《Slipping Away (KnB fanfiction)》Chapter 24 : Precious Gift
Disclaimer : I do not own KnB.
Be aware of spelling, grammar errors and unsuitable words in this chapter. Enjoy your reading!
Ogiwara is on his way to Kuroko's room after take the medicines that Kuroko need to consume as the replacement of the treatment that have been recommended by the doctor at the medicine's counter. When he arrive, he opens the door slowly. He smiles as he look at his brother figure. Kuroko is smiling with full excitement decorating on his face while packing all his things into a bag. Although he is still skinny, but he looks so much better than yesterday. Maybe because he is happy knowing that he can go back home.
Ogiwara can't help not to letting out his giggles, he loves looking at Kuroko's excitement. Instantaneously, it also lift up his mood. He continues his steps on entering the room.
Kuroko notices his presence.
"Ogiwara-kun.." Kuroko welcomes him with his smile.
"You look hyper up today." Ogiwara says.
"Yes.. I am. I have already miss the outside world. I want to see Nigou too. It's been a while. I hope he don't feel lonely when I am not home whole this time." Kuroko replies.
"Don't worry. Seirin team have been taking care of him. He is not lonely." Ogiwara pushes a wheelchair nearing the bed and then helping Kuroko sitting on it.
"Where are the others?" Kuroko asks.
"Ermm.. They have things to settle up. We will meet them later, don't you worry." Ogiwara hesitates a little.
"oh.. I see" Kuroko could sense something wrong with Ogiwara's answer but he is going to let it by this time.
With Kuroko's unmoving legs, Ogiwara need to lift up Kuroko's body and put him on the chair. He could feel the different on Kuroko's weight. When he holds on Kuroko's right and left ribs, he could feel bones. That's already telling him how much weight have Kuroko losses. He can only estimate that Kuroko's weight right now is 30kg much to his disliking.
"You have losses your weight too much. I need to prepare a ton of food so that I can make you fat again." Ogiwara jokes with Kuroko.
"Oh no.. That is a warning alarm. I need to ready my tummy then." Kuroko giggles as he rubs his stomach.
"Make sure you finish all of my serving! I am good at cooking now you know." Ogiwara compliments himself as he picks up Kuroko's things.
"Really? I can't wait to taste your cooking" Kuroko replies with amusement as he takes his things from Ogiwara and put it on his laps.
"Now we are ready. Let's go."Ogiwara pushes the wheelchair exiting the room, excitingly.
Kuroko continues to giggles.
They keep on talking as they walk through the sidewalk.
As they arrive at the front of the hospital, a car is already waiting for them. The driver come out from driver sit and greet them. He opens the door for Kuroko and helps Ogiwara in handling Kuroko to move him inside the limousine.
As it settle, Ogiwara enters the limousine by the other door, while the driver close the wheelchair and put in on the limousine bonnet. Then, he drives the limousine.
"What is this, Ogiwara-kun?" Kuroko looks confuse.
"What is what?" Ogiwara asks back.
"I mean, whose limousine is this?" Kuroko makes his question clearer.
"Oh.. This is Akashi's. He said that he want his driver to take you back home although he can't be here right now. He want to help you as much as possible." Ogiwara answers.
"Akashi-kun have help me a lot. I don't know how I can repay him" Kuroko worries about this.
"Young master don't want you to repay anything. You are being here is already making him happy." The driver kindly replies Kuroko.
This take Kuroko's attention.
"But I don't think it's enough." Kuroko frowns a bit.
Ogiwara rubs Kuroko's head softly causing the tealnette to look at him.
"Just be yourself, Kuroko-kun. Only focusing on getting well, okay. We all want that, including Akashi." Ogiwara assures Kuroko.
Kuroko's eyes widen, then his smiles appear. "Thank you.." Kuroko thanks.
"No prob!" Ogiwara replies with a huge smile.
==========Slipping Away==========
"They already on their way here" Akashi announces to the others who preparing for the party.
"Oh my. We need to hurry up!" Riko shouts to the other causing the other to make their part faster.
"Kuroko will like this, right Nigou?" Kiyoshi talks with Nigou as he wears a new suit to Nigou. It is Seirin student's uniform with a small tie at Nigou's neck.
"Arff!" Nigou barks as an agreement to Kiyoshi's question.
"He need to finish all this meal or else he will get a prank" Kagami says as he preparing the dishes on the table.
"Don't do harsh things to Kurokochii.." Kise pleads.
"No no.. We need to punish him for not eating well at the hospital" Kagami insists.
"Poor Kurochin" Murasakibara states as he binds the balloon together.
"Aquarius is the luckiest person today. This is going to be his lucky item" Midorima talks to himself as he wraps the gift.
"There is still no decoration there! You first year! Don't playing around. Do your job quickly!" Hyuga warns the first year (of course other than Kuroko and Kagami, you know who right?)
"Hurry up.. Captain already noticed us." Furihata panics. The other first year too.
"Pfft.. hahaha" Shun and Koganei laugh at the first year.
"haha.. Serve them right." Koganei says.
Akashi enjoys the moment. Hearing everybody laughing making his day become so much fun. "Kuroko is going to love this" Akashi mumbles, feeling proud of himself for planning this.
==========Slipping Away==========
"Ano..I think you have enter the wrong way. The road to my apartment is that way" Kuroko asks, feeling weird because the driver use the wrong road.
"I am not wrong, Kuroko-sama. We are using the right road." The driver answers politely, together with his smile.
"eh?" Kuroko confuses.
"Nothing is wrong with the road. Just wait for a little while. It's not going to be a surprise if I says before you look by your own eyes." Ogiwara giggles.
Kuroko looks at both the occupant of the limousine with a weird look. 'What is this?' He thought but he decides to just follow the flow at last.
=========Slipping Away==========
"They have arrived! Hurry up, hide yourself." Kawahara alarms them. Instantaneously, everyone hurrying on hide them self. On the other half, Nigou excitedly waits for his master to enter the house. Barking loudly.
"No.. no Nigou. Come here.." Riko whispers to Nigou but the dog just ignore her, still looking at the windows, watching as the limousine park.
"Kagami. Take him." Riko orders Kagami as he is the one who nearest to Nigou. Kagami's face turns blue suddenly.
"There's no way I will touch him" Kagami protests.
"This is emergency. Hurry up!" Riko adds with serious look, rising a bit her voice.
Sighing, Kagami nervously touch Nigou. Nigou on the other half just shaking his tail and barking at Kagami. Kagami instantaneously letting Nigou go and shielding himself, remembering back about the stray dog that have bitten him before when he still a child.
"Hahaha.. Are you an idiot?!" Hyuga teases Kagami, laughing at him and being follow by the others.
"S-shut up!!" Kagami stutters as he shout at them.
Then, a knock on the door shut them all. They take back their position. Akashi looks at the house first, after he sure everything is according to plan, he open the door.
=========Slipping Away===========
"What is this place?" Kuroko looks at the outside world from the limousine window, amusedly. They are currently on the road leading to a house which being built at the hill nearing the shore of beach. The view is so calm yet beautiful.
"Our new place." Ogiwara smiles at Kuroko.
"What do you mean by our new place?" Kuroko moves his attention toward Ogiwara.
Well.." Ogiwara is scratching his not itchy cheek, sweet drop with Kuroko's question.
"How should I explain to you.." Ogiwara adds again, still thinking on a suitable words to explain.
Kuroko keeps on staring at Ogiwara, waiting for the answer patiently.
"It was Akashi-kun ideas. He buy this place for us." Ogiwara hesitantly says.
Kuroko's eyes widen in shock, unconsciously he asks "What?"
"Akashi-kun says that you need to be treat and watch every day, and this house is the suitable place for all of us to stay in together. That is the reason he buy this house." Ogiwara explains.
Kuroko suddenly have a gloom look.
"Kuroko-kun?" Ogiwara asks as he observes Kuroko sudden change of mood.
"I have troubling everyone lately, and I don't feel that I have the right to be your guy's friend. I am just a trouble maker."
"No you don't. You are just fine as the way you are and you're just the right person to be ours friend. Just accept this give okay?" Ogiwara holds and rubs Kuroko's hand softly, assuring the tealnette.
With a half heart, Kuroko replies back Ogiwara's smile.
"We have arrived." The driver announces to both of them.
"Okay, wait for a while, I will brings your wheelchair."Ogiwara get out from the limousine the same time as the driver. The driver brings out the wheelchair and passed it to Ogiwara. They settling things at the bonnet, while for Kuroko, he observing the place. There is no one there. Only the house. The house is not too big and not too small. Just a mild one. But still it have a good position and the view sure is calming.
The door on Kuroko's side being open by Ogiwara. Ogiwara picks up Kuroko and move the tealnette's body to sit on the chair. Next, they move toward the house's door.
The driver helps them with Kuroko's things.
As they arrived, Ogiwara knocking the door two times before the door open. It is Akashi who open the door.
"Welcome home, Kuroko-kun" Akashi greets Kuroko with a huge smile.
"hmm.." Kuroko just hums yes. He still feel guilty for troubling Akashi.
"What's wrong Kuroko-kun? You're not cheerful. Are you not happy to get back home?" Akashi asks with a concern tone.
"This is not my home" Kuroko says, looking down.
"This is your home from now on" Akashi says with full confident.
"You shouldn't buy this house for me" Kuroko states.
"Why is that so?" Akashi asks back.
"Because you have spent too much money for me, I am not worth anything like this." Kuroko replies.
"I can do anything that I want and this is what I want to do for you. I don't feel you are a burden at all, I do it for our friendship. Anyways, we should forget about that for now. Please come in." Akashi says then he open the door widely to give Ogiwara space to push Kuroko into the house.
Once they already at the middle of the living room, there a sudden pop sound everywhere. It is a party surprise things. Everyone show themselves, wearing a huge smile. At the wall, there a word of welcoming Kuroko. It write "Welcome back home, Kuroko!"
The others say the words together as they surround Kuroko.
Kuroko on the other hand still in a shock state. Of course he feels that so, he never expect the others preparing a party for him. He thought they are just too busy to pick him up from the hospital. Without him noticing, a tear fall to his cheek unconsciously. He is crying with the shock look.
The other stop everything instantaneously. They are speechless with Kuroko's sudden tear. 'What happen?' All of them thought.
"Kurokochi?! What..Why..ehhh!!" Kise panics.
Ogiwara turns to Kuroko, his face also change into a shock one.
He rubs Kuroko's head and shove Kuroko's bang.
"Why are you crying?" Softly Ogiwara asks.
The other look at Kuroko with a worry look. Everyone is on the same level as Kuroko's head. They sit in front of Kuroko and give a supporting hand, hoping that will calm the tealnette.
"Tear don't suit you, Kurochin" Murasakibara shove Kuroko's tear away with his big hand.
"Are you okay, Kuroko? Do you feel hurt?"Kagami asks, this time the volume of his voice is slower than usual.
"Arff!" a sudden bark from Nigou take their attention. Kuroko too.
"...Nigou.." Kuroko mumbles in tear.
Kiyoshi take Nigou and put it to Kuroko's lap. Kuroko hugs Nigou tightly. The dog lick his master daringly.
The other just watch the scene in front of them. They are not going to force Kuroko to talk, but they decided to wait until the tealnette already ready to tell them what makes him sad.
The tears at Kuroko's cheek flows faster, means that the tealnette is really sad about something.
Kuroko makes a space between him and Nigou, he observes Nigou for a while. Then a smile appear.
"You have grown so much, Nigou. I miss you a lot." Kuroko says accompanies by his smile.
Then he turn to the other who still waiting for him to say a word to them patiently. He give his smile to them, this time a bigger one.
"I am so happy with this surprise. I.. I never thought you guys will do this for me. I have the best friends ever. Thanks for all of your effort..."Kuroko stops for a while. Then he continue. "I love you guys the most!"
Kuroko moves his body to hug everyone in front of him. Unconsciously it causing him to fall to the ground.
"Kuroko!!" They alarm.
But, his friends caught him in time. They let out a relieve sigh but Kuroko just giggles in happiness. He hugs them all.
And of course they reply back the hug with a hug. Everyone run to Kuroko and hug him back. All of them are falling to the ground, lying but no one care. They just enjoying the moment.
'Thanks god for giving me this happiness' Kuroko gratefully thought.
Sorry for the late update . I am so busy with my examination. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please wait for a little while for the next update. Thanks for reading.
See you again!
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