《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora - 4


"K'saiah, is this your way of asking me on a date?" Ajani asked raising her eye brows at K'saiah who held white roses in his hands.

"Did I do good?" He flashed a smile , showing off his dimples.

"I guess so." She returned the smile once she saw him blushing, she thought that he was really adorable when he wasn't being mean.

"So you'll go with me?"

"Definitely ." She assured taking the roses from him.

"Okay I'll pick you up at five thirty.. tomorrow." He added making me nod.

"No don't leave yet, come lay down with me." She grabbed his arm before he could walk away and led him to her room.

He didn't complain, instead he took his pants off revealing his shorts that had a noticeable bulge in them making her double back at how big it looked.

She laid on her back momentarily sighing.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked now shirtless, he picked up his phone and put it on do not disturb.

"I don't know what to wear tomorrow , where are we going?" She asked sitting back up.

"I'm not telling you all that but we are going to a restaurant for a lil' bit but you can still wear what you want because you look good in anything. Or nothing." He shrugged making her shake her head.

"You make me sick." She subtly laughed as he sat on the bed.

Biting her bottom lip she looked at herself in her body mirror that was in the corner.

She felt him staring at her so she turned her attention to him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He had his head slightly tilted and he was biting his bottom lip (y'all know what look I'm talking about too).

"What? I can't look at you?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"Not like that."

"C'mere." He spoke in that sexy low voice that he knew she liked to hear.


She playfully rolled her eyes and got up, she was about to walk past him but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on his lap.

"You don't listen."

"Make me listen." She turned around on his lap so she could look at him.

"You really tempting me?"

"Yea because you aren't going to do any-" She got cut off when he grabbed her by her throat and pulled her towards his face.

"You're going to stop fucking playing with me Ajani, you hear me?" He spoke near her ear sending chills through her body.

"What am I gon do with you." He muttered after she smirked at what he said.

"I mean you could-"

"Aht aht, go to sleep. Ol'e nasty ass."

Ajani groaned in her sleep turning on her side, her alarm continued to blare.

"I hate waking up in the morning." She huffed turning the alarm off.

She checked her phone and noticed she received a text from K'saiah .

Good morning ugly, I left you some money on your dresser, you can go get your hair or nails done or whatever you need to do with it. I'll be there at like 5:30 😛

She slightly giggled and turned her phone back off after sending a reply.

She sat on the edge of the bed for a good 10 minutes before finally getting up.

She went into her bathroom and did her morning routine.

She's never actually been on a real date so she didn't know what to do or how to dress.

"Okay so you're just gonna get your hair and nails done and get a outfit. That's not hard Ajani." She muttered to herself while rubbing lotion on her legs.

She put a sun dress on and tied her natural hair up.


"Girl pick a damn dress!" Jasaria spoke holding a pink dress in one hand and a red dress in the other.

"Okay , okay. I want the red one." Ajani said making her put the pink one back.


"Okay now we need to get you some heels." Jasaria said as they traveled to the other section of the store.

"Damn you picked them fast." S'rene said seeing she already had two pairs of different heels in her hands.

"I saw them on their website." She smiled putting them in the cart.

"Okay now what else do you need?"

"Umm, I think this is all."


"Oh my god you look fine as fuck!" Jasaria exclaimed fixing Ajani curls.

"Damn this dress shows off all of my curves." She looked at her body in her full body mirror.

"And they look amazing, don't make me turn gay ." S'rene joked making her laugh.

"Yall better stop hyping me up." She laughed putting her heels on.

"Girl give yourself credit." Jasaria frowned , they always went through this. Ajani didn't have that much self esteem or confidence in her body and they always tried to help.

"I'm trying." She picked up her purse.

Incoming call From K'saiah 👀🙃

Siri announced making Ajani nervous. She answered it and put it on speaker.

"You ready, love?"

"Yeah." Ajani responded.

"Ight I'm finna be there."

"Okay." She said hanging up a few seconds later.

"Don't start squealing-" She got cut off when her doorbell went off.

"Oh well that's him, I'll see you guys later. I love you butt heads." She smiled hugging them both.

"I love you too, use protection! Fuck them kids!" Jasaria and S'rene responded making her laugh and hurry downstairs.

She looked through the peephole to make sure it was K'saiah and opened up once she saw him.

"Shit." He muttered under his breath taking in her appearance.

"You look beautiful as fuck." He wanted to kiss her so bad but he didn't know if it was too early for all that.

"You look good too." He wore a plain black flannel shirt with some black and white Jordan 1's , he had a glittering watch on his right hand and he wore a chain. He had a few more accessories to spice up his look.

(Use your imagination)

As always he looked well taken care of, his hair was braided and he smelt good.

He handed her the bouquet of roses he got for her and held her hand as they walked towards his car.

She went to open the passenger door but jumped when he unexpectedly closed it back.

"I open the doors." He said sternly.

"Yeah yeah , where are we going?" She asked while he opened the door for her.

He ignored her talking and let her get in.


"I'm so full." Ajani groaned resting her head on K'saiah's shoulder.

"Really? You didn't eat that much." K'saiah chuckled, they been goofing off the whole night.

"That was a lot for me ." She said as he rubbed her stomach which was poking out a little since she ate a lot, she had at least two racks of ribs and a few other things.

" I bet it was."

"You ready to go?" He asked seeing she wasn't and couldn't eat anymore.

"Mhm." She hummed, he called for the check and soon after that they left.

"Okay where are we going now?" She asked as they got into his car.

"You gon see, impatient ass." He responded pulling off.

A few minutes passed and they were now pulling up at their destination.

They had to walk in grass in order to get there but since Ajani had heels on he carried her bridal style.

"K'saiah- This is so cute." She coo'd looking at the small picnic that was in front of her.

"This was the best I ca' do. Ion know how to be romantic and shit." He said making her laugh.

"It's perfect." She gushed taking her heels off.

They spent the rest of their day out there getting to know each other more.





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