《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 13


"Bro get the fuck from around me, ion' even know who the fuck you is." K'saiah snapped at this random girl who was hanging around them, she was making him uncomfortable because she was all over him like they dated or something.

Ajani wasn't there but she was on her and would be arriving very soon and the last thing he wanted was for her to think he was messing with someone else.

"I'm Niya , just chill." She said trying to rub on his arm but he wasn't having it, she wasn't bothering nobody else besides him.

"Like I said get the fuck off of me, I'm not interested in whatever the fuck you tryna do." He said snatching his arm away, he was getting highly irritated .

"You better leave him alone with yo pinecone ass head, his wootdawoot friends shoot people." Pooter said making S'rene and Jasaria laugh.

K'saiah stood up once the girl tried to touch him again.

"Tell Ajani when she gets here to—"

"Whose Ajani?" The girl asked cutting him off.

"What about Ajani?" Ajani asked now standing in the entrance of the living room.

" I was gon tell Pooter to tell you to go in the guest room with me when you get here because whoever the fuck that is , was irritating the hell out of me." K'saiah said making Ajani look over at the girl who was staring at her.

"Oh so this Ajani."

"Um.. it's pronounced Ajan-nee not Ajan-uh and do not say that like you been waiting on me to get here." Ajani responded confused on why she was talking to her.

"Okay Ajan-uh." Niya responded with a eye roll making Ajani furrow her eyebrows .

"Quit saying my name incorrectly on purpose, it's not funny it's annoying."


"The fuck you talk so proper for, giving the girls pick me vibes."

"You probably graduated high school with a 1.7 gpa, and watch tiktok for a living." She responded making Niya's eyes go wide because she didn't even graduate high school so Ajani was actually giving her too much credit.

"Mmcht that's why yo' body look fake." She sneered still trying to find comebacks.

"You do realize that's more of a compliment than an insult right?"

"That's why—"

"Girl go the fuck homeee! Damnn! Did I leave the door open or sum because you came in like a fucking fly!" Pooter exclaimed making her get up obviously embarrassed.

"Y'all lame as hell anyway." She muttered storming off.

"Ajani did you ever realize that when you argue with somebody you talk really proper?" K'saiah asked sitting back down making her sit next to him.

"Yeah, I also be using big words because I know some of these women can't comprehend the meanings of them." She shrugged as he put his arm over her shoulder.

"Man you told that girl that she had a 1.7 gpa knowing she probably ain't even graduate high school!" Jasaria laughed which made pooter laugh.

"Aye lets watch a movie."


"Go now!" Ajani's mother, Ranadu , shouted at 7 year old Ajani.

"B-But it's raining." Ajani's lip quivered as she was looking up at her drunk mother, when her mom got mad at either one of her kids while their father was working she'd make them sit outside on the porch and would leave them there until it was near the time for their dad to get off work.

Of course he didn't know anything about this and she planned to keep it that way.


"I don't give a fuck! I told you to wash them damn dishes and they still dirty!"

"I tried my best." She cried which resulting in her getting slapped.

"Get the fuck out. Now!" She said pushing her towards the door.

This is where Ajani's fear of thunderstorms started and sadly she never grew out of it.

"Ajani you coming over here?" Jasaria spoke into the phone as Ajani huddled closer into her thick comforter.

"No I-I think I should stay home." She responded, stuttering a little when she heard it thunder.

"Aw why? You okay?

"Yea I just want to stay home today." She said as her breathing got heavier when she heard it thunder again.

"I-I need K'saiah."Ajani barely spoke above a whisper, as much as she didn't want to admit it K'saiah made her feel safe and secure and he was just what she needed.

"Ajani? Ajani!?" Jasaria called when she heard her gasping for air, she was having a panic attack .

"K'saiah!" Jasaria yelled in the background.

"What? Wassup."

"Go check on Ajani, I-I think she having a panic attack." Jasaria rushed out , he heard her struggling to breath making him quickly rush to find his keys.

Once he found them he left pooters house and rushed to Ajani's house while Jasaria stayed on the phone.

"Ajani calm down K'saiah is coming." Jasaria tried to calm her but it wasn't working. Jasaria was relieved that Ajani's house was close to Pooters so K'saiah should be there any minute.

"W-Where is K'saiah?" She spoke the best she could considering she could barely breath.


"I'm here love." Ajani immediately thanked Jasaria and hung the phone up

She ran up to him and hugged him, he kissed her forehead and ran his hands through her hair while she buried her head in his chest.

They stood there for a couple of seconds , he occasionally spoke to her to distract her from whatever was making her feel the way she was feeling.

"You okay?" He asked once her breathing started to regulate.


"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked making her quickly shake her head, he noticed that she was a very closeted person and she never shared what was bothering her.

"Love—" Just as he was about to speak it thundered again making her bury her face back into his chest.

He led her to her bed and sat down, letting her crawl on top of him.

With his back to the head board , rubbed on her back telling her how special she was and that she would be okay.

"I'm sorry K'saiah."


"For acting like a big ass baby." She said digging her nails into his back once it thundered again, he could bare the pain and quite frankly he didn't mind it.

"You're not acting like a baby love. Everyone is scared of something." He reminded her making her nod.

"I know but—"

"Ajani didn't I tell you to stop blaming yourself for everything? It's completely okay to be scared." He said cutting her off, he knew what she was going to say so he went ahead and responded.

"Thank you so much." She whispered into his chest.




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