《Regretting And Rejecting》Chapter 20



I didn't like this pack. Not at all. I kept it to myself for the first couple of days, trying to find a redeeming quality, but had decided to discuss it with Micah.

'Micah?' I ask through our link.

'What's up, buttercup?' I smile at his voice in my head.

'This pack is awful.' I say firmly and I think I've shocked him a little.

'Why? Did they do something to you? Did someone hurt you?' He asks worriedly.

'No. But it's basically a military compound. Every moment of every day is scheduled, they train like warriors, they barely have any free time. They don't even have a park for the kids. It's terrible!' I exclaim and I can feel Micah worrying about me through our bond.

'You don't have to stay there, sweetness. I can see if the next pack will take you a few days early, or you could come home for a few days. Whatever you want to do.' He offers sweetly and my heart aches at the idea of going home, but I don't think I could force myself to leave again.

'As much as I want to go home, I feel like I have gained some really good insights by visiting other packs. Can you see if they'll take us a few days early?' I ask and I can hear his sigh of disappointment.

'Sure thing. You want to stay longer then or still just a week?'

'Just a week.' I respond quickly and he chuckles.

'Anxious to come back to me?' He teases and I giggle.

'Maybe. I've missed you, Micah.' I say sadly and he sighs.

'I've missed you too, sweetness.'

'Really?' I ask playfully making him chuckle.

'Yes. I had to beg your mom to let me borrow your pillow, as pathetic as it sounds. Your scent is the only thing that helps me sleep.' He admits and I can't help but laugh. 'I'll call the Alpha right now. Get you out of there.' He says.

'Thank you.'

'Anything for you.' He responds before I feel the link break.

It doesn't take him long to let me know that the next pack is fine with me coming early. He had also called the alpha of the pack we are staying in to tell him he needed Griffin back so we were leaving early. I was glad I didn't have to come up with a reason because 'your pack is a hell hole' probably isn't something I should say to an alpha.


We were loaded up and on the road within half an hour and after I forced Griffin to stop at the giant bookstore and took my sweet time browsing, all the while mind linking Micah to tell him how excited I was about a few books I thought he'd like. He didn't seemed thrilled about reading, but he seemed to be understanding me more as a person, what I need from him as my mate. We made more progress apart than we probably ever could have together.

We reached the next pack and as soon as we hit the borders, we could sense the unease. There were a large number of patrol wolves around the borders and even more standing around the packhouse where the alpha waited for us. We slowly exited the vehicle and approached him, both baring our necks in submission.

"Everything OK, Alpha?" Griffin inquires, taking a protective stance in front of me.

"Yes, just some issues with another pack. The next door alpha is a little high strung, we've increased patrols but nothing to worry about." He goes over the rules for the pack like every other alpha does with visitors before we are shown our rooms.

I feel uneasy the whole time, every little sound making me jump. I walk next door to Griffin's room and knock on the door. He opens it and I see he had two twin size beds instead of my one queen and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Can I sleep in here with you? This place is creeping me out." He nods and grabs my arm, snatching me into the room and swiftly locking the door behind me.

"I don't like it, Hannah. I don't think that Alpha was being honest. I think the problem is much bigger than he let on but he didn't want to concern his pack." Griffin says, pulling back the curtain from the window an inch so he could look outside. I feel my nerves begin to fray and soon Micah notices.

'What's wrong, Hannah?' He asks and I sigh.

'Nothing. Just weird vibes. This pack seems on alert.' I say and Micah growls a little.

'Alpha Mike didn't say anything when I talked to him earlier. Are you in danger? If you are, get in the car and leave right now.' He says and I am seriously tempted.


'No, there's nothing happening. The patrol wolves just seem anxious. It's putting Griffin on edge and that puts me on edge.' I explain and Micah huffs out an annoyed breath and cuts the link. I look over at Griffin and see his eyes glaze over and he must be mind linking Micah. He nods at the end before I feel Micah back in my head.

'Hannah. Don't be mad at me, but I want you to leave in the morning. Griffin has a bad feeling about what's going on and I don't want to take any chances. We can reschedule your visit or you can go to a different pack, but please come home. Just do as I ask this one time.' He practically begs and I know it was hard for him to make that decision.

'OK, Micah. We'll leave early in the morning. Won't even stay for breakfast.' I concede and I can feel his relief through the bond.

'Thank you, sweetness. Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.' He says with a twinge of excitement and I smile before burrowing in the blankets. He always waits for me to cut the link, but tonight I leave it open. His presence in my mind is soothing my frazzled nerves.

"Go to sleep, Griffin." I tell him and he grunts at me.

"This place is bad news, Hannah. I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You just want me to drive the whole way home." I accuse him and he grunts in response.

"It would be nice for you to drive every once in awhile, princess." He quips and I growl lowly at him making him smile.

"It's not my fault you think I drive too slow." I hurl back.

"You're not an old lady, Hannah! You can go a little over the speed limit!" He exclaims.

"It's called a speed LIMIT, Griffin. The limit. That's the highest you're supposed to go!" I squeal and he just scoffs before turning and looking back out the window.

'That was entertaining.' Micah says in my mind, his voice full of amusement.

'Sorry. Forgot it was still open.' I say shyly and his warm chuckle reverberates through my mind.

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll see you soon.' He responds. I lay my head down and relax as much as possible.

I feel like I've barely slept when Griffin nudges me awake.

"Hannah. We gotta go. Get your shit and get to the car." He says urgently and my eyes go wide.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask and he hushes me.

"Stay quiet. This pack is under attack." He whispers.

I jump out of bed and move as quietly as possible. I just grab some clothes to throw on and Griffin grabs the keys before we move out of the packhouse. He puts me behind him, keeping his arm wrapped around me protectively. I hear sounds of fighting in the distance and wonder how the hell we're going to get out of here.

"Fuck." Griffin mutters under his breath. He must have had the same thought I did.

'Micah?' I reach for him worriedly through our link and our bond. I have felt it more lately, more able to attune into his emotions.

'Yeah, sweetness?' I hear him answer almost immediately. I'm surprised he sounds fully awake.

'This pack is under attack. Grif and I are trying to get out.' I say, rushed by my fear.

'God damn it!' His voice is loud and angry. 'Just, get somewhere safe, sweetness. I'm on my way.'

'Micah you're hours away even if you run in wolf form.' I say exasperated.

'No I'm about twenty minutes out. I started running last night when I felt how worried you were. I'll be there soon. Just get somewhere safe.' He reiterates and my heart expands with affection for this man. He was already on his way to me, before I even knew I needed him.

'Try to make it in fifteen.' I tell him, just as I hear the snarl from wolves closing in all around us.

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