《Random smut shots》Beginners luck (steddie-starnger things)
Based on "Absolute Beginners"-by IntoTheStardust (AO3)
(S-POV) 2:57
Another "graceful" boring day at work for me and the loser. I was fucking pouring outside and nobody would walk through that to get fucking Footloose. I'm really pissed that I had to be here in the first place, I've been having a crisis and I have no clue what it's about, and today was especially worse. I would have thought my brain would figure out why it's freaking, but it just can't. And it keeps getting worse, I get more pissed by the day, for some reason. I just hope it goes away soon.
I sit grimacing in my self pity before Robin runs in grabbing me by the shoulder shaking me a bit. I huffed and turned to look at her. "Oh my god Steve. Vicky called!!" I do a slow blink at her and give a fake happy face "Woow.. Congratulations Rob." I take my hands of the desk and clap slowly in her face. She scoffs at me. Before continuing to talk, "She wants to go on a date at 7:00." I drop my façade and look back out at the rain on the door. "Did she say date?" I give myself a smirk and Robin starts to think. She scoffs again and turns to lean her back on the table. "Whatever Steve. And besides, what the hell is up your ass today? Hell, all of this week? Lose a couple more girlfriends?" She giggles to herself at her comment and looks back at me. Hell I can tell her right? I remove my elbows from where they are and prop myself up on one hand. "I think I'm having a crisis. But I have no clue what it's about." Robin stares off into space for a second and pushes me further, "It's weird Robin, I'm angry all the time. I hate guys now. Especially Eddie. I think I'm jealous or something? How they can settle down and I can't?" I look back at Robin from staring at the door and see her with a big cheesy smile on her face. I ask whats wrong. Did I say something wrong? I watch her look at the door and back at me. I look at the door and see a man stepping in. Fucking Eddie.
I drop my shoulders, disappointed and a little pissed. He waves at us and gives a big smile. That smile. I hate that smile. He brushes himself off at the opening rug and takes off his leather jacket revealing his club shirt. As he pulled it off his shoulders, I could see the image of his chest. Pecks and all. I stare for a second before it goes away. I look over at Robin with a 'did you see that?!' face and shes just staring at me still, with that same goofy smile. I squint at her and push her away a little. Eddie, with his coat now off walks up to the front desk, placing his hands on to the table, his left hand awfully close to mine. I snatch my hand away, pulling it close to my chest. And he looks at me shocked, "Jeez Steve, something get up your ass today?" Robin gasps and agrees with him. They both look to me and I roll my eyes. They stare for a second and I almost crumble under Eddies stare. I swish my hand, beckoning them to continue their own conversation.
As they start up again, I space staring at Eddie. I can hear their conversation in the back of my head, but I don't register any of it. I look at his eyes as they flutter he he blinks. And his jaw, that moves when he talks. And his chest that expands when he would laugh or take in a big breath. It looked so.. Beautiful. My eyes widen as I finish the thought. But I hate him? I question myself more and more from one thought. My stomach flips when I see Eddie look at me for a second. "Yeah he's completely out of it. Steve. Steeeve." I register that one as I realize he's talking to me. I blink to re-coat my eyes. "Y-Yeah what?" I sputter out. They both laugh and I look at them dissatisfied. Robin explains what they were talking about, ", He wants us to play DND with him Steve. His little club he's got going on?" Eddie points to his shirt, causing it to lift a little, and it to tighten around his pecks. Shit. There it is again. I take a big breath and try to keep my composure. "W-...Why?" I muster. She ask of I listen at all and I finally take my eyes away from Eddie's body. I shake my head no. She huffs and explains Eddie's situation. "He's missing two players Steve. Did you catch that?" I nod yes and think of an answer. Do I really need to play that stupid game? I think and remember something, that you can do whatever you want in that game, as long as you don't die. Mike and Dustin are pretty good, they could keep me afloat, right? I clear my throat and ask of free reign. He replies ",That's basically the entire game." I smile and nod. I play a fake 'I don't know' with them but I eventually do tell them I'll play, "Alright I'll do it. What time?" Eddie gives a smile and says, "in 10 minutes." Me and Robin apparently looked shocked like he had just killed someone because he laughed. "Oh come one, you think anybody's gonna come through that," he pointed to the door, "to get a movie. Come on get ready lets go." Me and Robin looked at each other and shrugged. "Alright." He waved at us as he walked out the door and got into his van, driving off.
Me and Robin pack up the store and we figure we'd close down the store because of the storm. We walk out the door, still slightly covered from the rain by the hang over. We take deep breaths and run to the car, slightly struggling with the car doors before we sit down and contemplate not waiting for the rain to stop. I push the key in the ignition and start the car. Driving out of the parking lot and heading to the school where the club is happening. "Why'd you come play anyway Steve." Robin speaks up, and I think for a second. I knew why, I just couldn't tell her yet. "You'll see." I said and she huffed, "I'll see? Why cant you just tell me?" I focused on my driving for a while and she had a revelation, "It's about Eddie isn't it, you wanted to talk to Eddie." I stayed silent and she nodded, excepting my reasoning. "Alright just don't do anything freaky dude, the kids are gonna be there." I scoff at her and she laughs.
We get to the school and it looks empty. Really empty. We sit in the car for a second and look at each other. "We got this?" I ask and Robin nods. We each open our car doors, close them, and book it toward the schools side door, struggling to get THAT door open too. We finally get inside and take a few deep breaths before heading toward the club room. I grab the handle to the door and I re-think every life decision that brought me here. I open at door and am greeted with a bunch of talking and laughing. I awkwardly walk in and everyone looks at me and Robin. We wave a little and Dustin looks at Eddie. "Seriously? This is the best you could do? The two people who literally can't or won't play normally?" Eddie smiles and tell Dustin to be nice to the guests. I point to the seats that are open and he pats the seat on the corner next to him. I swallow some spit and go to sit down, Robin sitting right next to me. We get situated and Eddie begins his shenanigans, speaking his cheesy intro to the game. Explaining the rules to us newbies and telling us the rotation of players. He hands me and Robin some character sheet and tells us to fill it out. Everyone watches patiently and Robin constantly asks questions about what to write, being guided to pick the worst things out there. I pick my character's abilities and what he will be and place my pencil back on the table. Everyone looks at me shocked. I ask whats wrong and they all ask how I knew what to do. "I could have used some help hut I knew the basics, Dustin can't shut his mouth and I have to listen." Dustin gives a very offended speech about being nice and eventually stops. I smile at him and ask to continue to the real game. They all resume their respective missions before the game to get things started.
As the game starts, Eddie explains where they are headed first and introduces his character, the dumbest name I had ever heard of, 'Lord Helrich'. I chuckle a little and am scolded about the seriousness of the game by Mike. I apologize and wave them on. As he continues I realized Eddie fit as much of himself into the character as possible. He had his build, his hair, and his charm, as he described it. But he had something else, mind control powers that'll work on pretty much anyone, but it will hurt his character to use it, which is why he usually uses his supper strength instead. He pushed us all to introduce our own characters and Mike went first. He had another dumb name made up and his character was completely opposite of Mike, everything that mike wanted to be. 'A ladies man' and 'really big muscled'. All of the character intros where so way out of left field that I couldn't help but smile at some of them. And everyone's finally done and it gets to me. "Well, His name is Steve, and he's a Bard or whatever, and he has the charm to make anyone do something for him by flirting." Everyone is seriously confused by my character. "That's it? Like what are you supposed to do with that?" Mike leans on his hand and looks at me before Eddie interrupts. "Let's get to our first mission. You have to convince Lord Helrich to help you in further travels." Everyone one lights up and looks to me again. "Steve use your charm!" Mike yells again and I comply. "Fine... Lord Helrich, has anyone ever told you how absolutely astonishingly beautiful you are?" Everyone is stunned, they knew it would be flirting but just hearing it was weird. Eddie drops the corner of his smirk and quickly looks away from me, telling the rest of the players that the lord is convinced and will help you further ahead. I lean back away from him and feel a sense of accomplishment. This is going to be fun.
Later into the game, we're down on our luck. We came to a pretty close fight and we didn't know what to do. "Well... it's your turn Steve." Dustin says not very enthusiastically. I tap my fingers on the table and think for a second. My eyes widen with an idea. "Lord Helrich," I say, and Eddie looks up, "I want you to use your powers to tell the monster off." He looks a little stunned I didn't say something flirty, and thinks about it. I smile as I see it land. He leans on the table with his arms crossed and leaning on one hand, "convince me." He says. I pull my chair closer to the table and place my right hand near his, using the other hand to lean on. "Helrich," I grab his attention a little further, "I want would like to kiss you. All day if your up for it." He blushes a little and clears his throat. "I would." We sit there a second but he grows a smirk, "But that wasn't your role." He leans back in his chair. And waved me to role my die. I do, and wait patiently as it rolls across the table. 18. I smile at it and he does too. "Alright, I use my telepathic powers to get the monster to give up. Enemy encounter over." Mike and Dustin cheer clapping and jumping in their chairs. Me and Eddie catch each others eye and he winks. I feel my face heat up and I look back at the table.
Eddie calls for the other two boys to sit down and explains their surroundings, asking them what they want to do. Eddie turns to me when they don't respond asking me if I had any ideas. "Yes. I do." He looks at me with the prettiest face possible, waiting for me to say something. "I want to kiss Lord Helrich. That is my role this time." He pauses for a second, trying to fully understand the extent of the move. "I'll allow it, role for charisma." I smile snatching the die off the table and shaking it in my hands and tossing it back on the table.
"A nat 20." Mike says surprised. Me and Eddie stare at each other a second and he speaks up. "Well... how do you wanna do this Steve." I lift my head up a little still staring at him beginning my speech,
"Uh.." I began, "I step toward him pushing my hair back into its original style, taking into account the battle we've had and how bad it scuffed us up. I caress his face in my hands, tracing his jaw and lovingly rubbing his cheek with my thumb." I see him gulp and his face burn red. "And I start speaking to him. 'You alright?' I ask." I pause and Eddie, the real Eddie responds. "Yes, I am hurt mentally, but I am alright. I wouldn't expect to be perfect, after all that." He says. Dustin speaks up about character and Eddie shushes him.
"I'm glad your ok." Eddie speaks up again, "I'm glad your ok too." I slow blink at him and respond. "I was worried I would lose you or myself before I knew what I really wanted. I have the feeling I need to express what I really think about you." Eddie unknowingly was leaning in, and so was I. "I was confused, and angry because I couldn't figure it out. But I know now. I want- I need to show you." We we're inches away from each others faces before Mike spoke, "I think we should leave." He says to Dustin shooing his out of his chair. Robin grabs their shoulders pushing them back in their chairs, giving them a 'you don't wanna miss this look.' The sliding of their chairs shocks me out of my trance.
"Uh.. yeah and then I kiss him." I say leaning back in my chair, causing Robin and Eddie to groan. I asked what was wrong and they looked at me again. "Seriously? After all that? Thats what we get?" Robin lets out. I shrug and shoots my hands up in the air like he's at gun point, "Hey, I was thinking of the kids." The three laugh and the boys get up from their chairs running out the door before anyone can catch them. "Oh shit I've got a date." Robin says leaping up from her chair and heading for the door. I toss her my keys not taking my eyes off Eddie's lips. She opens the door and steps out rambling her goodbyes and good luck at us. We both smile and he hands me a die as soon as she's out the door. "Roll for charisma." He says.
I smile standing up and scooting my chair away from the table and he walks up between me and the table leaning on it with his arms crossed. I toss the die and quickly snatch him up in a kiss before he looks at it. I get between his leg as he hops up on the table. I lean onto him and place my hands on the desk behind him. I wipe away pieces behind him and lean him back onto the table. Still wrapped in kiss he emits the pretties moans as I lift his shirt with my hands, tracing his v-line and exploring his entire body. I stop my hands on his hips and slowly rub his waist against mine. He puts his hands on my shoulders and lets go of the kiss, trying his best to keep his mouth closed. I put more weight on his crotch with mine and he bites his lip. I grab his chin, my other hand still guiding his hips. I open his mouth, a thread of moans escaping into the room. I reach to unbutton his pants and he taps my shoulder, "Cam-mm-eras." is all he can get out of his mouth before his moans take over again.
Sweating already, I open my eyes again and wipe my forehead off. I laugh a little as I stop our hips from grinding again and so does he. I keep us in the same spot but I look him in his eyes, and he looks as beautiful as ever. "Eddie," I whisper. He looks back at me and stops laughing. "I meant every word I said." He looks like he's about to cry and kisses me. He grows a smirk in our kiss and lets go, "Show me. You can mean it in bed." I smile before continuing the kiss.
Eddie moans into the kiss, completely forgetting about the cameras. He brings his left hand up and tangles it into Steves hair. he bucks his hips up against Steves, desperately trying to create friction. Eddie tugs steves shirt off, steve following the same action after its off. "Gosh, you dont know how long ive been waiting for this" Steve mumbles against the other mans lips. He just nods in agreement, too lost in pleasure to talk coherently. Steve brings his hands down to eddies pants, unbuttons them and unzips them. He pulls them down to his ankles and places his hand on eddies erection. the other male lets out a shaky moan and tries to unbutton steves pants, but has no luck due to how much he is shaking. steve chuckles and takes over on taking off his pants. he brought eddies hand to his hard on. "feel that? thats how hard you make me" eddie moaned in response, still unable to properly answer. harrington pulled off munsons briefs, then his own. he grabbed both of their cocks and rubbed them together. "ahhh... steveeeee..." eddie finally spoke. steve smirked and kissed him. steve ran his hand over eddies thigh and up to his hole, teasing it a little with his index finger. munsons legs shook and moaned into the kiss. harrington pulled back, still rubbing their cocks together, and brought his fingers up to his mouth. munson got the idea and opened his mouth, allowing harrington to put his fingers into his mouth. he ran his tongue around the three digits, lathering them up with saliva. steve pulled his fingers out of his mouth and brought them back down to eddies tight hole. he inserted one finger and slowly pumped it in and out. eddie breathed in deeply and moaned. "please...." "please what, baby?" "i... i need your cock in me..." steve chuckled and replied with "not right now baby, later, when were in my bed.""
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