《Catch me if you can》I heard a rumour
It'd been a couple of days since Camila went into work; her Sergeant had given her and Ally a few days off since they helped bring down the infamous Mike Jauregui.
Ally had indeed spent one of the days lounging around with Camila at her apartment.
She'd also very carefully not said anything about the almost empty board on Camila's wall.
"Was this uniform always this tight?" Ally complained as Camila locked up her car and waved off Diaz.
"Too much ice cream." Camila teased.
"And you are yet to tell me why you carpool with Detective Diaz sometimes." Ally said as they wandered up to the precinct.
"So you know where she lives? You must be offering something good." Ally said slyly. Camila rolled her eyes and adjusted her tie.
"Friendship. Nothing more, nothing less." Camila replied as they pushed open the doors.
"Cabello, Brooke. You two are officially on loan." Santiago said as they walked up to the desk to sign in.
"We are?" Ally said with furrowed eyebrows.
"Wait, Charlie was serious about that?" Camila asked with wide eyes.
"Of course, he expects you two at the briefing in half an hour." Santiago said with a grin. "And not in uniform."
Camila rolled her shoulders and cracked her knuckles as her and Ally walked into the Major Crimes unit.
"God it's lucky you always keep spare clothes in your car." Ally muttered.
"And lucky I like you enough to keep some of yours in there too." Camila teased.
"You've been in a briefing before right?" Ally asked after the receptionist had pointed them in the right direction.
"Well one of Captain Holt's briefings a few weeks ago." Camila shrugged. "How different can it be?"
Very different.
Namely the room was twice the size of the briefing room in the 99. And filled with cops, both uniformed and plain clothed.
There was a projector in the middle of the room where Charlie spoke to another Detective. Camila and Ally hung at the back of the room and waited for the briefing to begin.
Camila spaced out and stared at the mug shot of Mike Jauregui on the screen. He didn't look like much of a threat; more of a hardened family man, which he basically was. There was a small scar on his chin and a scratch above his eyebrow. He looked more resigned about his photo than genuinely upset about being arrested. Like he knew it'd been a matter of time.
"Alright everyone listen up; we've got two weeks until Jauregui's trial begins. I'm not expecting much resistance as Vives has already started to convince him to plead guilty. Unfortunately, we need to be prepared for a full trial." Charlie said, the whole room quickly fell silent and listened.
"We were quick to get a search warrant on Jauregui's apartment and found several folders of charts and delivery schedules. The office will take a little longer to get a warrant for, we've also coordinated with the DEA to raid his known safe houses and usual hideouts."
Camila watched as the screen changed as Charlie spoke.
There were several of the surveillance pictures of the warehouses, some of them with Mike in the shot, others with Lauren ducking out with Dinah and Normani on her heels.
Camila tuned out Charlie's voice as she stared at the screen. She'd never noticed how Lauren seemed to always be around her father, especially in the recent month.
It was with a small jolt she remembered the ring on Lauren's finger at the club; no wonder she'd suddenly appeared at her father's side.
Ally nudged her side and she realised the room was staring at her and she smiled carefully.
"I was just mentioning your diligence that helped us secure an angle on Jauregui last month." Charlie said with a slight smile. Camila nodded enthusiastically.
"Just doing the job sir."
"More than that Cabello, you and your partner earned your spot on this taskforce." Charlie said with a firmness that had Camila suspecting their promotion wasn't an unanimous decision.
He turned back to the screen and continued to explain their next moves; mostly searching as many Jauregui properties and locations as they could before the trial began.
The briefing ended and everyone filed out of the room with new objectives and missions. Camila and Ally were to stick with Charlie and oversee the operation... but mostly to just shadow the senior detective.
"Charlie?" Camila made her way over to the centre of the room and Charlie looked up at her.
"You ready for seeing how the best of the best do things?"
"Already did that at the 99." Camila waved him off, ignoring the narrowed eyes shot at her. "No, I had a run in with Lauren Jauregui a couple nights ago."
"She... gave the impression that she's running the show now." Camila said carefully. Charlie paused in his packing away and looked up at her.
"She had a ring. A signet ring." Camila replied, her lips pursing as Charlie stared at her.
"Maybe it was a birthday present." Charlie reasoned, leaning on a nearby table.
"It looked like the one her father used to wear. It didn't look new." Camila sighed, rubbing at her temples. "But you're right, it's probably just a gift."
"Look into it." Charlie said after a long pause. "Do some recon, you and your partner. Find out if the Jauregui's have a new boss."
"On it." Camila said with a grin.
The two women wandered out of the briefing room.
"You really think she's the new boss?"
"She said it was her last night of freedom. And I'm pretty sure we would've heard if she was getting married." Camila pointed out.
"And yet no one's heard anything about this change of hands." Ally mused.
"I did. Well... such small mutterings, I barely considered it to be legit." Camila shrugged, "I assumed Charlie had heard the same."
"What did you hear?"
"That Chris Jauregui fucked up and his dad cut him off. No more fancy lawyers. It made Jauregui Sr. reconsider the whole 'a man must lead' tradition and look at his eldest. Who had never been charged with anything." Camila sighed as she unlocked her car. "That Mike had been running less jobs himself and that on Lauren's 21st he was going to retire."
"Her birthday's next week, maybe 'cause of his arrest he had to bump up the timeline." Ally grumbled as she got into the car and slammed the door shut. "He wouldn't have known if he'd be around for then."
"I know they're bad people but god it must suck being a Jauregui right now." Camila sighed as she pulled out of the parking lot.
Lauren had never had such a tense family dinner in her life.
She'd taken her father's seat at the head of the table. His home office was locked and covered in police tape. Her mother had taken to sleeping at a hotel down the road.
Lauren was surprised they hadn't frozen her father's accounts. Perhaps he'd been right in staying away from money laundering and keeping a separate bank account for all his illegal gains.
Her mother's legitimate business of an estate agency had been doing well for years and they had never needed her father's money. It was just a nice bonus.
They were all eating quietly; Taylor had stopped studying for the day, Chris had stumbled in with blood on his knuckles and cut on his forehead, her mother had barely looked at any of them.
How do you pretend things are fine when your dad's in prison and has been having affairs left, right and centre for the past four years?
Lauren twiddled with the ring on her finger, eyes fixed on the beer in front of her, her plate half empty.
"How is he?" Taylor asked suddenly. Lauren nodded absentmindedly.
"He's fine." Lauren replied quietly, she'd gone to see her dad at the prison earlier in the day.
"When's the trial start?" Chris sighed, spinning his knife between his fingers.
"Couple weeks. Monday. Mani's driving us all over to the court house."
"Did you want to do anything for your birthday?"
Three pairs of eyes turned to look at their mother. And Lauren blinked at her, her mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
"I think Dinah wants to go out, why?" Lauren replied slowly.
"Perhaps you should do something with the family... you are in charge now." Her mother said softly.
"I'm not running it like dad did. It's my time now." Lauren said, her eyes not leaving her beer.
"Be careful." Her mother sighed when Lauren said nothing else.
Lauren nodded once.
Camila couldn't find Lauren anywhere.
It'd been a week since Charlie put her on the recon mission.
Lauren's 21st birthday had gone without incident. Nothing out of the ordinary and Camila returned to her research.
Newspaper clippings, vague photos and post-it notes had gone up on her board, yet it was still a quarter filled.
Lauren Jauregui was the cleanest crime lord Camila had ever met.
Mike Jauregui's trial started in three days' time, and Camila was being called to the stand if he pleaded not guilty.
Lucy had been very quiet on how her client might be pleading. It was making Charlie's taskforce very uncomfortable; they wanted Jauregui Sr. behind bars and the trial would drag out for months and there was a higher chance of Lucy actually proving she was the best.
"Have you seriously not found her?" Ally asked as she handed a McDonald's bag over to Camila.
They were waiting in Ally's slightly less noticeable car in the parking lot; they'd decided to take a break from hitting up bars and warehouses where Lauren might be.
"Nothing. Either she's really good at evading everyone, or she hasn't left her house for a week." Camila groaned, letting her head fall to the dashboard.
"Well we know that last one isn't true. Kordei and Hansen have been seen all over town, and those two don't leave Jareugui's side." Ally sighed sipping on her milkshake.
"And yet every time we've seen them, she's nowhere to be fucking seen." Camila said, her voice getting more and more high pitched before she let out a squeal. "Fuck her!"
"She might take you up on that... surprised it didn't summon her." Ally snorted and she started her car.
Camila sighed and sat up straight, putting her seatbelt on and clutching at the McDonald's.
A shiny, navy blue Ferrari went crawling past the parking lot, stuck in the New York lunch rush.
"No fuckin' way." Camila muttered as she peered at the driver's side.
The woman had a bored expression and was toying with her sunglasses with one hand while the other was on the wheel. Her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail and her head was moving along to music Camila couldn't hear.
Yet the second she looked over in their direction Ally gasped.
"Holy shit. You did summon her."
"We have to follow her." Camila said with bright, eager eyes.
"But lunch..." Ally whined as she pulled out of the parking lot. Camila opened hers and started eating.
"You can drive and eat." Camila shot back.
"God next time you're driving." Ally said as she reached over for her chicken nuggets.
Lauren wasn't stupid.
She knew a bright red Ferrari would draw too much attention, so she'd gone for the slightly more subtle blue. Even if it meant no longer looking iconic.
But no, she wasn't stupid. There was a crappy looking Ford following her.
It was a few cars back but it'd definitely taken all the same turns as her.
Or maybe that was the new paranoia Chris had warned her about.
Her phone rang and she jumped out of her skin. Answering it with a huff, she stopped noticing the car behind her.
"Boss, you're late. Mahone doesn't like lateness." Dinah's voice echoed into the car and Lauren tightened her grip on the steering wheel.
"Well tell him I can't control New York traffic, so he's going to have to wait."
"I told you I should've driven you." Normani's voice was quieter and followed by Dinah shushing her.
"He's not gonna want to hear you out now."
"Put him on the phone." Lauren sighed as she stopped at a red light, rubbing at her temples.
"You better have a good excuse Jauregui Jr."
"Call me that again Austin I dare you." Lauren growled. "I am stuck in traffic. I'm ten minutes out."
"So we can do this another day."
"Fuck no. You've been putting this off for three days." Lauren retorted, flipping off the car behind her when it honked the second the light turned green.
"Look, it's not gonna happen. You just don't have what it takes clearly."
"How would you know? You refuse to meet with me."
"Girls just can't do business like the big boys can."
Lauren's eye twitched before a smirk graced her features.
"Put Dinah back on the phone, but just wait until she hangs up to leave and I'll stop trying to meet you." Lauren said slowly. Austin grumbled but Lauren waited until Dinah muttered a hello. "Make sure he doesn't leave. This meeting is happening."
"Yes boss, you got it."
Lauren chuckled when she heard a surprised yelp before the line went dead.
"Where'd you think she's going?" Ally asked as Lauren pulled over to the curb and parked.
Camila scowled as Lauren slipped the sunglasses on her face, tugged her leather jacket tighter around her and walk into the apartment complex in front of her.
"I have no idea." Camila mumbled, as Ally parked slightly further down the road.
The two of them got out the car and wandered over to the building; an apartment that required a security desk wasn't exactly Camila's scene. They walked in anyway.
Camila put her badge on the desk along with her phone, a picture of Lauren on the screen. "Did you see where she went?"
"Uh yeah, like out back. She wanted to know where the back door was." The guy behind the desk pointed to a tucked away door with a confused expression.
"Thanks." Ally said as Camila strode towards the door. "Did she make us?"
"Possibly." Camila mumbled as they entered a plain hallway, a door open at the far end leading out into the alleyway.
"Maybe she's going to a meet?"
"Yeah but for what? Charlie said he wants proof she's the boss now, not if she's doing more meetings." Camila sighed as they reached the door. She peered out and caught a glimpse of Lauren knocking on the door of a building across the back alley.
She slipped inside after Dinah opened it for her.
"Maybe we need an informant?" Ally said, joining Camila in staring at the door.
"Have you ever heard of a Jauregui informant? There's a reason no one knows if Lauren is actually the boss nowadays. She's cleared house and it's just her and her two buddies." Camila groaned. "For now just grab some pictures of this building, maybe try and snap some through a window. I'll try and find a way in."
Lauren walked into the building and took a look at Dinah.
"You missed a bit." Lauren said, gesturing to the corner of Dinah's lip.
"Dude got a lucky shot in." Dinah grumbled, wiping at her face with the cuff of her shirt.
"Austin still around?"
"Third door on the right."
Lauren stepped over a few unconscious men in the hallway before entering the room. Austin was hog-tied on the floor, his face bruised and pressed against the floor.
"You motherfuckin-"
"Careful Mahone. I'd be very careful about what you say next." Lauren said, crouching down in the front of him.
"Wait 'till your dad hears about this." Austin said with a sly grin.
"My dad handed the family business over to me." Lauren deadpanned, standing up and gesturing to Austin. Normani dragged him to his feet before shoving him onto a chair at the centre of the room.
"I don't joke about business Mahone. And you, you insulted me." Lauren said with a sigh, shaking her head. "I don't appreciate being insulted."
Austin started shifting uncomfortably on his chair.
"I didn't-"
"Oh but you did." Lauren interrupted. "You did mean it. You think, I can't do good business. And you were right in a way. Because you're not going to like the deal we come up with here."
"Lauren. Come on, we've known each other too long." Austin said with a wavering laugh.
"Which is exactly how I know, you're not going to like this." Lauren drawled. She held out her hand and Dinah unholstered her pistol, placing it Lauren's palm carefully.
"Lauren." Austin said, his eyes flicking between the gun and Lauren's eyes.
She levelled it towards Austin and turned off the safety. Her finger stayed resting on the trigger guard, not quite ready to fire.
"You're going to help me. You're going to get me whatever I want."
"And- and in return?"
"You get to run things your way. I don't care how you get me what I want. You run your business, I run mine. All I need is your help." Lauren replied, her eyebrow raising.
"That's it?" Austin frowned. Lauren's finger tapped the trigger guard impatiently.
"Yes. That's it. Your unwavering loyalty. And whatever the fuck I ask of you."
"I have other clients-"
"Not anymore you don't. And the longer you sit here and complain, the more painful the afterparty is gonna be." Lauren sighed, Austin finally realising the gun was still aimed at him.
The room fell silent, all waiting for Lauren's next move. She pursed her lips as Austin sweat and shifted uncomfortably on his chair. Lauren let out a small huff and flicked the safety back on.
"I made a promise I wouldn't hurt you... but I can't let your insult go." Lauren decided quietly, handing the pistol back to Dinah.
"So I can go? We have a deal?"
"We have a deal." Lauren smiled wryly before nodding at Dinah. "However, like I said, people need to learn not to fuck with me."
"Dinah, have fun. Mani, I'll drive myself home." Lauren said, slipping her sunglasses back on and heading for the door.
Camila had successfully slipped into the building and she could hear Lauren's voice echoing through the hallways.
"God damn it, all I needed was proof of her being the boss. Didn't ask for this James Bond shit." Camila grumbled as she wandered through the halls, finally coming across the right room.
She peered through the crack in the door and her eyes widened. Lauren was meeting with Austin Mahone?
Camila quickly pulled out her phone and started recording the exchange.
She was right.
Lauren was the new boss. And now she had the proof.
It was only when Lauren handed the gun back to Dinah, Camila decided to get out of there.
She met Ally at their car, slipping inside it just before Lauren appeared at the end of the street.
"You get anything good?" Camila asked as Ally looked through the photos on her camera.
- In Serial62 Chapters
The Man She Betrayed
Is it fair to let a mistake define a person? .......... "Miss...?" he assessed my face with his calculative eyes, waiting for me to tell him my surname. The file was in front of him but he didn't bother to look into it. He wanted to hear it from my mouth, as if he wanted me to feel the guilt reverberating through each cell of my body. "Clara." I said, lowering my head so that I won't have to look into his eyes. "Clara Vincent?" he asked in a serious tone, his piercing gaze boring hole in my forehead. "Avery. Clara Avery!" I said, my voice thickened with guilt and embarassment. ..........Just when Clara Avery thought she was able to left her past behind, destiny brings her back to the place from where she started. Six years after she broke Aaron Vincent's heart, she is forced to work with him but after what she did to him, would she ever be able to look into his eyes?#1 in Young Adult (4/9/2019)#14 in Romance (20/1/2019)
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The Alpha King's Mate
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After tragedy and heartbreak, Bella is left feeling broken and loveless . As time passes Bella finally gets back into photography, which brings her to Tyson. She is instantly drawn to him, to the way he looks at her; and the way a simple touch can push away the demons dancing in her mind. If only she knew that Tyson has demons of his own, and if only she could convince herself that she deserves love again.
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He calls me Angel
"You like tasting yourself, baby?"She didn't have time to answer, as she moaned against my lips, when a second finger entered her wet core. "Vaffanculo!" She cursed, writhing with each new thrust."Yeah, I'd like that," I said against her lips.~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Erika Ricci, 24, never expected a patient like him to knock her off her high horse.Brandon A. King, 26, was immediately attracted to the young physician. His charming ways lure her in, but will his past and all the secrets he keeps to himself drive them apart?Scalpel meets fists and guns.Once they collide like wild fire, there's no turning back. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•#1 IN FIGHTCLUB (June 3rd 2021)#1 IN FEMALEDOCTOR (Nov 22nd 2021)#2 IN FIGHTFORLOVE (Nov 22nd 2021)#74 IN LAWYER (July 31st 2021) Copyright © 2020 by Dear_joanna. All rights reserved. !!Contains mature themes & language!! Pictures used in chapters belong to a their rightful owners.
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