《His Last Hope | ✓》16: Thank God for the ignore button.
"So where did you go? For real this time." Ella pressed as she shadowed me to our lockers.
Heaving a sigh I repeated, "To the public library to study."
"Bull! There's no way you guys were at the library studying 'til ten-thirty. Does Pierce even have an attention span past three minutes?" Slipping past Ella trudged backwards in front of Harper and I.
"Ella, you're going to fall."
"It will be worth it once you quit lying to me!"
Harper sprung to my rescue. No one was able to convince Ella otherwise when she was in these sort of moods. "Ella, what about Cali's situation is incomprehensible to you? She's tutoring the lug. It's for certain she's going to have to seek out secluded areas to study with him. I'd be questioning her capabilities if she wasn't."
I only had a brief second to send Harper a thankful smile before the blonde spoke up again.
"Study what exactly?" Ella carelessly tripped and trampled our fellow peers as she continued her backwards march. "Anatomy?"
At the wiggling of her brows I prayed I'd be able to bite back my remark.
"Not everyone desires an A in oral Elle." Harper remarked, saving me from having to respond.
Unfazed Ella shrugged her slim shoulders. "It's a useful life skill." Not feeling the need to question me any longer Ella spun around, sashaying to her locker just down the hall.
"Are you meeting him in the library to further your revision?" Harper pondered harmlessly, unlike Ella who wagged her brows at the slight mention of the topic.
Ever since I returned with Lincoln in tow the previous night she'd been convinced something of a romantic nature happened between the two of us. Apparently the "sexual tension" she picked up from Lincoln as he pushed past her have her vibes that something had happened.
Little did Ella know Lincoln's sprint wasn't to conceal any sort of sexual frustrations but instead to hide his swelling face. For the rest of the night my phone vibrated due to Ella demanding answers I couldn't provide.
Thank God for the ignore button.
Unfortunately for myself, the fact that I would have no where to run and hide the next day deserted me.
"He's not here." Ella chirped while dialling in her combo.
Harper and I silently eyed our friend, unsure why she was keeping tabs on Lincoln Pierce.
"Just trust me."
"Oh, I trust," I admitted with a small laugh. "I'm just wondering as to how you know this."
A sly expression crossed her features. "Is that an undertone of jealousy I detect?" I could no longer hold back the urge to roll my eyes. Ella laughed, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Kinda. I wanted to take a better look, search for any evidence that might lead to the conclusion of a secret rendezvous."
When Harper and I blinked furiously in response she clarified.
"Hickey look out. I was on hickey look out." She huffed as if she were explaining the same thing to a group of toddlers for the fifth time.
Outwardly I groaned. "Ella, you're delusional."
"I know! I thought about that after. You're sexually inept, you wouldn't know the first thing about giving a proper hickey."
"I second Cali's psychosis theory." Harper chimed in while lifting out a mountainous stack of books from her locker.
"Fine. Fine. Doubt my abilities to foresee compatibility. But mark my words," she warned, a finger pointed at me specifically, "You're going to want to get freaky with Pierce. And if you want to waste such a perfectly delicious opportunity then be prepared to hook a sister up. Unlike a certain Virgin Mary I know how to properly appreciate the male body."
With a wink she slammed her locker shut. I couldn't help but giggle at her expression. She never failed to amuse me with her boy-crazy antics.
"Ella," Harper called over my shoulder, getting her attention, "Your inner slut's showing. Put her away."
Ella's glossed bottom lip pouted out dramatically. "You two are no fun."
* * * * *
Ella wasn't mistaken when she mentioned Lincoln not showing up to school that day. I situated myself at our usual table for half an hour before putting myself to better use. Having a brief idea of all of Lincoln's courses and instructors I decided to go around collecting his coursework.
If he thought staying home sick was going to get him away scot-free he was grossly misinformed. He wanted to spend his nights getting beat to a pulp, that was his decision. But there was no way I was going to let him pass off studying. Not when he made a deal with me.
To my surprise Sadie wasn't at the daycare when I arrived. Sadie was always at daycare. Having no one available to watch her she was forced to come in, even when sick. A part of me wondered if Lincoln actually took what I said to heart, if he felt guilty for ignoring his sister for his own selfish gain. Whatever it was I was hoping to find out tonight.
"Any idea where Sadie was today?" Aleesha questioned, poking her head into the kitchen while I finished up what Tammy "forgot" to do.
"My guess is she's home with her brother. He didn't show up for classes today." I explained as the two of us made our round to close up the facility.
"She must really love him, you can see it." She plopped the classroom bleach bottles on the tiny square of counter space in the laundry room. "I had sat with her last week during free time and he was all she could talk about.
Squeezing into the tight space along with her I busied myself with emptying the contents in the washing machine. The faster we got done the faster I could reach my destination. "Yeah, they're really close."
"Guess they have to be. From what I know Sadie's only got him and their mother, and she isn't even around much. It must be tough being a single mom."
Aleesha's words made newly considered questions materialize in my head. "Where's the father?"
"I have absolutely no idea." She admitted, finishing up with throwing the remaining damp towels and faces cloths into the drier. "He definitely isn't around. I don't think Sadie's ever uttered a word of him to me." Pressing a couple buttons and turning the knob started the uncontrollable shaking of the rowdy machine. "But she's closer to you than she is to anyone here. She's never mentioned anything?"
Lost in thought I shook the mess of brown strands on my head.
"No, she hasn't."
* * * * *
Not even twenty minutes later I stood on the porch of the Pierce residence. Dull lighting emitted from within the bijou townhouse and I was more than positive both Sadie and Lincoln were home.
Seconds after ringing the doorbell a light thumping could be heard.
"I've got it, I've got it!"
The clicking of the door sounded before flying open all together. "Ms Cali!" Sadie's small frame flung against me, her thin arms wrapping around my thigh like they have the hundred times before. It was familiar and I was glad to see she was doing okay. "You came to visit!"
"Of course, I missed you today." Bending down to her level I placed my palms on my knees. "We had Arrow Root cookies for snack. Ms Dawn and I saved some for you for tomorrow. How does that sound?" Sadie's grin widened. She loved Arrow Root cookies. "Are you sick?"
"No," She shook her head, blonde ringlets bouncing around with the movement. "Lincoln stayed home to have a lazy day with me."
"A lazy day, huh?" I repeated in faux wonder. "That sounds awfully nice." Movement just ahead of me caught my attention causing me to raise my head.
Lincoln's figure stood against the painted green panel of wood. Only half of his body remained visible, the other bit hidden within his dwelling. He paralleled Sadie in attire, both seemingly ready for bed. It was either that or they hadn't bothered changing this morning. Making eye contact I took the opportunity to search the contours of his face. It appeared miraculously better. If I didn't feel a cold coming on from yesterday's adventure I would have thought I dreamt the whole thing.
"Are you going to stay for a little while?" Sadie asked softly, tugging on the edge of my coat.
Dragging my suspicious gaze off her brother I peered down at Sadie, a hopeful smile warming her features.
"Umm..." I hadn't really planned on staying. "I just came to bring your brother what he missed at school today." My vision fluttered up fast enough to witness Lincoln roll his eyes. Biting back a grin I continued, "Maybe I'll stay for a couple of minutes. Let's get you inside though, before you catch a cold."
Sadie, with her Minnie Mouse slippers, couldn't get inside fast enough. She charged in, saying something about a doctor's kit and disappearing around the corner. The smile on my face refused to waver as I bent over to unzip my boots. That little girl was too precious for words.
Straightening back to my full length I accidentally made eye contact with the super-healing boy. In any other circumstance I would have awkwardly turned my gaze but I was unable to stop my staring. I wasn't very experienced in the realm of medicine or had very often had to deal with cuts and bruises. However, with the little experience I had, I knew there was no way Lincoln's face could have miraculously healed from it's previous state.
Scrutinizing even further I took notice of the Dora the Explorer bandaid stuck to his cheek. Something told me that masterpiece was Sadie's doing. Upon extra examination, however, I noticed a hint of something that made my head tilt. Lincoln noticed my odd gesture, furrowing his brows in utter confusion. Without redirecting my line of vision I hung my coat, only to take a step closer to Lincoln's large figure.
Slanting my head in the other direction I considered the possibility of it being what I thought it was.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" Lincoln's typically blank expression morphed into something that hinted at his uncertainty. If I'm honest he looked a little freaked out. His expression, if I wasn't so absorbed with my findings, would have made me laugh.
Lifting my right hand from my side I took a single finger and slowly slid it against his usually stubbled jaw. Like checking furniture for dust I examined the tip of my finger. As I expected the skin was a different shade than the rest of my body.
"Lincoln..." I started, not wanting to jump to any hilarious conclusions, "are you wearing makeup?"
For once in the short amount of time that I'd known him personally, Lincoln seemed at a loss for words.
"Did Sadie put you up to this?" I mused while taking in the fabulous application.
Curious as to how much foundation was actually on his face I reached up again. "Can you-" Lincoln intercepted my touch, "Can you not? Just cut it out."
"I'm just amazed. She did a really good job. You can't even tell. Geez, I should hire her to do my makeup for prom."
Lincoln's dark irises summersaulted. "Right."
With that said Sadie came barrelling back into the hall, red kit in hand.
"Well isn't that cool." I told her as she plopped herself on the floor.
"I know. Lincoln got it for me so I could be like the doctor's at Mommy's hospital." Cracking open the plastic container Sadie presented to me all the goodies inside. "This is my needle and my medicine... and I don't know what this is but you hit knees with it." She listed off, holding up each item and placing them on the wooden surface beneath her.
"This is a stetha... setha..." Sadie struggled with the pronunciation.
Lincoln spoke up before I got a chance to aid her, " A stethoscope."
"Yeah, a sethascope." Sadied attempted to mimic her big brother but fumbled with voicing the word. "And these," she announced pulling a Dora decorated package from her container, "are my bandaids. They're for booboos. I used one on Lincoln today."
"I saw. Pink's a really nice colour on him, eh?" Nodding my head over in Lincoln's direction I proceeded, "You did a great job with his other booboo's too."
"What other booboos?"
To my rear Lincoln cleared his throat. "Sade, why don't you go watch a movie?"
Instantly Sadie's blue eyes flashed. "Oh! Ms Cali, can we watch Peter Pan again?"
"I have it with me if you want to watch it now. I might not be able to stay though." I explained only to take a peek at Lincoln.
"Yay! I'll take good care of it, I promise." Sadie nodded eagerly.
I was grinning again, "I know you will. Let's go into the kitchen so I can empty this bag, it's heavy."
Sadie's blonde head whizzed by, dashing to the breakfast bar and propping herself up on one of the three stools.
With a thump I dropped my book bag down in front of her. It only took a couple of seconds to extract the DvD case from the disorganized interior. "Here you go."
Sadie's pearly whites flashed on display, her tiny hand reaching out when I offered the case over.
"Yay!" Sadie cheered once more. "Thank you!" Slipping down from her spot she sprinted across the room, vanishing to the other side of the house.
Turning back to the island I rustled through the brown sack to find the folder I threw Lincoln's sheets in. As I was unloading Lincoln's deep voice rasped from behind me. He was close, his head inches above my shoulder.
"Why you showing her that shit?"
My body went rigid. Not moving a muscle from the position I was in I questioned him, "What shit?"
"That Peter Pan crap. You're filling her head with garbage." Lincoln spat causing me to turn around and face him. I had pressed myself against the counter top, my fingers braced against the hard material. Why was he so enraged? "Making it seem like you can just wake up and ignore everything around you, that you can run away from all your problems with just a little pixie dust." He scoffed. "You can't run from anything. You're stuck with what cards you're dealt. She's gotta learn to deal with it, not think she can run away to some magical land where they don't exist."
With a perplexed expression I released the counter, "And you think marrying Prince Charming is anymore plausible?"
"I'd rather her believing that one day she could be happy instead of stupidly thinking she can float away from her issues."
"You make it seem like she has something to run from. She's three." The way I stated what I said made me seem oblivious to my inner suspicions. From the first couple of weeks that I started at the daycare I knew Sadie wasn't subjected to the greatest home life. Actually being in her home though I never witnessed anything unordinary or particularly scarring. Other than Ms Fredricks. She was the single exception.
Lincoln's jaw continued to click in aggravation. His eyes were so unbearably loud but he refused to speak. Why he wouldn't talk about it was beyond me.
"Why are you the only one allowed to deal with things as you choose? You have your stupid fighting thing, let her have her childhood."
"I'm letting that happen the best way I possibly fucking can."
"By lying to her?" I paused for a moment staring up at him, "Like how you lied to me?"
I was meant to sound angry but I knew it didn't come out at all as intended. I sounded more wounded than angry and for the life of me I couldn't understand why.
"I went to Harold's that night after I left." Recognizing Lincoln was seconds away from jumping to conclusions and filing a restraining order on me I held up my hand. "I went for the sole purpose of getting paint for Ella, not to find an alibi." That was mostly true. "Mr Blackshaw told me you had taken the whole week off to watch Sadie for your mother. Who else have you been lying to? Eh, Lincoln?"
When he didn't respond I opened my mouth to press on but my lecture got cut short.
"I have my reasons. I don't report to you. How many times do I have to tell you to keep your nose out of my business? What the hell are you to me anyways? My sister's babysitter?" Lincoln's voice rose slightly and I blinked back in response. His words stung more than I wanted to let on but I'm sure my feelings were stamped onto my face like a billboard.
He was right in a way. Why would my opinion matter? Why would he even consider confiding in me? I hardly think we could call ourselves acquaintances, let alone friends.
"Look... Sadie's my responsibility. She always has been and always will be." Lincoln's dark eyes returned to my face after gazing into the direction of the family room. "Like you said, she's hardly four. She shouldn't have to worry about anything more than which toy to play with. I'm not lying to her, I'm protecting her. Just like I was protecting you Monday night when I didn't tell you about The Pit. You're one of those annoying people who care for others more than they care for themselves. You proved that by stalk-"
"Investigating." I insisted sharply, hanging onto every word. I think this was as close to a compliment I'd ever get from Lincoln Pierce.
"Right... investigating me all over town." Defiantly, he straightened out his neck. "But that's where it ends. I've let you in more than I feel comfortable with - rather, you wiggled yourself in. It stops here though. I have to protect Sadie, I have to protect my family. If you want to keep being a do-gooder and help Sadie you have to quit prying.
"The only other person I've even ever allowed in my home was Drew, and I've known him since I was a kid. I know technically you broke in but something stopped me from kicking you out when I had the chance. I knew you wouldn't call Children's Aid, you care about my sister almost as much as I do. Never the less, I let you stay, tutor me, allowed you to keep a watchful eye over Sadie... stop pushing for more."
Hearing Lincoln actually being honest with me calmed down that tiny bit of flaring anger I felt in the pit of my stomach. Everything he was doing was for a reason. He had a way of life and here I was trying to change it all for him. And to be perfectly honest, I had no right.
"You promise no more lies?"
Lincoln dodged my question with his own. "You promise to drop things I don't want to talk about?"
Chewing on my bottom lip I considered his proposal. Curious by nature I knew I'd have a tsunami of questions sooner or later. Were they worth it though? Although extremely tempted by Lincoln's secrets - like a dog trying to dig up a bone - my concern resided in helping both Sadie and Lincoln.
I couldn't do that if I kept pushing to figuring out things that were none of my business.
"Good." Lincoln nodded in approval, his shoulders relaxing from the stiff posture he was holding. I doubt he'd had to be honest with someone else in a very long time.
Awkwardly, I stood there for a moment. Not being able to handle the silence after a conversation like that I blindly grabbed for my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. The most logical of things to do was to leave.
So that's what I decided to do.
With my belongings securely hanging from my shoulder I briskly traveled across the tiled kitchen. I hadn't even made it through the threshold when Lincoln called out, his raspy voice taking me by surprise.
"Where are you going, California?"
Practically gawking at him I struggled to fabricate an answer. Was he not expecting me to leave?
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The Perks of Immortality
This story will no longer be updated. After living decades and dying hundreds of times, Kegan has learned that he has finally passed some test that the cruel spirit had given him. Now, Kegan has the ability to gain “perks” that can make his life much easier. He is looking forward to finally having an easy life with the new perks he has earned. Rules to keep me honest for the perk system: Spoiler: Spoiler 1. The purpose of perks is to help the MC live longer and do new things each life. 2. The perks can be unlocked by getting hurt or killed. 3. The perks can be unlocked by putting in a lot of effort that isn’t easily duplicated in a new life. 4. Perks are generally beneficial enhancements to the MC’s body. 5. Perk costs can be lowered with more impressive achievements to unlock them. 6. Perk costs can be lowered by repeated death or injury from something the perk protects against. 7. Perk costs are increased for quality of life improvements that don’t benefit survival. I want to avoid one of the pitfalls I see for other LitRPG stories where the game elements barely relate to the story, or offer very little information. If people are skipping over and not reading the perks then I'm doing things wrong. So I promise to try and make the perks interesting, sometimes humorous, informative, and relevant to the story.Cover art by http://dertypaws.com/
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The Undead Dungeon
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The heavens celebrated the birth of Zhen Han, and so did the mortals and immortals. Everyone knew he was destined for greatness, but in a way they never imagined! Zhen Han: "My mother once told me that a man should have grand aspirations. She told me to strive for the best in whatever I do. To honor her words I became the strongest and richest cultivator in the world. To fulfill her dream of reaching greatness, I strive to achieve the biggest harem in the universe all so that she can have the best daughters-in-law in the universe. She wanted me to become the best in everything I strive for... so I became the most shameless scoundrel in the entire realm!" Zhen Han's mother fainted out of shock!
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Tales of Demons and Gods: I can Augment my Statuses
Disclaimer : I don't own TDG or Cultivation ! I Augmented my statuses to unlimited duration . Lin Langtian was a common servant of the Sacred Family of Glory City . Due to his red soul realm he put up with the abuse and ridicule for 10 years . At the age of 13 , he had gathered enough money to buy himself out of servitude . Shen Ming , an elder of the sacred Family got offended that such a lowly servant dared to leave his magnificent family and crippled Lin's dantian . In his last moments of Death , the resentment and hatred he had for the sacred family caused his soul to form a Heart Demon and breath life into his body as a Soul From Earth possessed the body of Lin Lingtian . Now Lin Lingtian takes a meal and gains the status [ Satiety ] [ Satiety : Restores 1 Stamina per minute . Duration : Infinity ] He no longer has to eat . Taking pills , gaining soul force , refining the body , nurturing the soul and increasing life expectancy ... He only needs one pill for the status to take effect for the rest of his life . Those crippling secret techniques that boost power for three seconds but result in three year feebleness ? They are now the most powerful and most amazing Techniques !
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little mia
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