《His Last Hope | ✓》17: Please, call me Amelia.
"Ms Cali, can we take out the sand toys?"
I had been so absorbed in my own thoughts I had grossly forgotten I was meant to be supervising outdoor time. The noise level always managed to accelerate while outside and, even though the laughter and screaming was something impossible to ignore, I managed to space out entirely.
"Uh, yeah. Sure, Darrell."
The little boy scampered of with Oliver, a boy from the other preschool room. At the first sign of the snow melting the children were determined to put to use all the summer toys they could find.
Scanning the yard, like I was meant to be doing originally, I spotted the girls from my room aiding Levi in climbing the jungle gym. Levi was born with weakened muscles. It was a disorder that caused him to progress at a much slower rate than most other children when it came to gross motor skills. When he was in the toddler room the little boy could hardly crawl, but he came such a long way. Seeing the other children responding to his needs was heart warming and would always bring a smile to my face.
Usually anyways, but not today.
From the moment I awoke that morning nothing felt right. Maybe it's because Willow wasn't there when I woke up, or that my mother was so preoccupied she forgot to leave her typical goodbye note with my breakfast. To be honest, those little things weren't something I normally even put much thought into but in their absence I took notice. Maybe my funny mood was due to Dominic Silva eyeballing me strangely in the same wing my locker was located, a place he was rarely spotted. Or Lincoln telling me to forget about tutoring for the night, refusing to release a plausible explanation. But my suspicions didn't end at school because for the second time since I started at the daycare Sadie wasn't there.
Everything seemed a little off today, it was as if my being was hyper sensitive to anything going in the slightest bit awry.
The itch just wouldn't disappear.
"You feeling alright?" Dawn questioned from next to me on the wired fence. "You seem a little distracted."
"No, I'm fine." I held back a sigh, forcing a smile on my face. My mood being sour didn't have to affect other people around me. "Just have this feeling that I can't shake."
Dawn peered down at me from behind her glasses, "A good feeling or a bad one?
"Racking my brain for a moment I attempted to get a sense of what I was feeling but I came up blank. "I don't know."
"Maybe you're putting too much thought into it, you know?" A motherly hand coming up to sooth my arm. "Just relax and quit waiting for something to happen."
Dawn was right, I was waiting for disaster to strike. If I proceeded on this path something unwanted would surely happen. If you only focus on the negative, that is all you're going to receive.
I nodded in compliance causing Dawn to give me a reassuring smile. "Ten more minutes and we'll get the kids ready to go in." With that being said Dawn made her way to the other side of the playground to sort out a traffic jam with the bikes. My co-worker was right, as always. I needed to bulldoze through this feeling. It wasn't fair to her, the children, or myself.
For the rest of the work day I pushed the nagging feeling back, banishing it to the dwellings of my mind. The afternoon went quickly and it being a Friday the centre emptied earlier than usual.
"Night Cali." Aleesha waved as she made her way towards her vehicle in the front parking lot.
Briefly calling back my farewell I slipped into my car and out of the chilling air. Tossing my bag to the side caused an odd thump from the passenger seat. Pushing my bag out of the way I realized I still had Lincoln's textbook from the night prior. Knowing he wouldn't have any use for the hardcover until the following week I still managed to convince myself to drop it off on my way home.
As I stood on his porch I began to second guess my decision. Cars flew by and I silently wondered if I should cut back across the street and go home. Lincoln didn't typically respond too well to intruding but I continued to tell myself that I was just going to drop off the book and leave. The familiar clicking of the door knob turning sounded before I could backtrack the way I came. I expected to see a frustrated looking Lincoln but was instead faced with someone I'd never seen before. For a brief moment I considered the possibility of having walked up to the wrong house, however, the rusted, brass '66' hung in it's unmoving spot next to the door.
Her long blonde hair, pale complexion, and celestial blue eyes were strikingly familiar and I soon realized this was without a doubt Sadie's mother. The two could have passed for twins if the age gap wasn't so large. However, one thing was for sure, if Sadie grew up to look anything like the woman standing before me, Lincoln was going to be fighting a lot more than just in an underground arena.
"May I help you?" The gentle voice was oddly familiar and struck a cord in my chest.
Unwanted nerves swam up the back of my neck. Poorly trying to pull myself together I cleared my dry throat. "Um... is Lincoln available?"
"Did you need to speak to him about something? He just stepped out to grab dinner with his sister."
"Oh, no." I responded with a short shake of my head. "He has a biology midterm coming up next week and I just thought he might need this." Came my explanation as I presented the textbook that had once been tucked against my chest.
It was silent for a long moment. I was prepared to hand over the item and leave but Ms Pierce spoke up. "Why don't you come inside and wait for him? He shouldn't be too much longer."
Stuttering for an answer I eventually muttered a comprehendible "okay," before slipping inside.
Awkwardly I slipped off my coat, I had no idea what to say to the woman who disappeared into the kitchen.
"Oh, I'm so silly. I didn't even have the decency to introduce myself. Please, call me Amelia. What's your name hun?" Her light voice filtered through the hall enticing me to follow her into the other room.
"Calista, but everyone just calls me Cali." Amelia busied herself, unpacking the box of chocolate chip cookies Lincoln and I usually snacked on while studying.
"Cali..." The middle aged woman repeated, concentrating on the two syllable nickname. Abruptly she turned from the mounted microwave, her eyes returning to me. "The same Cali Sadie gushes about from daycare?"
Her question took me by surprise yet a proud smile still managed to appear on my face. "I suppose so, I'm one of her teachers. I just officially started in January."
"And you tutor my son?"
Shyly I nodded my head, "I go to school with him."
"You're pretty young to be working as an ECE." The middle aged woman said seemingly impressed.
Her comment had heat rising to my cheeks. "It's just a part time job really. I did my co-op there last semester and Mindy figured she could use me until I go off to university."
"Well," Amelia started with a thankful grin, "I'm sure I can speak for both Sadie and I when I say they're very lucky to have you there, she absolutely adores you."
The compliment had me beaming in response. Lincoln's mother was nothing like the rebellious teenager and I was silently sort of thankful for that. One Lincoln was most definitely enough. It was little things like the woman's warm personality and contagious smile that made me wonder how Lincoln could have possibly turned out the way he did.
"Sadie's honestly a joy. I don't think we have a sweeter little girl at our centre." I approached to sit when she gestured to the kitchen table, the plate of warm cookies in hand.
"She definitely thinks highly of you as well. She always manages to slip you into conversation when I ask her about her day." Placing the dish on the table she asked, "Is there anything I could get for you? Water, tea, coffee... milk?" She finished with a knowing smile.
"Milk would be great, thanks." I said, swallowing a mouthful.
Without hesitation Amelia rose from her seat, her golden tresses flowing with every movement. I now understood why Dominic Silva would use her as the punch line for all his crude jokes towards Lincoln.
"Cali, by any chance have you called here from work?" Amelia's slender frame was facing away from me, her hands busy pouring me my drink.
"Um..." I hummed, "once or twice?"
She remained quiet, closing the fridge door with a soft thud. Her ocean blue eyes remained on the tall glass of milk, placing it before me only to return to her seat wordlessly. "I knew your voice sounded familiar." She uttered after a moment or so. "You left that message on our answering machine." In no way did her voice sound condescending, instead the woman sitting to my left sounded sullen.
"Which message?" I questioned, playing dumb. My mind registered the cool sweat building up on my body. No one was meant to have any knowledge of that night other than Sadie, Lincoln and myself. The more people who knew the more chance of me losing my job or having Sadie's situation called in.
"The one where you sounded as if though you had a conversation with yourself."
A soft twinkle materialized, the smile lines on her face indenting deeper into her smooth skin. Raising her hand to stop me she continued, "You don't have to deny it. Lincoln was forced to come clean after Sadie told me we forgot about her at daycare."
Not knowing what to say I remained quiet.
"You don't realize how much you did that night, how much that meant to us — to me." Hearing the thickness in her throat I was forced to look up from my discarded biscuit. The woman appeared on the verge of tears but she proceeded to smile. "Thank you."
Before I knew what was happening she rose from her spot and closed the necessary space to embrace me. Her hug was warm and motherly which had me responding in seconds. "Thank you so much." She whispered, her chin resting on my shoulder.
Not knowing what else to say I whispered, "You're welcome."
Pulling back she returned to her seat. I could see she was internally trying to pull herself together. With a shaky exhale she spoke once more, "I'm sorry, I'm turning into a blubbering mess. I just don't think you realized how much you did that night. You probably think I'm such a neglectful mother."
"No, no, of course not." I quickly reassured her. Never had those thoughts entered my mind and even if they had this conversation had deleted all traces of their existence.
"The both of them have just been through so much. Life hasn't been fair to either of them, especially Lincoln. They've had to mature a lot quicker, something I never wanted for either of them." A fond expression shined as she finished pulling herself together. "But Lincoln, he's been my rock through it all — a diamond in the rough if you will. They both mean the absolute world to me and you saved my world from crumbling."
Questions bubbled to mind, questions Lincoln would never even consider of answering. Successfully, I fought down the need to stick my nose into where it didn't belong but before I could open my mouth to respond, Amelia turned her attention to the kitchen's threshold.
"You're back."
Lincoln's static frame stood in the doorway, two white, plastic bags in each hand. His gaze focused on me and I instantly felt as if though I was trespassing. Returning the textbook could have waited until Monday and I was sure I'd get an earful about that later. Next to her towering brother Sadie proudly held a white styrofoam container that was just a little too big for her petite hands.
"Ms Cali! We got Chinese food." The young blonde announced, motioning to Lincoln who still hadn't moved. "You staying for dinner too?"
Unfortunately my refusal was too slow.
"Of course she will!" Amelia answered, beaming in my direction and giving me a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Oh, no... I really shouldn't." I attempted declining the offer through Sadie's begging. "I just came to drop off Lincoln's biology textbook."
Amelia and Sadie were on my case immediately, trying to convince me from every direction.
"Just stay." Lincoln's raspy voice appeared for the first time since he entered his home. Both Sadie and her mother paused their convincing to turn to the only male in the room. I followed their gazes, searching his dark eyes for any sign of resentment. His eyes were clear of any annoyance or bitterness, but held his usual guard.
Without a second glance Lincoln made his way to the island, dropping down the bags of food, his sister and mother scurrying about to get the table set.
Dinner felt absolutely normal.
Light chatter buzzed through the entire meal, even Lincoln was contributing to the conversation. For the first time since I met him, Lincoln seemed care-free. He wasn't dwelling on his own thoughts or looked as if though he were on a mission. He seemed happy.
"Hey Mom, we got something for you." Lincoln broadcasted with a smile that made my stomach flip. "You want to get it Sade?"
"Yeah, I'll get it, I'll get it!" Sadie leaped off her seat and went to grab the container she had carried inside. She placed it in front of her mother, Lincoln reappearing with a small plate, candle, and a lighter. I watched from across the table as Amelia's eyes shone with fresh tears as Lincoln popped the lid, transferring the giant cupcake onto the dish.
As Lincoln lit the single pink candle Sadie busted out the sweetest sounding happy birthday I'd ever heard, enticing me to join in. "Happy birthday Mom." Lincoln spoke softly, placing a kiss on the side of his mother's forehead. My heart sung as his hand rubbed at her arms and shoulders as she continued to get emotional.
"Oh, what would I do without you kids..." Amelia gushed, accepting the homemade card Sadie handed to her. After taking a few moments to read the words Sadie wrote her Amelia embraced both her children. "I'm so glad I came home for my birthday this year."
"Even if you didn't we were going to come to the hospital." Sadie said, releasing her mother from the choke hold. "Lincoln took me out early so we could come see you."
Amelia tapped Sadie playfully on the nose with her pointer finger. "Well how lucky am I to have you two? Why don't you kids go have some fun while I tidy up around here."
"I can help." Lincoln and I offered at the same time, causing us to exchange looks.
"From what I hear you have a midterm next week. Some extra studying wouldn't hurt anyone." With her dainty fingers Amelia picked up the plate holding her birthday cupcake. "But before any of you go would anyone like a piece?"
A collective group of no's murmured around the kitchen, Sadie only swiping a digit full of cream cheese frosting from the top of the red velvet cupcake.
A satisfied smile graced Amelia's smooth features. "More for me."
Dismissing us all Lincoln's mother turned to clean up the disposable trays. Sadie already disappeared into the family room, enjoying the frosting she had left on her finger.
Lincoln and I awkwardly stood around until he motioned for me to follow him with the nod of his head. Lincoln's large frame led me up the steps, his build taking up most of the room on the stairs. We silently made our way up the carpeted steps, turning down the hall and into Lincoln's bedroom. Flicking on the light he entered the closet-like space with ease, kicking some dirty clothes under his bed and off the small area of carpeted floor. Taking the all-too-familiar duffle bag off, he tossed it to the ground. Lincoln took a couple more moments to sort out his room while all I could do was stand awkwardly in the doorway, eyeing the patch-up work on the walls.
"You going to come in?" Lincoln questioned by his nightstand.
Cautiously, I took a step past the threshold. Lincoln's dark eyes followed my every movement almost as if though he were just as unsure as I was. I paused when I was in line with the chair of his desk, clutching onto the biology textbook in my hand. I still had no idea if Lincoln was annoyed with my presence tonight or not but he seemed to be well over my intrusion. His tall frame lowered down onto the mattress causing the springs to creak and groan in protest. Figuring I should probably take a seat as well I dragged out the chair, turning it so I could sit.
"Need a refresher on anything specific?" I asked him, bringing my attention down to the book in my lap as I flipped through the chapters.
"Just start from the beginning." Lincoln had made himself comfortable in his bed, reclining against his headboard and grabbing a miniature soccer ball off his bedside table. At his request and flipped back to the beginning of the section, content with how this night was going.
Only about half an hour had passed since Lincoln and I sat down for our unplanned tutoring session. His figure was still sprawled on his seemingly too-small single bed. Throwing and catching the soccer ball repeatedly Lincoln listened, answering questions every so often when we hit the review section. Even though Lincoln never appeared to be that attentive he drew in information like a dehydrated sponge. I was silently envious he hardly had to work at all to retain what I taught him.
While he recited the stages of mitosis the sound of the front door opening caught his attention. I could almost see his ears twitch as he honed in on the click. When a masculine tone came floating up the steps he jolted upwards, letting the soccer ball tumble to the floor.
"Stay here." He ordered without pausing to let me question what was going on. Lincoln moved rapidly out of his room and down the hall. Not heeding his warning I followed after him once he disappeared down the stairs. Dull thudding sounded from below me as I stood at the top of the staircase.
"Aren't I allowed to come see my beautiful wife on her birthday?" The slurring was obnoxious and the male's voice was clear evidence that the new visitor was not in the right state of mind. "I just came to visit." His voice was teasing and the dull pounding continued at a slow but forceful rate. "Look, I even brought you a present."
Amelia's soft voice wavered in response. "I think you should go."
The response of low menacing laughter kept me frozen to where I stood. "Always the ungrateful bitch." A sharp crashing sound from the kitchen caused me to jump. "Where's my rent money?" When the silence carried on for more than a couple seconds he roared. "Give it to me!"
Chaos erupted from the kitchen — banging and shattering so loud I fought not to shield my ears. Lincoln rushed in from the family room, coaxing Sadie up the stairs before disappearing into the kitchen. Sadie followed her brother's demand in hysterics, her shoulders bobbing as she cried. She tripped up the stairs a few times as she ran only to throw herself at me as soon as she was close enough. I hugged Sadie's trembling stature to my body, both of us perched at the top step. A string of cussing and loud, unwanted noise filled my ears. Amelia desperately pleaded for something to stop. The familiar sound of skin-to-skin contact could be heard. There was no need to guess who was getting involved.
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