, leaning on the dining room table in front of her. "It won't kill you to sit down Laur."
"No one's gonna snitch on the Jauregui's, no matter who's in charge." Lauren murmured.
"Laur? Is that Normani?" Her mother's muffled voice made Lauren sigh; today was not the day for worrying about work.
"Yeah, is everyone ready?" Lauren called out. Chris appeared in a rumpled suit and sleep stuck to the corner of his eye. Taylor was smoothing out her dress and texting on her phone. Their mother opened the bathroom door, notably not wiping under her eye and definitely not clenching her teeth together.
"Let's get this over with." Chris grumbled.
"You ready Mila?" Ally yelled, banging on her apartment door.
"Yo, Brooke. Keep it down." Ally spun on her heel and came face to face with Detective Diaz.
"Uh... sorry Detective."
"Don't worry 'bout it." Diaz said, shutting her door and walking towards the elevator. "Good luck."
Ally nodded, her mouth still hanging open slightly as Camila opened her door, adjusting her tie, her hat tucked her arm.
"God I forgot how uncomfortable these uniforms could be." Camila grumbled, grabbing her car keys and shutting her door. "Ally? You okay?"
"Diaz lives across from you." Ally mumbled. Camila shrugged and locked her door.
"Yeah, hence the carpooling."
"Thought she lived like... down the block."
"You good?" Camila snickered. "Ready for court?"
"Do we have to be in uniform?" Ally sighed, finally coming back to reality.
"Unfortunately yes. We are still officers Als." Camila grumbled. "Even if Puth did rent us out for a while."
The walk down to Camila's car was quiet, the apartment block still mostly asleep at this early hour.
It was only when they got stuck in traffic that Ally spoke up again, having spent the previous time yawning.
"You ever been to court?"
"My dad had jury duty and couldn't leave me in the house by myself." Camila muttered, her hands flexing on the wheel.
"I meant like as a cop."
"Watched Diaz testify the other day." Camila said with a grin.
"You two seem close." Ally said, carefully watching Camila's reaction.
"She's a good friend. And we have fun at the lgbt meetings when we can." Camila chuckled. "I'm still surprised she hasn't moved."
"Peralta is still trying to figure out where she lives." Ally laughed. There was a lull in the conversation as traffic started moving again and Camila cursed at a few taxi drivers. "Do you think he'll plead guilty?"
Camila chewed on her lip as they pulled into the court parking lot.
"I think that Vives is good at her job, really good. So I'm expecting this to drag on."
To say the court building was tense was an understatement.
The steps up to the building had been crawling with press, several other officers had been holding them back as Camila and Ally walked up the steps. Hayley had nodded her head at them from her place at the front doors.
Camila had almost felt claustrophobic when they'd entered the building. There were people in suits everywhere she turned, uniformed cops loitered and detectives colluded in groups. There was a general murmur echoing off the walls and high ceilings.
It was overwhelming.
Camila and Ally made their way over to Charlie's small gathering; Lieutenant Parrish was waiting with him as well as Sergeant Santiago. The two officers merged into the group and said their hellos.
The back of Camila's neck tingled and it felt like the crowds parted when she turned. Her eyes instantly met deep, conflicted green ones.
She gulped as Lauren tipped her chin towards Camila before turning back to her brother. The whole Jauregui family was gathered at the other end of the room; even a few of the Senior Jauregui's were mingling.
Finally it was time and everyone filtered into the courtroom.
Lauren hated being the centre of attention.
Yes she sees the irony since she's the new crime boss of Brooklyn.
But right now? Front row seat to her father's trial? She'd rather be invisible.
Her mum had been putting on a brave face the past few days. Lauren had seen a multitude of different girls leaving her brother's room, despite the fact he was barely legal. And Taylor was walking around frowning with her nose buried in whatever textbook she was currently studying from.
It felt like nothing had changed but everything had at the same time.
And now, with her hands tucked deep in her pant pockets, she felt the eyes looking at her and the whispers about her more than ever.
The room had stayed standing on order of the judge who had entered the same time they had. He sat in his chair at the top of the room, shuffling papers.
"Welcome to the trial of Michael Jauregui, we'll be hearing the primary statements from both the defendant and the prosecution. Bring in the accused." The judge's voice was gravelly and dull, it may have been a big case but for him it was just another day.
Lauren felt her heart twinge as her father was brought in; his hair more grey than black, the jumpsuit a stark orange in the otherwise bland room, the silver chains around his waist and wrists jangled with each small step he took.
She glanced over at Lucy who nodded once, her lips firmly pressed together and her eyebrows furrowed.
Lauren had never seen that expression on Lucy. She almost looked frustrated but also resigned at the same time.
Everyone sat down when Mike did. The room fell silent as they all watched the judge, he peered down at Mike with a wry smile.
"How does the defendant plead?"
Lauren clenched her jaw; her father had refused to tell them his decision on the matter, Lucy had given away nothing when she'd joined them for dinner.
The whole room seemed to hold its breath as Lucy stood, her hands clasped in front of her.
"The defendant pleads guilty on all accounts."
Lauren felt her stomach drop to her feet, she felt her brother shoot out of his seat, her mother clasped at Lauren's arm tightly and even Taylor let out a shocked squeak.
"Dad what the fuck!" Chris shouted, starting a small uproar of other people; half of them to tell him to shut up, the other half repeating his cry.
"Sit down." Lauren snapped, tugging on the back of Chris' collar and pulling him back to his seat.
There was still chaos and even the Judge banging his gavel did nothing. Lauren growled under her breath and stood up.
"Everyone be quiet." She said, her voice carrying across the room firmly. Slowly but surely everyone stopped shouting and watched her, blinking at her in surprise. Lauren waved their attention to the judge and she sat down.
"Thank you, Ms. Jauregui," Lauren nodded at him, "In this turn of events, Michael Jauregui you are hereby sentenced to 36 years in state prison, with chance of parole at 20 years providing good behaviour."
The gavel echoed in the room and that was that.
Lauren barely got to smile at her father before he was ushered out of the courtroom. The rest of the room filtered out quickly as the judge announced another case.
The family made their way out into the foyer and Lauren found herself collapsing onto one of the benches there.
She told her family to leave and not wait for her, she'd call Normani when she was ready to leave. She'd ordered Dinah to look after her family for the day and check back in with her tomorrow afternoon.
Lucy was also defending the next client so Lauren rested her head in her hands and waited.
It wasn't until a hand landed on her shoulder that she snapped back to reality, blinking hard before finally lifting her head. Her eyes spun and everything went fuzzy for a second before she could focus on Lucy's face.
"I'm sorry it took so long."
"Why did he do that?" Lauren mumbled.
"He didn't want it to drag out." Lucy replied softly, moving to sit next to Lauren and placing her hand on Lauren's knee. "We went over everything the cops had and... well he knew that it would take a lot for me to get him off and it would take time. More time than he was willing to give."
"36 years Luce."
"Judge was being nice, since Mike avoided the long trial." Lucy murmured, her thumb rubbing gentle circles on Lauren's knee.
"I'll be 57 by the time he gets out." Lauren whimpered, turning and burying her face in Lucy's shoulder.
"Your dad will do everything in his power to make sure he gets out in 20." Lucy said firmly.
"That's still so long."
"I know. I'm so sorry." Lucy whispered, wrapping her arms around Lauren tightly.
By the time the pair of them left, the stairs were empty of reporters and the sun was beginning to set.
"You coming out for drinks Cabello?" Charlie called across the room. Camila and Ally had been huddled around the coffee machine when the call came.
"What do you say? Drinks?" Camila asked Ally with a grin. Ally wiggled her eyebrows and nodded. "You're on Puth."
They'd been at the bar for an hour and Camila was sort of regretting it. The Major Crimes unit definitely knew how to celebrate a win and Camila was all for getting drunk but something was off.
She couldn't stop seeing the hunched over figure of Lauren Jauregui having just seen her father be sentenced; the hollow look in her usually bright eyes, the way her suit didn't cling to her lean figure as well as usual, the lack of response coming from her in any way.
Something had almost made her go over and sit with her. Then she remembered she was the reason her father was now behind bars for the next few decades.
Probably not the person she wanted to see.
So now, as the clock drew closer to eleven, a warm beer in hand, Camila was watching her friends and colleagues getting shitfaced.
Right up until someone slid into the seat next to her and ordered a strong whiskey in a rough, hoarse voice.
Camila's eyes slid over to her new company, taking in the oversized denim jacket and a slouchy grey beanie over messy black hair. The green of the flannel shirt beneath the jacket just covering a worn band shirt, and a fairly new looking pair of jeans; at least in comparison they looked new. The woman also wore a pair of black aviator sunglasses.
"Not celebrating tonight?" The woman asked. Camila frowned, her voice seemingly familiar but not quite right.
"Not really in the mood."
"Pretty big win Cabello, would've thought you'd be doing body shots off your boss by now." Camila rolled her eyes and gripped her pint glass tighter.
"Jauregui. This is almost stalking."
"Almost being the key word." Lauren sighed, pulling off her sunglasses and lying them gently on the bartop. Camila's eyebrows shot up when she saw the redness lining Lauren's eyes, the raw emotion pouring out of them. "I swear I didn't know you guys would be here."
"Where are your friends?" Camila asked softly, looking down at her glass instead of the broken figure of Lauren Jauregui.
"Looking after my family." Lauren replied before downing her whiskey and motioning for another. "Why aren't you celebrating? Wasn't this all because of you?"
Camila opened her mouth to respond when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw Ally flash her a thumbs up and an exaggerated wink. Before Camila could correct her, she turned around to laugh with Charlie.
The sound of a glass hitting the bar drew her attention back to Lauren, there was a wince on her face as the whiskey burned down her throat.
"Like I said, I'm not in the mood."
"This shit is probably the biggest case you're ever going to pull, and you don't want to celebrate it?" Lauren scoffed, another whiskey already being poured. Lauren stopped the bartender taking the bottle back with him and just pulled out her wallet.
"I guess... after I saw you and your family... it just kind of hit me ya know? He might've been a criminal but it doesn't change the fact he ruined more than just his life." Camila said quietly. Lauren scoffed again and trailed her finger along the rim of her glass.
"If it wasn't for you, my dad would still be running this shit and I wouldn't have to be running around after pretentious twats who think they can mug me off just because I'm a woman." Lauren grumbled as she poured more whiskey into her glass.
Camila snorted before she could stop herself. Lauren finally looked over at her with a confused frown.
"I'm sorry, I just find it hard to imagine people actually try and get away with that." Camila said with a weak laugh. "I mean, you scream intimidation."
"Really?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and glanced down at herself.
"I mean usually. When you're all suited and booted." Camila corrected with a blink.
"Officer Cabello I think you might be drunk." Lauren said, a small smile pulling at her lips.
"Tipsy at best." Camila scoffed.
"So I intimidate you do I?" Lauren said, sipping on her drink. Camila paused and glanced between Lauren and her now forgotten beer.
"No. 'Cause I'm the law. I uphold the peace. I do not get intimidated by hot crimelords." Camila said with certainty, the world starting to spin. She may have been drunker than she thought.
"So now I'm hot am I?" Lauren teased, putting her drink down and leaning closer towards Camila. Camila blinked at her.
"You know you're hot." Camila replied with a frown, her nose scrunching up as she tried to figure out where Lauren was going with this.
"Well yeah, but it's news to me that you find me hot." Lauren said slowly. Camila pursed her lips as Lauren's face got closer, she didn't miss the way her eyes flickered down to her lips briefly.
"I... did I say that? Whoops." Camila muttered, swallowing quietly and looking back down at the bartop.
She heard Lauren let out a sigh and the tell-tale clink of a glass being emptied and refilled.
"I just want to forget today ever happened." Lauren whispered as she downed another glass.
"Then why are you talking to me?" Camila asked, turning in her chair and facing Lauren. "I'm a reminder of everything that's happened recently." Lauren looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a confused smile.
"I honestly don't know. Lucy was busy tonight, she had to wrap some stuff up for dad. And that would be an even bigger reminder." Lauren mused. "Besides it's not like I knew you were going to be here."
"Could've left."
"So could you." Lauren shot back, her hand was grasped around the neck of her whiskey bottle but she wasn't moving to pour another drink.
Camila blinked, she hadn't noticed them leaning in, hadn't noticed she could feel Lauren's breath on her lips, could almost feel their noses brushing together. What she did notice was her friends catcalling her from the other side of the room. She sighed and briefly closed her eyes at their drunken shenanigans, thanking the Lord that they couldn't see the face of who she was talking with.
"I should go." Camila muttered, slipping off her stool and closing her tab at the bar. She turned to leave when a warm hand wrapped around her wrist.
"I just want to forget." Lauren whispered.
"Not with me you don't." Camila said quietly, although not moving away from Lauren.
"Then at least help me get home. I don't think I should've had that last one." Lauren said, letting go of Camila's wrist to clutch at her head. Camila looked towards the door before back to Lauren.
Camila had suggested a cab but Lauren had insisted the walk would sober them up faster. And the chill air biting at Camila's cheeks definitely proved her point for her.
"Jesus you better live close." Camila grumbled as they walked along the frost covered pavement.
"Couple blocks away." Lauren replied, her nose turning red and her skin looking even paler than usual, despite the flush high on her cheeks from the alcohol.
"Should've just got a cab."
"Are you going to whine the whole way there?" Lauren sighed. Camila grumbled but didn't dignify that with a response.
Lauren shivered before bringing the whiskey bottle up to her lips and taking a sip.
"Illegal." Camila muttered.
"Gonna arrest me?" Lauren shot back with a smirk. Camila rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"I don't think a drunk arrest will hold much water to be honest." Camila mused. "Otherwise yes."
"God do you always have that stick up your arse?" Lauren groaned. Camila smacked her on the shoulder and Lauren teetered into the road before righting herself.
"I thought you said you'd had enough to drink." Camila said instead.
"Maybe I lied so a pretty cop could escort me home." Lauren said carefully. Camila looked over at her; she definitely didn't seem much past tipsy, let alone too drunk to get home safely.
"Cops and criminals don't really have a tendency of getting along." Camila replied with narrowed eyes.
"Hence the lying." Lauren shrugged and shot Camila a smile.
They walked the rest of the way in relative silence, only breaking it to complain about the cold air or the fact they were definitely sobering up.
By the time they reached Lauren's apartment block, Camila could barely feel the tips of her fingers and Lauren was complaining about her nose being numb.
They came to a stop in front of the door and Lauren turned to face Camila, a serious look across her face.
"Thank you, for walking me back. I know you didn't have to, drunk or not."
"I told you, I keep the peace. And that includes making sure young women get home safely." Camila said, puffing her chest and tilting her chin up. Lauren let out a quiet laugh and stepped closer to Camila.
"I'm serious Camila. I know we don't always see eye to eye-"
"Always? I am literally trying to arrest you." Camila interrupted, folding her arms over her chest.
"And while it's cute that you're trying-"
"I will do it you know. One day. I'm gonna read you your rights so hard that your lawyer won't be able to wiggle out of them." Camila said firmly with a smirk.
"Right, well, again, cute that you have dreams but-" Lauren tried again with a huff, her breath coming out in a small cloud.
"Dreams? God it's going to be so satisfying wiping that smug smirk of your damn-"
"Would you shut up." Lauren growled, her hands grasping Camila's jacket collar and tugging her forward the last few inches.
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