《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora- 19


"My stomach hurts so bad!" Ajani complained laying her head on K'saiah open chest.

"I know mama, did you take those pills I bought for you?" Ajani was on her period which she obviously hated since she had horrible cramps and her pussy was sore.

"Yes." She whined while he rubbed on her stomach which was making her feel somewhat relaxed.

"Try and take a nap, come lay on me." He offered pulling the cover off of him.

"But I don't want to get it on you, that's embarrassing." She muttered making him laugh.

"And my flow is real heavy and it most likely will leak."

"Ajani you barely touching me and I know you like to sleep on me. You being on your period is completely normal and I don't care if it gets on me I can wash my clothes. Come lay on me mama." He insisted , she carefully crawled on top of his body and rested her head in the crook of his neck like she always did when he wasn't the one laying on her.

He put the cover over them and rubbed her back soothingly, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep.


"Shit." K'saiah muttered once he lifted the covers up, he carefully moved Ajani off of him being careful not to wake her.

He took a quick shower and threw his clothes into the wash machine, not starting it yet.

Since he was already in the wash room he grabbed two rags and a towel for her.

"Baby." He spoke gently moving her shoulder, when he got no response he did it a little harder.

"Hmm?" She hummed turning her head.

"Get up , you leaked a lil bit. I turned the shower on for you." He said making her instantly get up and move the covers. Once she saw the mess she made her face got hot.


"I'm sorry—"

"Phat I told you this shit is normal, don't apologize." He assured pecking her forehead, he saw tears form in her eyes immediately making his face soften.

"Gon' get in the shower so I can wash these sheets love. I promise it's okay don't cry." He continued making her get up trying not to get it on nothing else.

He let out a sigh of relief when he pulled the sheets and saw that it didn't leak through on his mattress, it was most likely because he slept with three sheets, he did it because it made his bed softer.

He put the sheets in the wash room and replaced them with some new ones.

A few minutes later she walked back into the room with some different shorts on and one of his shirts.

"Why you still crying baby?" K'saiah asked pulling her in between his legs.

"Because I'm still embarrassed." She sniffled.

"You don't have to be, Ajani you do realize I'm completely grown right? I can handle some blood you don't have to be embarrassed." He was wondering why she was embarrassed, he thinks it's probably has something do with her past relationship.

"Give me a kiss." He demanded after wiping her tears.

She gladly pecked his lips making him smack his lips.

"That lil ass kiss." He complained before gently grabbing her by her neck and pulling her in for another much slower, and passionate one.

"Mmm." He hummed In satisfaction.

"You wanna go smoke?"

"Hell no! I refuse—you not fixing to get me all horny and shit knowing we can't do nothing." She said making him bust out laughing, now that he was thinking about it. Ever since his birthday, when they got high they always ended up fucking.

"Oh so I turn you on?" He asked with a sly smirk making her break eye contact.


"Nah look at me and answer the question love." He demanded grabbing her by her chin so he could see her eyes.

"K'saiah you know you do." She pouted , face going hot.

"You so pretty."

"Stop, I'm finna go home before I faint from being teased to death." She whined trying to move out of his grip but he wouldn't allow it.

"K'saiah you should let me give you a tattoo." Ajani suggested rubbing over his bare chest.

"Give me one then."

"Foreal? Right now?"

"Mhm." He shrugged making her eyes go wide, she was playing at first but since he was allowing it she scurried off to set up her tattoo station .

He followed behind her shortly after, he watched her get everything together in amazement. He liked watching her walk around because of how small she was compared to him.

"Mkay sit down in that chair." She ordered pointing towards the chair that was to a little table that had wheels.

He did as she said, she handing him a already rolled blunt knowing he probably still wanted to smoke.

"Thank you love."

"Mmhm, what tattoo you want?" Ajani asked getting the ink ready.

"Do yo' name or sum." He shrugged making her raise her eyebrows.

"You sure? What if—" she began but was instantly cut off.

"Ain't no what if. Don't speak nothing into existence, and we not breaking up if that's a concern." He spoke answering her question. She accepted what he said and began getting the stencil set up.

"You so pretty when you focused." He said making her smile, she always was smiling around him. He never failed to keep that smile on her face.

"Okay you ready?" She asked once she successfully got it on him.

"Wait..Now I am." He said after he turned on the song Chiraq (Montana of 300).

She chose to sit on his lap instead in her stool because she could reach his chest better this way.

"You and this song." She laughed now tracing over the tattoo stencil, using a wipe to wipe away the extra ink.


"Yet you singing it, hater." He said , biting his lip once she went over the letter "A" again.

"You're doing so good." She praised now moving onto the "J" , he blushed at what she said making her laugh.

"You so nasty."

"You like it." He muttered eyes shifting to her titties that were near his face.

"You got some pretty ass titties, lemme suck on em'." He smirked causing her raise her eyebrows.

"Is that a yes?" He asked as she moved in the next "A", she was doing his name in cursive.

"Maybe." She said making him grin , he squeezed her thighs a little when she moved on to the "N" because it hurt a little.

"Good job pooh , i'm almost done." She assured now on the "I".

She went over all the letters one more time to make sure it didn't fade and to make it bold, being sure to wipe the ink she unplugged her tattoo gun and grabbed the wrap to wrap the tattoo up.

"Ooh this shit fye, you doing my tattoo's from now own." He hyped making her laugh once he pulled out his phone recording them on Snapchat and saving different videos to his memories.

"Y'all my girl so pretty , look at her." He grinned putting her face in the camera instantly making her smile and instinctively cover her face.

"Stopp." She whined spreading her fingers a little so she could see if he was still recording.

"Anyways back to the titties." He smirked messing with her white tank top.




I'm ready to get jumped by y'all now 🧎🏾‍♀️

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