《Regretting And Rejecting》Chapter 22



Much too soon, I feel myself being jostled awake. I whine in protest and push his hands away before I hear Micah’s chuckle in my ear.

“We’re home, Hannah.” He murmurs and I force my eyes to open. It’s still dark, but the sun looks about ready to peek over the horizon. Griffin doesn’t say anything, just hops out of the car and shifts, shredding his clothes before running off into the forest and letting out a cheerful howl. Micah laughs before pushing open the door. I’m still on his lap, so he stands with me in his arms. He starts towards the packhouse but stops and looks down at me with a hopeful expression on his face.

“Do you want me to take you to your parents’ house?” He asks and I shake my head with a shy smile.

“No, can I stay in my room here?” I ask and he smiles brightly before kissing my forehead.

“You never have to ask. It’s yours anytime you want.” He says and carries me up the stairs. He sits me gently on the bed and stands awkwardly with his hand on the back of his neck. I can’t help but smile at him, knowing he wants to stay but isn’t sure if he should ask.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” He says pointing to the door behind him with his thumb and I nod.

“Will you come back after?” I ask him and his face instantly lights up. He nods and smiles at me.

“Yeah. I’ll bring you some clothes.” He says and I thank him before standing and heading into my own bathroom.

My leg is still a little sore, so standing in the shower is a pain. I manage to get everything but my hair clean before I need to lean against the wall and take the weight off of it. I nearly slip a few times and huff in annoyance. I must have been taking a long time because Micah knocks on the door.

“You alright, sweetness? You seem annoyed.” He says and I growl a little.

“Can you come in here, please?” I yell, a little nervous but it’s like four in the morning I’m not going to wake up my mom or Katie just to have them come wash my hair. The door creaks open slowly, and Micah’s scent engulfs me, made so much stronger by the steam.


“What’s up?” He asks and I pull the curtain back.

“My leg hurts, can you help me wash my hair?” I ask and his eyes go wide before he visibly gulps.

“In there?” He asks, his voice a higher pitch than usual. I giggle a little and nod.

“You sure?” He asks and I roll my eyes.

“Yes. Now get in here and help me. My hair is covered in dirt and the blood of my enemies.” I brag and he chuckles before slipping his sweatpants down. I try not to look between his legs, but I can’t help it. I catch sight of the monstrosity and it’s my turn to gulp.

That’s supposed to fit where?

“Like what you see?” Micah asks with a cocky smirk before climbing in behind me. I turn around, mostly so he can’t see the intense blush on my face, but that only makes him laugh harder. I feel his warm hands on my hips and my skin pebbles under his touch. My heart begins to race as my breathing comes in pants. Micah pulls me back so I’m against his chest. He leans down and kisses my neck, breathing me in as his hands circle my waist, never going below my belly button.

“Mmmm… you’re so soft.” He murmurs, running his fingertips over my belly making me shiver against him. “And you smell good.” He says pushing my hair back so he can tuck his nose further into my neck. “And you’re so incredibly beautiful.” He whispers against my ear, kissing along my neck and jaw. I close my eyes and try to turn, but my leg bends awkwardly, and I curse at the pain.

“I’m sorry. I came in here to wash your hair. I got distracted.” Micah says with a sheepish smile making me grin.

He lifts me and turns me so my breasts are squished against his chest. I can feel his hardened length pressed against my belly as he works shampoo into my hair and rinses it carefully.

“I love your hair. I don’t know how you get it so shiny, but it makes you look like an angel when the sun hits it.” He says, almost like he didn’t mean to say it out loud. I giggle and move a little closer to him. My leg begins to throb, so I lift it and try not to lose my balance.


“Lean on me.” He says pulling me towards him. I wrap my arms around him and let him finish with my hair. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me gently. “I won’t let you fall.” He says, before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. His words felt like they meant more than he wouldn’t let me slip in the shower and I wonder if it’s possible that Micah could be someone I can depend on. A partner, someone to help me grow, pick me up when I fall and be proud of me when I succeed.

He pulls away from the sweet kiss much sooner than I want him to and turns off the water before helping me out. Once we’re both dressed and in bed, he pulls me against him, and I relax into his warmth.

“Let’s get some sleep. But can we talk when we wake up?” He asks hopefully and I nod.

“Yes, we should talk.” I say sleepily with a little yawn. I hear Micah’s heart rate kick up and look at him curiously.

“You’ve made up your mind already, haven’t you?” He asks, more like accuses, but there’s no anger in his tone.

“Yes.” I say and he takes a deep breath.

“Just lay it on me, sweetness. What’s it gonna be? I’ll never sleep now without knowing.” He asks and I smile at him.

“Well, what do you think? Should I give you a chance? A real chance? Or should I cut my losses and keep searching for a pack?” I ask and he groans.

“I hate these little tests you give me.” He mutters under his breath and I smile but continue to look at him expectantly.

“I’m doing my best, Hannah. To give you the space and time that you need. I let you leave, even though it hurt. I tried not to bother you while you were gone. I only ran after you because I was worried you were in danger. I wasn’t even going to find you; I was just going to stay close by in case you needed me. I’ve been training harder, learning more about the pack with my father. I have been doing everything I can to show you that I can be a good Alpha and a mate that is worthy of you. But, at the end of the day, if you want to leave, or if you don’t think I can make you happy… Well, I stand by what I said. I will respect that decision even if it will hurt. Because you’re worth it. You’re too special, too important to try and force you into something that will make you miserable. So, I will do anything to make you happy. Even if it means accepting your rejection.” He says firmly and I stare at him. His eyes flick to mine nervously and he’s waiting with bated breath for my response.

“I know, Micah. I know you are making an effort. I know you are trying things you never have before, and you are working so hard to prove to me and everyone else that you can be what we need you to be. The question is, is that enough?” I ask and he looks at me expectantly. I let him wait a few seconds and then he growls before shaking me gently.

“Come on, woman. Stop torturing me!” He begs and I giggle before wrapping my arms around him.

“It’s enough. For now. You have impressed me and as long as your behavior continues in this direction, I will stay by your side. You have earned my loyalty.” I tell him and he smiles before it drops a little.

“But not your love?” He asks and I shake my head.

“Not yet. But I hope you keep trying. If there's one thing I've learned about you in the last couple of weeks, it's that you can be persistent. Sometimes to the point of annoying.” I say and he nods.

“You’re right about that.” He says with a wide smile before pressing his lips to mine gently and pulling me close to him.

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