《Harry Potter One Shots》Neville x clumsy Slytherin Reader


Dedicated to: @Otaku_Shannon


I was walking to charms class when it happened. I was busy staring army long time crush , Neville Longbottom, talking to Seamus Finnigan, when I slipped on a stray piece of paper in the corridor hallway. I expected to hit the floor with a large thud and get laughs and sniggers from everyong around me. But instead, I felt someone's warm hand around my waist to lift me up.

This was the first time I had ever talked to him.

"Ohmygosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to I mean I am a little clumsy but yea!" I blurted out to the person who caught me, Neville Longbottom.

Normally a lot of girls would want to go after him because he had just recently been sacked in the face by puberty. But that wasn't the reason I liked him. I had liked him from the very start, when he had threw open my train car door flustered and asking if we had seen a stray toad.

"Oh it's no problem really, by the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"Oh, it's y/n, and of course your Neville!" I say, blushing.

After that day, we became semi friends. He would talk to me and I would talk back, but not for long.

One night, I was walking back to my dorm room, when all of a sudden someone stuck out their foot and tripped me. I fell right on my arse.

"Hello y/n. Did you know that you are a disgrace to Slytherin, you filthy mudblood??!!" Malfoy kicked me in the stomach.

"Oi, back off Malfoy, it isn't worth it." Neville piped up in the backround. Malfoy and his goons eventually went away. I jumped up and cut right to the chase. I did the stupidest thing I had ever done ever. I kissed him. I have no idea why. I am just a dumb, clumsy, Slytherin girl and he is everything. But he still kissed back.



I'm sorry, it's a little repetitive, but I have a great idea for the next one! I just needed a little update before I put the next one up, but for now, I hope you guys enjoy!!! And, please keep suggesting!! I love the ideas!!

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