《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 14


"Lil mama you want me to come get you after work? I get off at 6 today so I will be done in time to come get you." K'saiah spoke into the phone to Ajani who was on her bathroom break.

"Yes please." She pouted not mentally ready to get off of her bathroom break.

"Baby boy I'm so tired and I'm ready to go home." She said making him chuckle.

"You gon be alright, imma eat with you on yo' lunch break so you'll feel better." He said instantly making her smile. She was happy she had something to look forward to now.

"That made you feel better already huh?" He asked making her nod.

"Put yo face In the camera."

"No, I'm in my scrubs and I don't look right." She frowned making him smack his teeth.

"Ajani I don't give a fuck about none of that. I just want to see yo pretty face." He said making her slowly point the camera from the ceiling to her face.

"Now was that so hard pretty girl?"

"Yes." She said making him laugh.

"That's why your break bout over wit'. He said making her turn her lip up.

"You're done , you're done." She hung the phone up straight after.


"Hey K'saiah." Ajani smiled hugging and kissing K'saiah, she was finally done with work and now she had the weekend off.

"Hey pretty girl." He spoke hugging her back , soon after that he opened the passenger door and let her get in.

"What you want ta' eat?"

"Some blazers."

"DoorDash it so it'll already be at my house when we get there ." He said pulling out of the hospital, it was Friday night and little did K'saiah know he had a surprise waiting at his house.


"Why you staring?" He asked feeling her looking at him.

"You look so handsome and you got a haircut." She pointed out.

"Oh you noticed?"

"How couldn't I?" She asked seeing him blush at her words.

The rest of their ride consisted of them talking about work and what they were going to do when they got home but Ajani had completely different plans.

"C'mon! Stop walking so slow!" Ajani whined pulling on K'saiah's arm, they were right outside his house but as usual he was being a ass since he knew she had something planned.

"Okay okay." He said making her sigh in relief when he started walking normal.

"You're an asshole K'saiah." She muttered but stopped talking when she felt him roughly palm her ass.

"I bet you won't repeat that though." He said making her look back and smirk at him.

She didn't continue to test him because she knew they would not even make it to his bedroom, they haven't had sex yet but it's been very tempting for her and she wanted to wait till a specific day.

"Open the door." She ordered making him chuckle at the fact she was so demanding but nonetheless he did exactly what she told him to do.

Once he opened the door he walked towards the dining room. Once he got in there his face immediately softened.

"Ajani.." K'saiah muttered looking around, she had set up a little inside picnic.

"When did you do this?" He said in adoration.

"I had a lil help." She said making him smile.

"What is this for?"

"You gon find out." She assured making him nod, he couldn't help but to kiss her.

He squeezed her ass a little while bringing her closer to him, he placed a lingering kiss on her jawline sending chills through her body.


"Come on and eat. I know you hungry cause I am." She said sitting down on the blanket.


"Wait—you really remembered?" K'saiah later found out about what Ajani's original plan was and he was happy as hell. His birthday is on Saturday but he's been busy the whole week so he really didn't pay it no mind, he honestly forgot about it which is why he was so confused on why she had surprises for him.

"Hell did you?"

"No I completely forgot." He said making her laugh.

Ajani had got them plane tickets to go to New Orleans, they had a talk about places they've always wanted to visit when they were high and surprisingly she remembered.

"Come here." He said making her walk over to him, she was to the point where whenever he told her to do something her body did it before she could think about it.

"I appreciate you for real." He admitted rubbing on her ass as she sat on his lap facing him.

"I appreciate you too baby boy." She grinned pecking his lips.





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