《Zach's Secret Babies》Chapter Twenty-Two


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The next morning, Sam woke up late having a little fever. Zach wasn't around but he knew Zach had taken care of him seeing a clean rug and a stainless basin full of cold water at the table beside the bed. Sitting up, another rug drops on his lap from his forehead. He took it and put it aside standing up. He wondered where his lover was.

Feeling a little sluggish, he stepped out of the room and into the kids' room but seeing how the kids were not in there, Sam had slightly panicked. He immediately climbs down the stairs, his heart picking up a pace. He tried to calm himself down thinking Zach might have taken the kids out but it only helped a little. He looks around the whole area when his eyes landed on a man who had slightly similar features with Zach but softer. It's like his aura was emitting gentleness compared to Zach who's rough and overwhelming.

" Uhmm, " Sam started but his words were stopped when another man came in looking for Timothy.

" I thought you need help. " The man said not noticing Sam. Asking the man to go ahead of him, Timothy once again turned to look at Sam.

" You must be looking for Allen and Alex, right? " Timothy smiled and Sam nodded awkwardly looking at the couple. " Come with us, they're with mom and dad in the garden. Zach just came down too," he added making Sam breath in relief, staggering a little Sam manages to reach Timothy which supported Sam openly.

" I never knew Allen and Alex are my nephews. I see them all the time at my son's school. " Timothy chatted which surprised Sam as well. His son was Allen and Alex's classmate at school.

" They're friends with my son and I heard from Matt that the twins always saved him from the bullies. I'm really greatful to them. My Matt is really timid and other kids tend to bully him because he's quiet. I've reported and complained to the faculty, Peacewood Kindergarten School is Matt's third school since he started studying and I feel bad always making him transfer. I want Matt to experience how it is to make friends and play outside like normal kids but if the bullying continues I was considering homeschooling him. When your kids arrived, my baby boy was saved. He's happier and he talks more a lot now. You really raised your kids well. I am very grateful. " Timothy continued, they halted from their walk. The man reached to touch Sam's hand with teary eyes and immediately, Sam knew how Timothy was so grateful towards Allen and Alex and to Sam.


" Oh no, I just taught them what I think was right. I heard a lot of things about Matt and you as well and your son was very sweet and nice to the twins, maybe that's why they had developed a responsibility to protect him. You raised your kid well. " Sam replied earning a smile from the older man.

" Thank you. And now I'm happy to know they're actually cousins and we're family. " Timothy excitedly, then pulled Sam's hands until they reached the garden where Mr. and Mrs. Welton were sitting on their chairs snacking on some tea and cakes. Allen, Alex, and Matt playing not too far away from their view with Zach supervising them.

The moment Sam and Timothy arrived, Mrs. Welton stood up and welcomed Sam.

" Oh dear, I heard you had a fever. Are you okay? I told Garry not to scare you kids but he was stubborn. " She greeted urging Sam to sit with them on the table. Awkwardly, Sam had no choice but to follow the Zach's mother and stiffened as he finally sat. He never imagined he would wake up and the situation had turned like this.

" I-I'm okay madam, just a little sluggish. "

" No need to be so formal dear. We're now family, I'm sorry about what had happened in the past days, Garry my husband is just a stubborn man. I told him to let Zacheus be but he insists a Welton can't be with an Abiñon. " Mrs. Welton said and gazed at his husband just beside her. Garry Welton just took and a sip of his tea and continued to watch the three kids with Zach. Zach hasn't notice Sam yet so Sam.

" uhmmn, " Sam tried to reply but he couldn't say anything, Mrs. Welton understood and turned to Zach and called him. When Sam turned to look, Timothy and the man earlier was with them as Zach turned to see Sam was sitting with his parents.

" Hey, mommy is awake. " Zach told the twins which made them turn towards Sam almost immediately, Allen and Alex then turned to Matt.

" Matt, that's Mommy. Wanna say, Hi? " Allen offered which the boy turned to Sam as well and nodded okay. Not too long after, the kids run towards Sam with the little boy Matt behind them. Allen and Alex being jumping towards Sam's body in excitement.


" Mommy! Mommy! Matt is here. " Allen said jumping up and down while Alex already climbing on Sam's lap which Sam held him smiling.

" I heard. Did you have fun? How was your sleep? " Sam asked the kids.

" Hmm, it's okay. Allen and Alex meet a new Grandmama and Grandpapa. And Matt is here. " Allen burst them gently pulled Matt towards Sam. Looking at the obviously timid little boy, Sam smiled and rubbed the kid's hair.

" Are you Matt? You're such a nice kid, keep being friends with Allen and Alex, okay? " Sam said making the little boy shyly nod. Seeing this he immediately compared to Alex who's also quiet most of the time but they were quite different. Although, Alex was quiet, once he's comfortable with a person, he tends to open up, unlike Matt who seems to have lack of confidence altogether. Softly smiling, Sam wishes Allen and Alex could really help the kid to build up his own confidence in the future.

" Sam, why are you up? You're sick. " As Zach arrived, he worriedly picks up Alex and put'es him down from his lover's lap and held Sam's forehead making the little man pout but he understood his mother was sick since Zach had oriented them this morning.

" You're still sick. You still haven't recovered from your condition. " Ignoring his parents, Zach scolded Sam and pulled him up from his chair and then to his arms. Seeing this, Timothy and Mrs. Welton were stunned while Garry Welton and the other man just rolled their eyes.

" Honey, Can you still do that to me now? " Michelle Welton pouted to her husband.

" No honey, I'm already too old for that. " Garry Welton replied in a monotone making Michelle Welton pout. He hated when his husband's face turned stiff. Meanwhile, the man with Timothy looked at him making Timothy raised his eyebrows. Just recently, the man confessed to him that he was his husband before he lost his memories. The man showed him their marriage certificate and photos of them together during their high school and college days. Although the man was sweet, Timothy confessed that after he lost his memory, he lost his love as well. He knew he hurt the man but he was so nice to him that he didn't want to pretend. The old him might have loved his husband but all that was gone and now until his memories come back, he would remain friends with him.

" What? " Timothy asked which the man replied by shaking his head then turned to his son and to the twins who stayed behind and offered them to continued playing.

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" I'm fine Zach, Please put me down. " Sam begged as his lover now climed the stairs after taking a little trip to the kitchen and ordered someone to sent food to their room.

" I'll put you down when we arrive at the bed. I noticed you gripping on your stomach. It must be the ulcer, I told you not underestimate it. " Zach scolded again Sam just pouted, just earlier he honestly felt fine but after feeling nervous being with Zach's parents, his stomach started hurting and it still hurts now.

" I'm sorry. I was worried. I just went to check Allen and Alex but they weren't in their room. " Sam explained.

" Okay, but next time be careful okay? I've talked to dad and He genuinely wants to be family. He won't be a hindrance to us anymore, he even said he was planning to talk it out with your father. " Zach said making Sam surprised that Garry Welton was willing to talk to his father. If that's really true then maybe there was a chance, the only problem was if his father was willing to talk to him and settle things once and for all.

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