《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 18


"Bae." Ajani spoke standing in the doorway with a blanket around her body.

"Hm? What's wrong baby? " He asked , eyes low as they roamed her face and body.

"You left me in the living room by myself." She pouted, they had went to get something to eat a hour earlier but she had fell asleep right after eating so he went back into his room to clean up while she slept.

"Cause you was sleep mama." He reasoned.

"But you know it gets real dark in there at night time." She responded making him laugh, she turned into such a softie around him.

"I'm sorry phat, C'mere." He spoke and once she got close enough he kissed her on the forehead.

"You still tired?" He asked making her nod, he didn't speak he held his arms out and she gladly sat on his lap and wrapped her blanket around the both of them.

He laid back and rubbed on her instantly sending her back into her sleep coma.

"Goodnight baby." He muttered but didn't get a response since she had already fell asleep.

"Big ass baby."


"I miss you." K'saiah groaned into the phone.

"Aww I miss you too baby. I haven't even been gone that long though." Ajani laughed, she was doing a girls day with S'rene and Jasaria while K'saiah was at work.

"Man I can't wait for our lil work breaks, you ain't gon' be able to get rid of me girl. Oh and I forgot to tell you that yo' hair pretty mama." He said making her blush, she loved how he still flirted with her like he was still trying to get with her.

"Thank you sir." She grinned.

"Aht! It's no nigga Tuesday , you betta' hang that phone up!" S'rene exclaimed coming back into the room holding popcorn.


"Oop I got caught, Imma come see you after you get off work Pooh."

"Okay, be safe love ." He replied making her agree and hang up.

"Aww, y'all in love." Jasaria said making her face heat up again, she questioned if she was in love with him multiple times.

It was the simple things that he did that had her going insane, how he complimented her everyday , how he asked if she ate and if she didn't he'd feed her, how he paid attention to her feelings and always made sure she was okay, or how he'd pay for everything even she disagreed. She had love for him for sure but she didn't know if she was in love with him. It's was pretty much vice versa .

She also liked that he didn't pressure her to talk about her past.

"What movie y'all want to watch?" Jasaria asked picking up the Roku remote.

"Put on—ooh! On my block came out with a new season foreal!" S'rene exclaimed sitting up making Ajani and Jasaria laughed.

"You late." Jasaria laughed resulting in S'rene throwing a piece of popcorn at her.

"I hate it here!"


"Hey Pooh." Ajani smiled hugging K'saiah's torso, he was just now getting home. She had prepared food for him and tidied up for him , she noticed that he seemed a little down so she was planning on questioning him later after he ate.

"Hey pretty girl." He muttered returning the hug, he kissed her cheek and hung his jacket up while sliding his shoes off.

"You hungry? I cooked." She smiled as they made their way into the kitchen .

"Mhm, thank you I appreciate you." They soon began to eat , talking every now and then. She was used to his little moods and knew exactly how to handle them and he loved that about her.


"What's wrong K'saiah?" She asked taking a seat on his lap a few minutes later after they ate.

"I—Never mind Ion' wanna bother you with my problems." He spoke cutting himself off, they often struggled with expressing their emotions so this wasn't anything new, believe it or not they were slowly improving.

"Your problems are my problems, you can talk to me." She reminded rubbing her thumb across his cheek.

"My dads death day is coming up and I usually shut down around that time and I don't want to push you away and make you leave me and—Fuck, all this shit just so confusing to me man." He spoke voice cracking.

"K'saiah look at me, I will not ever, ever, leave you especially when you at yo' lowest that's not even a option. Imma' always be there for you baby." She reassured wiping a fallen tear off his face, he aint never cried around her. This was the most vulnerable he's ever been around her.

"Thank you man—Youn' understand how much you mean to me, you stay on my mind." K'saiah whispered resting his head in the crook of her neck.

"You stay on my mind too." She muttered rubbing the back of his neck soothingly.

They sat like this for a couple of seconds before she spoke up again.

"K'saiah you know you don't have to be scared to be vulnerable around me right?"

"It's hard for me, it's always been hard for me because as soon as I talk I overshare and drive people away and I don't want to mess this up." He said keeping his head where it was.

"You don't have to worry about that when you wit' me and you know that." She reminded, he rose his head and met eyes with her.

"You promise?"

"I pinky promise , and you know I never break those." She smiled holding her pinky out , they cuffed pinky's and that instantly made him laugh.

"You so corny." He laughed making her laugh as well.

"But you pretty so you can get away wit' it." He finished.

"Oh really?" She asked tilting her head to the side making his eyebrows shoot up.

"You got a high sex drive, you know dat' ?" He smirked smacking her ass.




Please don't jump me , it's been a long week 😟👆🏾

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