《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 5


"Ajani been smiling like a idiot for the past ten minutes."

"You're a bigger idiot." Ajani responded making Pooter laugh.

Everybody had edibles so most of them were pretty high.

"He ain't even say yo high ass was a idiot." K'saiah chuckled making her flick him off.

"I'm hungry, let's order some wings." Ajani said as she stood up and sat next to K'saiah, everyone saw how close they have gotten over the pass weeks but obviously nobody spoke on it because it wasn't their business.

"What's going on with y'all, why y'all so close?" But of course Malik felt the need to ask.

"Man can you mind your business? Don't nobody need to know what's going on with us besides us." Ajani snapped , they both usually ignored his questions but he was getting annoying.

"You do need to stay out they business." Jasaria shrugged.

"Whatever." He muttered offendedly .

"Anyways.. let's order wings." Ajani changed the subject.

"Yeah I'm hungrier than a bitch." Johan agreed.

"You smell good as fuck." K'saiah muttered near her ear.

"Thank you." She smiled rubbing her eye.

"Never did you have to do it like that." He said shaking his head.

"Yea I did." She reclined back on him so he rested his chin in the crook of her neck.

"Mane I wanna go to Miami." Ajani muttered looking at a post that had a picture of a beach.

"We ca' go." K'saiah shrugged.

"Go where?" kJ asked raising his eyebrows.


"We should go." S'rene agreed.

They spent the rest of the day planning their trip and smoking, they decided to go in two weeks so they could have enough time to pack their bags and get everything they needed.


"You coming to my house?" Ajani asked rubbing K'saiah's soft face.

"Mhm." He hummed.

He tapped her thigh signaling her to get up.

"Ight, we gon fuck with y'all." K'saiah said stretching.

Ajani said her goodbyes and they left.


"Ajani get off live and come here."

"Ask me nicely." She said looking back at him.

"Get yo ass off live and come here." He then flashed a smile making her roll her eyes and end the live.

She straddled his lap and became stunned by his smell.

"You smell so good."

"Am I pose' to stink like you ?" He asked making her gasp.

"Chill out patchy the pirate , you know I don't stink." She said making him instantly cover his beard with his hands.

"You took it too far , I was just playing. Now I'm finna go cry. " He frowned.

"Okay okay, I was just playing. It's growing."

"Now say I'm big daddy." He grinned making her playfully roll her eyes.

"Nah I'm big mama."

"Phat mama." He corrected smacking her thigh.

"Ouch! K'saiah that hurt!" She whined, they always bullied each other like siblings.

"Big ass baby. Ian even hit you that hard." He teased causing her to flick him off.

"Asshole." He frowned.

"Suck mine."

"It stank." He curled his lips up.

"Okay patchy. You need miracle drops, even though it's gon take more than a miracle to help that." She resorted.

"Mane, I bet yo pussy hairs patchy."

"No, she bald like them spots on yo beard." His jaw dropped making her laugh harder.

"You- you're wrong for that. That's why ya' edges missing."

"Nah don't play baby, you see them right here." She said pointing at them.

They bullied each other for a little while long before they eventually got tired.

"My pretty girl." K'saiah muttered looking at Ajani who was busy picking a movie, she decided on corpse of bride.

"Okay, this is a good movie I swear." She cheesed crawling to the top of the bed with him.

"Mhm , you said that about the other movie."






Sorry for the late update, I had writers block hence why the chapter is short.

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