
MARCH 28, 2019

"And last, five, four, three, two, and one." Hoseok clapped his hands and shouted, "Good job, everyone! Let's take a ten minute break and do another run for Dionysus."

The members scattered off to different directions, Jeongguk immediately heading to the table where their bags were. He took five gulps of water and was still breathing heavily as he opened his phone.

7:51 am

good morning to you,

too, guk

He smiled as he read the text. The memories of last night replayed in his mind - her kissing his cheek (genuinely), their hug before entering the Artspace and after the dinner, him driving her back to her apartment complex and hearing her say, "Goodnight, Junglebook. Eyes on the road and rest well, yeah?"

Even if he planned her birthday in such a short period of time, yesterday was still a success seeing as how she reacted to the paint workshop and the dinner. Thank goodness, he actually was able to ask help from her members - even if they didn't trust him.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were fine, they were nice to him and were pleasantly surprised when they found out about their "relationship." Jennie, on the other hand, was who he was scared of.

The way she talked and the way she texted was what you can call... formal. She types in correct spellings, accurate punctuation marks, and addressed him formally. This was what intimidated him the most. He knew he shouldn't be shocked about their reactions because all he just did was get Jisoo's number from Taehyung and texted her with the lines, hey, it's me jeon jeongguk, tae's co-member. i would like to ask permission to borrow your member lisa for her birthday as she is my girlfriend. thank you.

He regretted saying that afterwards as Jisoo called the number not a second later. Jeongguk was bombarded wtih how did you meet, how did you fall in love, are you sure you aren't going to hurt her, and we should eat dinner together.


Taehyung later then asked him what it was all about. Good thing he deleted the sent text to Jisoo before he could even read it. Just a quiry, Tae.

"Hey, what are you smiling about?" Jimin popped out of nowhere, peeking on his shoulders. He immediately hid the phone in his pocket before he could see it. "Lalisa?" Holy shit, Jeongguk thought as he tried to find an excuse.

"Oh, um, hyung, it's just my friend." He faked a smile, which turned into a grimace. "You know, '97 liners and stuff."

Jimin squinted his eyes and grinned, "EVERYONE! Kookie has a girlfriend!" He shouted on the top of his lungs. The other five members all snapped their heads to them.

Fuck. "What? NO! It's just a fri-" He was instantly tackled to the ground as his phone was removed from his pocket. "Hey, hey! Don't read that!"

"Lalisa, huh?" Namjoon tilted his head as they all tried to peek on his phone which was in Seokjin's hand. "Whose Lalisa? An idol?"

Jimin shrugged, still holding him down, "He did say it was from the '97 liners, so possibly an idol."

Taehyung came to a realization, "You mean Lalisa? As in the Lisa from Blackpink?" All of them turned to look at him, who smiled sheepishly. "Oh no, you didn't. That's why you called Jisoo, huh?"

"Yes, I did, so let go of me and give me back my phone." He struggled to stand up, but to no avail. "What?"

"Is she really your girlfriend?" Yoongi asked, silencing them all. "Just genuinely curious."

"Uh..." He started, "Yes?"

Hoseok scoffed. "I don't believe you."

"You know," Jin spoke, "If that is true, we owe him that gaming computer." His hyungs groaned and some rolled their eyes. "Now pay up."

"Wait," Hoseok stopped, "How'd we know she's really your girlfriend?"


"Hyung, he literally has no female friends that text him everyday except Lisa." Jimin deadpanned, "Besides, he's always smiling whenever he texts her. That's one obvious proof."

Hoseok still didn't buy it, "FaceTime her."

Jeongguk frowned, "What? Why?" He knew his hyungs didn't want to buy him the computer, as to why Hoseok was asking for evidence. He just prayed Lisa would play along. "You know what, nevermind. Give me my phone."

Taehyung and Jimin let go of him and he promptly grabbed the phone from the latter. He went to FaceTime without delay and contacted his girlfriend. "Here goes..."

"Hey, Junglebook. What's up?" Lisa's voice echoed off the wall. His members distanced themselves from behind him just so they couldn't be seen in the frame, "Why'd you call?"

"Oh, uh, hey, darling." He heard Jin snort, along with Yoongi muttering darling, really? "Nothing. What are you up to today?"

Lisa shrugged, "Nothing much. Want to date?" She joked while wriggling her brows.

Thank the heavens! "Nah, I have practice. Don't you?"

She scrunched up her nose, "Actually I do. Say hi to Chaeng." The camera moved to Chaeyoung who was sitting beside her.

"Hey, Jeongguk!" Chaeyoung smiled, to which he returned with a hi, Chaeng. Lisa had been in awe when she knew her members knew about them both. Jisoo had practically yelled how was your date with Jeongguk? when she came back from yesterday night. Thankfully, they didn't ask her to elaborate or else it would've been embarrassing.

"Jennie and Jisoo are over here, dancing." Lisa turned the camera to both girls, giving Jeongguk and the boys a view of the practice room. Surely enough, Jisoo and Jennie were practicing the choreography in the middle of the room.

"Wow, you all look very busy. When's the teaser coming out?" He asked, relaxed now that his members finally have proof. "When will I get to see my girlfriend perform again?"

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Very soon. We also have a Coachella performance coming up so we're a bit tight on the practice."

He frowned, "That's days away, right?" She nodded, "Don't forget to drink water and rest well, darling. Don't overwork yourself." Hoseok snickered.

"I could say the same to you too." Lisa momentarily glanced up and talked to somebody, "Ah, I have to go now. We have to do an entire run for Coachella. Let's talk again later, yeah?"

"Sure. Bye, darling."

"Bye, Junglebook." The call ended.

"There's the proof you wanted." He said with a smug smirk.

Namjoon crossed his arms, "I guess it's true then. Everyone, pay up now."

"Wait," Taehyung said, "I thought they were advertising Samsung? Why are they using Apple?"

Yoongi sighed, "Not everyone obeys the rules, Tae. They have a dating ban but Jeongguk here is dating one of their members." He turned to him, "Say, is YG allowing collaborations for the girls? I think Jennie's rap skills would be necessary for my song."

Jin smacked his head, "You think you're being slick, huh? Give me the money first so we could buy Kookie here his computer."

"Hey, Guk." Hoseok went to him, "Be careful, okay? If both companies find out about this, it won't be pretty. We have to keep this just within ourselves."

"Yes, hyung." He nodded. He knew his members would keep this thing a secret, as well as Lisa's. He was thankful for that.

"Don't be obvious, you both."

"I know that." Jeongguk stood up and smirked, "Anyway, just be sure to send the computer at the Golden Closet tomorrow. 8am, sharp."

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