《His Last Hope | ✓》22: Stockholm Syndrome is beautiful, okay?
"Since it's finally in the double digits I say we make a fro-yo run then head to the mall."
Harper raised her hand as if asking the overbearing Ella for permission to speak. "I thought we were partaking in a sleepover?"
"All in due time my dear Harper, all in due time. Ladies, prepare to stuff yourselves with sugar-high inducing sweets and the most beloved romance films of all time! That means you Harper." Ella said pointedly. "I'll shove it all down your throat if I have to."
"Can we not shove anything down my throat?" Harper questioned, shying away from the idea of watching the Note Book for the fifteenth time. "It sounds unnecessarily painful."
"You will watch it and you will like it." Ella insisted, reaching around me to warn Harper with a wiggle of her finger.
"Highly unlikely. You and I, as well as Cali here, know that your hormones are ample times more potent than a cat in heat. Cali might enjoy them for the suffocating, romantic story lines, however, you only watch them to ogle shirtless men."
Munching down on my bottom lip I suppressed the laughter threatening to escape.
"There's nothing wrong with that." Ella defended as we made out way though the crowded foyer. "It's definitely more healthy than your love affair with books."
"Really?" Harper mused, lifting a brow and causing it to disappear into her side bangs. "My intense love for world renowned literature is less healthy than you dreaming of kidnapping men and hoping they develop Stockholm Syndrome?" Shaking her locks Harper continued, "You've listened to that deranged One Direction song one too many times."
Insulted Ella's willowy arm shot out, flicking Harper's strawberry coloured head. "Stockholm Syndrome is beautiful, okay?"
Ducking out of the way, and avoiding the odd stares Ella was attracting, I sped forward a few steps. Ella got a little loud when in defence-mode and I had no desire to be dragged into the spotlight. While Harper tried to convince Ella Stockholm Syndrome was far from beautiful our blonde friend continued to support Harry's vocals. There was no way a conclusion was coming to this argument anytime soon, not when the pair weren't even debating over the same thing.
With the bickering duo in tow I made my way across the school parking lot, weaving through students and cars alike. There had been a scarce amount of parking spots this morning, ultimately forcing me to the far end — approaching the smoker's corner.
Andrew managed to guarantee his Jeep the same spot every morning. Staring into the ruby red paint as I passed I wondered how he did it. Was there some sort of system I was unaware of?
Knowing I was advancing towards my vehicle I checked both ways prior to digging around in my book bag. The stupid metal keyring was never to be found when I needed it. Pausing next to a small gathering of people I shuffled around some more. You would think I would have taken them out before shoving my books in there, but no, that would have made things too convenient for me later.
Still half listening to Ella and Harper conversing I tugged on what I'd been searching for. "Finally."
"Mmhm?" I questioned, turning to Ella and waiting for her to ask me to assist her in validating one of her points.
"Did you get t-boned on your way here this morning?"
Completely confused I let out a small laugh, thinking this was another one of Ella's sexual references. "What?"
"Your car Cali." Harper spoke up in concern, gesturing beyond me.
With my eyebrows furrowed I spun on my toes. The image before me took a few moments to register, but when it did a whisper escaped my lips. "Oh my God." Inside I was screaming. My shoes tapped over the pavement, pushing past the small group huddled around. "What the actual—"
"Fuck." At the sound of his voice I painfully swivelled my gaze from the wreckage. Andrew stood off to the side of me, an expression on the verge of shocked and impressed all at once. "What the flying fuck happened?"
"It literally looks like it was used as a prop in some monster truck derby." Ella commented, her head tilted as she examined the damage.
Dumbstruck I scanned the shards of glass littering the floor. Was this even my car? It was perfectly fine when I came for my disregarded biology textbook during lunch. There was no way I'd ever be able to drive to school again. My parents were going to kill me.
"Why'd you park so close to the smoker's corner?" Andrew voiced. At the time, with panic rising, his tone sounded condescending.
"It was the only spot I could find this morning!" I defended on the verge of tears.
"Lay off." Lincoln ordered in all seriousness. He had snuck up behind me and was now between Andrew and I. "Those jokers didn't do it. Majority of them might be perma-high but the most they'd do is key 'I love dick' into your paint job."
More and more students were slowing down to take in the sight, some even with their phones out, documenting what they could. The volume of people showing up was making me want to shy away, a deep red surely flushing my cheeks from embarrassment.
Lincoln took notice of my insecurity. "Get the fuck out of here!" He barked, marching into the sea of glass. "Go find something else to concern yourselves over."
The audience slowly trickled away, some daring an extra couple of seconds to snap a last minute picture. Staying silent I thanked Lincoln, avoiding eye contact as the hush whispers dissolved into the parking lot.
Taking in my current mood Harper engulfed me in a tight embrace. "It can be fixed. The damage isn't too bad."
"Too bad I can't say the same for the people responsible fore this." Ella huffed, arms crossed. "I'm going to staple their balls to their forehead."
Andrew intercepted her masterplan. "What if they don't have balls?"
"Then I'll be deflating their boobs."
"And if they don't have boobs?"
"I'll throw you at it." Ella threatened with a pointed glare.
"Well, they definitely don't have balls." Lincoln confirmed, his back towards me now as he faced the front field.
"We should report this to the office indefinitely. They should be of some assistance, the crime was committed on school property." Harper suggested after dropping her arms from around me.
Ella seemed hopeful. "Maybe they'll check the cameras."
"They'll get the cops involved first." Andrew replied to the blonde on his left.
"Good. I don't even know who would commit such a vile act — towards Cali, no less." Harper tsk-ed.
Lincoln's raspy voice broke the questioning silence. "This world's packed with dickheads."
Peeking around him I glanced where his focus was directed. On the edge of the lot stood a group of boys, Silva in his sea of goons. The majority of the group were laughing, exchanging high fives, and chatting amongst themselves. Silva just returned Lincoln's stare, a proud smirk displayed — hinting at his involvement concerning my car. Kane stood next to him, visibly pleased with the damage done.
I was being used as a pawn in a never ending game of chess.
The tension shared between the trio made my stomach knot uncomfortably. The knot only grew when Lincoln wordlessly took a threatening step forward. Jerking closer to him I took hold of his wrist. A tingling feeling spread through my entire body at the thought of Lincoln rejecting my silent plea to stop. I was done with fighting.
"Well, whoever did it is about to get their ass handed to them." Ella promised, tugging Harper. "Let's go."
Digging her heels into the ground she brought the eager blonde to a halt. "Cali? You coming?"
With a tight nod I muttered, "I'll be there. I've got to make the phone call of doom to my parents."
"Alright." Harper agreed while being ushered away, "Tell them I can give you a ride!"
"And we're still having our sleepover!" Ella tossed in forcefully.
"What do you think Link? Wood? Aluminum?" Andrew's question brought my attention back to my poor car. His hand slid across the dented metal and chipped paint.
Lincoln's dry stare towards his best friend did nothing to terminate the wondering mind.
"Both, eh?" Andrew's gaze never left the damage. "With all these knicks your car looks like a giant raisin."
"Shut up, Drew."
Unfazed Andrew continued. "Just an observation."
"An unneeded one." Lincoln murmured, kicking at the rocks beneath his feet.
Fiddling with my phone I clicked my screen on and off. The thought of having to explain to my parents was not something I wanted to do. I know I wasn't to blame. It wasn't my fault Silva was hell bent on revenge against Lincoln. And it also wasn't my fault Lincoln's way of assembling enough money to support his family didn't make many friends.
But I was liable for involving myself.
"California?" Lincoln's soft tone made the hairs rise on the back of my neck. "I'll make it up to you. I'll pay for the damage." The way he stood next to me, not making eye contact, it was almost as if he were fearful of my reaction.
"You know I'm not going to let you do that." Heaving a sign I slipped my phone into my jean pocket. I'd deal with the dreaded phone call in a minute.
"Let me at least help. I can pay for part of—"
"No." Eyes still on Andrew as he inspected I continued, "It's not your fault Silva's psychotic."
Silence fell between us. Andrew was in the midst of popping the hood. I doubt he knew very much about cars, but at this point there wasn't much worse that could be done.
Running a frustrated hand through his hair Lincoln negotiated with me. "At least let me get you a deal."
When I didn't respond to his proposal he pressed on, "The shop I usually go to, to fix my piece of crap, it's owned by Felix's brother. I'm sure he could cut you a deal. I spend enough there for the both of us."
"Alright, I just... I don't even know what would be covered by the insurance."
"Those break lights definitely won't be." Andrew commented loudly from underneath the vehicle.
"Drew. Not helping." Lincoln scolded, sending me an apology with his eyes.
"Nah, he's right. They probably won't be." Silva's snake-like tone emitted from behind. Straightening my spine I swivelled at his presence. He sat in the passenger side of a a sleek black BMW, Kane driving. Without warning a threatening rev of the engine caused me to flinch.
"For fuck's sake." Andrew cursed. His head must have hit the underbelly of my car.
Silva chuckled maniacally, thriving off the sound of someone else's pain. "Have a good night you three." He waved, squaring his attention on me, a twinkle in his eyes. "Good luck with the car California."
Raising my palm I stopped Lincoln, who appeared just about ready to chase after them. I knew how he was feeling. There was so much I wanted to say, more so now that the BMW pulled away. Most of what came to mind were a few choice words my grandmother would have a heart attack over.
Screw dumping the drink on him, I should have chucked the whole glass.
"Call your father." Lincoln ordered, gaining my attention. "We'll take it from there."
* * * * *
A phone call to my unimpressed father and one filed police report later and we were at the garage Lincoln recommended.
Harper slowed to a stop, pulling her car up beside vehicles that made mine look brand spanking new.
I guess it really could have been worse. I thought to myself, regretting letting Andrew fidget with the engine.
"It will be like brand new in no time!" Ella encouraged brightly from the backseat. Twisting around I gave her a doubtful glance. "On the bright side Lincoln seems pretty keen on helping you out? Maybe you two are friends."
"Or he just feels like he owes me." Slipping out of Harper's Honda I stood in the yard unsure what to do. Where was I even meant to go?
Like an answer to my prayers Andrew walked out of one of the glass doors of the building. "What took you guys so long?"
"Filing a police report takes longer than anticipated." I replied, stepping into the mechanic's front office with him. Not waiting for Ella or Harper, Andrew let go, causing the door to close in both of their faces.
Andrew led me to the back, saluting a few men hanging around the front room. Behind me Ella ranted under her breath, causing a grin to take over my face.
The inside of the shop was rather large with about eight vehicles being worked on at once. Mine was the new addition, parked just inside one of the open garage doors. Trailing Andrew, I observed the mounds of stacked tires, and cases upon cases of tools laying around. A small army of men worked away on an array of issues, their attire filthy from head to toe.
"Ohhh," Ella breathed as we passed a raised truck. "If he's going to be here maybe we can total Harper's car next."
"You could always get a car to offer up?" I suggested, taking in the ripped jeans of the man she was admiring.
"Probably not the best idea Cali. She'd be in here every week with a new issue. Let the poor man work in peace. Ella-free." Harper rebutted as we slowed to a stop, Andrew still weaving through the spare parts and raised cars.
"At least I won't be asking him if he's good with his hands." Ella defended, causing me to scowl at the memory.
"That is never to be mentioned again." I forewarned.
"Besides in my yearbook quote."
With my mouth open and ready to protest Andrew joined our circle. He must have sensed our absence. "What's going to be your yearbook quote?"
Without missing a beat Ella responded, "Are you good with your hands?"
Andrew's features went from confused to amused in a matter of seconds. "Do you want to find out?"
"Are you that guy?" Ella asked, jutting her thumb back.
"Obviously not."
Flashing a sickly sweet smile she relied, "Then no."
Harper and I exchanged snickers at the short exchange, Ella sashaying away.
"Are all three of you so damn feisty?" Andrew's eyes on her rear.
"Ella's on a whole level of her own." I stated. Shaking my head in amusement as she approached the mechanic working on the run down Dodge. That girl wasted no time.
"Get me on it." Not waiting for a response Andrew sent Ella one last glance, soon disappearing through one of the giant garage doors.
Lincoln still stood with the middle age man who came to retrieve my rundown baby. They chatted away, the stalky male checking over my car as they did so. "I guess I should go see what they can do with my car. You coming Harper?"
"I believe I should go cause some interference. We can't have Ella banned from three places in town."
"Have fun!" I said in mock enthusiasm. "Trying to separate her from whomever she lays eyes on is like getting a fish to stop swimming."
With a hearty laugh Harper agreed, trudging off to commence Operation: Cock-Block-Ella.
Taking my time, mostly because I didn't want to interject, I made my way over to Lincoln. Listening to those two talking about cars was like trying to decode a conversation spoken in Mandarin. Patiently waiting for the pair to finish so Lincoln could translate I analyzed the tool box laying open on the floor at my feet. Everything inside seemed like a torture device.
"Yeah?" I replied, not even sure whom I was answering.
"I'm Phil." A thick hand entered my field of vision, nails cut short, majority of the skin stained black. Out of habit my hand met his. "I'm Felix's brother. Lincoln's filled me in on your situation during our ride over here. We had a lot to talk about." He informed me, a playful grin gracing his rough features. Patting the hood he continued. "From what I can tell so far there's no internal damage. Your engine's still spinning like a top. Besides the broken brake lights and windows most of the damage has to do with detailing."
"Now, usually, a job like this would cost a pretty penny, but considering the circumstances," He said shoving his hands deep into his worn pants. "I'm willing to cut you a deal." With murky amber eyes he smiled. "I won't charge for my time, just for the cost of materials at factory price. Whatever your insurance covers I'll subtract. Sound fair?"
"Fair?" I repeated, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders. "That is more than generous."
"Considering how much business Lincoln brings me it's the least I can do."
"Yeah, yeah, we all know my car's a shit box. No need to rub it in." Lincoln butted, letting loose a smile when Phil elbowed him.
"Thank you so much." I gushed, still not believing the middle aged man's generosity.
"Don't mention it. I figured you deserved a break if Lincoln went out of his way to ask me for a favour." Phil turn his direction to Lincoln, giving me a view of his stubbled face. It differed to the heavy beard his brother carried. With a hefty hand he slapped Lincoln's shoulder, shaking him. "This boy doesn't do that for just anyone, he's too macho for that." Phil laughed, a booming laugh that rivalled his younger brother's.
"He likes to think he is." I joined, not being able to hold myself back from laughing along.
Conversation between the three of us flowed. It wasn't car related and I was happy for it. Primarily because it acted as a distraction but mostly due to the fact I wouldn't have been able to understand what was going on anyways.
"Alright." Phil spoke suddenly, rubbing his hands together. "I should get back to work. Those guys in the office start slacking off if I don't come by every once in a while." He propelled off the hood of my car. "It was nice meeting you Cali, have your parents phone me if they have any questions." He waved before directing his finger at Lincoln. "And you," He started, causing Lincoln to raise his brow, "you come by to visit more often, you hear?"
"We both know I only come to visit my baby in the back."
"I'll always be second best, eh?" With a chuckle and a short wave from Lincoln, Phil twisted a hundred and eighty degrees, strolling off towards the front.
"Hey, Lincoln?"
His chocolate brown eyes found their way onto my face.
"Thank you."
With a small smile tugging on his lips he questioned me, "For what?"
"For making things up to me. You really didn't have to." I spoke honestly, sweeping a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I don't blame you for anything that happened today."
One of those rare smiles erupted onto Lincoln's smooth face, my heart fluttering at the sight. "This wasn't me making it up to you. This was just a friend helping out a friend."
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